
Chapter 104 Jumping Event

In the journey these days, Ye Jiu remembers the hotel the most, because he has spent every night in the past few days, and the little rabbit cat is always inseparable from him, and it seems that they have established some kind of indelible relationship.

"Little guy, there are many flavored snacks in Shaanxi, and now you are blessed."

"I hope so!"

"Little thing, look at you so reluctantly, why don't we go back! I'll take you to Wushan. My master is very good at cooking. Maybe you will like what he makes.

"Don't, don't, don't put him in front of me. You know I'm afraid of him, but you deliberately say that. Don't you have ulterior motives? Say, did you do this to me on purpose?"

Ye Jiu was forced to ask by the little rabbit cat, and his face suddenly became heavy, because he felt that the danger was gradually approaching them.

"No, something is coming. You can hide it first. If I can't deal with it, you can help secretly, so that we will also save some time."

"Okay, be careful. Call me if you can't beat it."

The little rabbit cat really regards itself as the savior, but in its eyes, Ye Jiu is indeed weak, and it has always been a very powerful one, so it is about protecting this problem.

Although, as the name implies, it is Ye Jiu protecting the rabbit cat, in fact, it has always been the rabbit cat that secretly protects Ye Jiu, but Ye Jiu does not know it. If he knew, I believe he will never treat the rabbit cat now.


A miserable cry came from the quiet night sky to Ye Jiu's ears. Following the sound, Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat came to the teaching building of a school, and the lights of the school dormitory lit up one after another.

"Who screamed there in the middle of the night? Why don't you let people sleep?"

Finally, a man couldn't help roaring, and then several dissatisfied people quarreled.

"Someone jumped off the building again..."

I don't know who shouted, which silenced everyone. This is the fifth suicide by jumping off a building this month.

The teachers in the student department always seem to be late, and they don't have a good reason. At most, they will only say that they are far away, so they come late.

"What's going on? Why did someone jump off the building again? The headmaster grabbed a student with an angry face.

The student who was caught complained secretly, "Report...report to the principal, I... I don't... don't know..."

"Get out of here... useless things."

The principal impatiently pushed the student away and strode to the scene. The rest of the teachers and security guards on duty silently followed the principal.

At this time, no one dares to go over half a step, and they are silent, because if they don't speak properly at this time, they will be scolded by the headmaster and expelled directly.

Ye Jiuyin went to the figure of himself and the rabbit cat and quietly followed the principal to the crime scene. When the principal and the teachers walked to the place of the student who jumped off the building, they were shocked, my God! What kind of cruel way of death is this...

The deceased's face was facing up, with an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, staring in front of him in horror, but his hands were back together, and his feet were also tied...

"This... This..." A female teacher fainted. Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat looked at each other, and then quietly walked to the dormitory building without making a sound.

Li Jianyun was fighting with the beautiful woman under him. Suddenly, the mobile phone on the table rang, and Li Jianyun suddenly became discouraged.

"Hey, who? Why did you call at this time? Li Jianyun grabbed the phone impatiently and roared.

Li Jianyun is the captain of the X Hunting Archives Group of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The X Hunting Archives Group specializes in solving those headless cases, that is, some cases that have been sealed for a long time or the way of death is too strange, and they are all unbreakable.

Li Jianyun is a veteran of solving cases. As soon as those headless cases come to him, they will be stripped of cocoons, and in the end, the criminals will have nowhere to escape.

In three years, he has solved many strange cases, but he has always been in the position of captain of the X Hunting Archives Group, and he has never been able to be promoted, because his private life is not good.

"Bad boy, where are you playing with women again? Pay attention to private life, how many times have I told you"

Li Jianyun can't be more familiar with this voice. This person is none other than his immediate superior, Xiao Hexiao.

"Ok, Director, stop saying those hypocritical words. Aren't you also unrestrained and romantic? Hey, I said, Director, do you still have any humanity? Don't you know that men will not lift * after being frightened when they are doing things?

Li Jianyun doesn't need to guess why the director called. He can be said to be in the Three Treasures Hall! And every time I make a personal call to him, nothing good will happen.

"Cough... How do I know you're working? You didn't tell me in advance." The person on the other side of the phone was obviously a little embarrassed, but he still brazenly continued.

"Okay, let's talk about it. What's going on?"

Li Jianyun was so disturbed by the director that he had no desire at all, so he pushed away the woman beside him, held the phone in one hand, grabbed the clothes on the ground in the other and put them on his body.

"A student jumped off a building at the University of Hong Kong. This time, the way of death is even more horrible than the previous ones. Come here quickly! I'll be there again."

"Why did another student jump off the building? Why is the school so evil? After complaining, Li Jianyun kept wearing clothes. It seemed that he was ready to go to the scene.

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour."

Li Jianyun hung up the phone, and the woman of ** looked a little sad at this time. As soon as her fire was adjusted, the man in front of her pushed her away. I'm afraid she couldn't stand it.

"Brother Yun, do you really want to leave?"

The woman's enchanting voice made Li Jianyun tremble all over, but after thinking of the case, he still opened the door and left. Before leaving, he threw 1,000 yuan to the woman.

"Bad man, you have guts. Be careful when you walk at night in the future. Be careful that one day I will turn you into a eunuch..."

When the woman saw that Li Jianyun left without looking back, she suddenly became angry. Regardless of any image, she directly scolded in the direction where Li Jianyun left.

Li Jianyun went down to the third floor, and the woman's voice was still faintly wrapped around his ear.

"Fit, you must turn off the phone next time you do something." Li Jianyun walked out of the building, but his mouth was still cursing.

About half an hour later, Li Jianyun really appeared on the campus of Hong Kong University. At this time, the campus had been blocked by the police.

There are many police officers outside the school gate, and outsiders can no longer enter it, and the students inside can't come out. The school gate of Hong Kong University is also surrounded by reporters and bold drivers, so the whole school gate is in a mess.

Li Jianyun entered the crime scene directly with *. At this time, Director Xiao He was talking to a fat man. Li Jianyun was already familiar with the person who looked like Zhu Bajie. He was Zhu Yingjun, the principal of this school.

However, his appearance simply insulted the word handsome. Li Jianyun quietly walked behind them and slapped Zhu Yingjun on the shoulder directly. This slap made Zhu Yingjun kneel on the ground in fear.

"Hey, old pig, why are you so timid?" Li Jianyun saw the result he wanted to see, so he also laughed.

Zhu Yingjun's Zhu is *'s Zhu, but Li Jianyun is not optimistic about this person, because he always looks obscene, and his whole body is no different from pigs, so Li Jianyun directly calls him the old pig.

"Xiao Li, just come here. Don't scare me, okay? I was so shocked just now. Look at you... Alas, Director Xiao, at least talk about your men."

Zhu Yingjun had seen the person coming clearly. At this time, he got up awkwardly from the ground and muttered and complained.

"Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, old pig, you haven't done anything wrong, are you afraid of a bird?" Xiao He didn't seem to buy Zhu Yingjun's account and directly handed a cigarette to Xiao He.

"Ok, I won't talk nonsense to you two. I'll go to the crime scene first." Li Jianyun wanted to go back early, so he simply said a few words to Xiao He.

When he came to the scene of the crime, he saw that the ground was full of dark red blood stains. The student's face was facing up and his eyes were straight at Li Jianyun, as if warning him not to approach him, but the deceased's face showed a strange smile, which made Li Jianyun tremble all over...

"Damn, it's really damn it, it's this damn smile again."

Li Jianyun was very impressed by this strange smile, and so were the first few dead. Whether their bodies were fragmented or whatever, there would be this strange smile on his face.

Because this smile is not like the smile of ordinary people, but the kind of smile, with seductive, but resentment and fear, it impressed Li Jianyun very much.

Zhu Yingjun and Director Xiao were chatting. Suddenly, the mobile phone in his trousers pocket vibrated. Zhu Yingjun took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a strange mobile phone number, but still pressed the answer button.

"Next is you, hahahaha..."

A gloomy and seductive voice came to Zhu Yingjun's ears. Zhu Yingjun shivered all over his body, and his mobile phone fell directly to the ground.

The voice came from hell. Zhu Yingjun suddenly seemed to be angry and squatted on the ground like a pool of mud, staring straight at the other side of the crime scene.

Xiao He saw that Zhu Yingjun suddenly became decadent after answering the phone, so he asked, "Lao Zhu, what's the matter? Whose phone call made you so depressed?

"Ghost...ghost...ah...don't come here, don't come here..."

Zhu Yingjun suddenly seemed to be crazy. He stood up directly and ran to the crime scene. Although he was fat and his body was up and down when he ran, it did not seem to affect the speed of his running.

Xiao He quickly called the policeman to stop Zhu Yingjun, but Zhu Yingjun was already unconscious and didn't know what he was saying, but the expression on his face was very rich, crying and laughing.

Li Jianyun was thinking about the problem when he suddenly saw Zhu Yingjun running towards him like crazy. That momentum really shocked Li Jianyun.

Although Li Jianyun has been to the fighting arena, if all the 300 catties of meat are pressed on his 160 catties, it will definitely be unafable.