
Chapter 120 Horror Journey

Seeing that it was not very early, Ye Jiu sent it to the hotel near Jiuzhaigou. Looking at the hotel with black fog in front of him, Ye Jiu's face was a little heavy. It seemed that he had come to another uneasy place. After waking up the rabbit cat, Ye Jiu carefully stepped into the door of the hotel.

"Xiaojiu, it's so quiet!"

The little rabbit swallowed his saliva and pulled Ye Jiu's clothes in horror. Ye Jiu gently patted him on the back a few times.

"Who are you?"

While Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat were nervous, suddenly a girl appeared in front of them, which scared the rabbit cat to scream a few times.


" shut up."

The girl suddenly became a little unhappy and seemed to hate the word. Ye Jiu saw that she was a ghost, but he couldn't see that she had any bad intentions. In fact, ghosts were also good and bad. Those that Ye Jiu usually cleaned up were evil spirits. For good ghosts, he was asked to be reincarnated directly.

"I'm sorry, you appeared so suddenly that it was shocked."

Ye Jiu explained to the girl politely. When the girl saw that Ye Jiu was not afraid, she looked at him a few more times.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Did you accept me?"

"No, you misunderstood. We just passed by here. Because we heard about the beauty of Jiuzhaigou, we came here to play. Unfortunately, because it was too late, we wanted to spend the night, but we didn't expect to meet you."

Ye Jiu said the general meaning, and the girls also understood it.

"You'd better change places!"

The girl didn't seem to want to explain anything to Ye Jiu. After saying this, she turned around and planned to leave. Ye Jiu suddenly stopped her.

"Don't go yet. Although we are passing by, I am also a warlock. You are already a ghost. Why don't you go to reincarnate?"

"I also want to be reincarnated, but I don't want to."

The girl suddenly showed her resentful appearance, and Ye Jiu also guessed a little in her heart. For the ghosts who died in vain, most of them were like her.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

The girl frowned and thought for a moment, and then reluctantly told Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat what had happened to her:

My name is Gu Anyan. The story is an incident that happened in our village three years ago. Now that I still have a lingering heart. That day was the annual sacrifice in our village. My sister Xia Yan and my cousin Rouer got up very early. At dawn, we couldn't wait to run to the only large supermarket in the village to buy sacrifices. West, this supermarket is very large, with 44 floors and can take the elevator. Xia Yan and Rouer's cousins like to take the elevator very much, but I'm a little disgusted with this. Maybe it doesn't feel safe!

My sister Xia Yan and cousin Rouer ran very fast and left me far behind. They ran into the elevator and closed the elevator door directly, saying that they were exercising me and letting me take the elevator alone... I really couldn't laugh or cry at that time!

The elevator stopped on the 43rd floor, and the supermarket has 44 floors, but no one has been to the 44th floor, because the 44th floor is said to be illegal and blocked...

The elevator came down in a short time. To be honest, I haven't taken the elevator in my age, because I inexplicably refused the elevator, but I can't take it this time, because I can't climb the stairs to the 43rd floor! Alas... I'm usually too timid, otherwise why do they always laugh at me?

The elevator opened at this time, and I bravely went in. I closed the door and pressed the 43rd floor directly. The elevator rose slowly. I felt a little cold. Maybe the temperature in the elevator was relatively low! It didn't take long to get to the 42nd floor, and the first floor arrived. I exhaled and arrived on the 43rd floor, but it didn't stop. I wondered if I had just pressed the wrong button.

Just when I recalled that I pressed the wrong floor, the elevator stopped and stopped at the door of the 44th floor. The cold wind suddenly poured in. I shivered. I wanted to close the door, but the elevator did not respond at all. At this time, I thought it might be broken!

I got out of the elevator and wanted to find the stairs, but there were only 4 rooms on the 44th floor. I think the stairs may be in a room!

I opened the first room, and there were four white walls inside. There was nothing, not even dust. I think it may be cleaned here every day!

I retreated and opened the second and third room. It was also a blank wall and there was no window. I laughed. This may be the reason why I said it was illegal at the beginning! Think about it, who built the room without the only fourth room? I think this may be the exit! I was about to open the door when I suddenly heard someone talking in the room. I knocked on the door to show that someone outside wanted to go in, but no one answered for a long time. I think maybe I left for fear of being seen!

I twisted the door handle and pushed the door in. There were indeed stairs in it. In addition to the stairs, there was a separate room. The door was very ancient. There was a rusty chain on it. I was not very curious, so I didn't look at it and went straight down the stairs. Sure enough, I arrived at the 43rd floor within a few minutes. I opened the door and opened the door. The noodles are very lively and crowded. I think they may be waiting for me at the door of the elevator!

I walked around and found the door of the elevator. They were crying at the door, surrounded by security guards and people like supermarket managers. They seemed to be comforting them. I ran over and asked what was wrong? As soon as they saw me, they were stunned for a moment, then hugged me and asked me if I was all right?

I said in a daze, "What's wrong with you? What are you playing again?"

Cousin Rouer said, "You scared us to death. Not long after we came up, the hanging line of the elevator broke. We thought you..." After saying that, we cried again...

I said depressedly, "No way? I just sat on the 44th floor. I pressed the wrong floor and wanted to come down again, but the elevator stopped on the 44th floor and there was no response. I was busy looking for the stairs to come down, so I came a little late.

My sister Xia Yanbai glanced at me and said, "It's a lie again. I heard that the 44th floor was sealed before it was finished. How can there be a way to go to the 44th floor?"

I took them to the door of the stairs I just came down. When I opened the door, I found that there were only the stairs that went down, not up, but I just really came down from above! What's going on...

Just when I was puzzled, my cousin patted me and said comfortingly, "It doesn't matter. We don't blame you this time. Fortunately, you came up the stairs, or you will die."

Xia Yan also smiled and agreed. I snorted in a muffled voice. Now it's nonsense. I have to think about what's going on!

The three of us quickly bought all the sacrificial things. Because the elevator was broken, we had to take the stairs. It was not easy to get down the stairs. When I got to the door, I found a lot of people crying outside, saying that someone in my family was trapped inside because the elevator fell down...

The ambulance arrived at this time. The three of us did not leave. We wanted to see how many people were trapped inside. The elevator door was soon pried open. There were two people in it, a man and a woman...

The man's neck was stuck in the steel bar, and the woman's stomach was inserted with several steel wires, spitting blood, and her eyes were afraid to stare at it...

I rolled in my stomach and ran out to vomit. My cousin and sister also ran out to vomit...

When our stomach was comfortable, we went home slowly and didn't say anything when we got home...

The day passed quickly, the night came quickly, and the sacrifice was about to begin. The sacrifice in our village was at 9 p.m. I forgot the reason!

The altar was very high. Everyone held the sacrifices one after another and knelt down on the altar and then put the sacrifices. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the candles on the altar went out. I suddenly fainted. When I woke up, I found myself at the door of the supermarket elevator. I was dumbfounded. I pinched myself hard and found that it was true. I'm not dreaming.

I got up and wanted to run out, but my legs and feet couldn't help walking into the elevator. I was so scared that I almost cried and wanted to call for help, but I couldn't make a sound.

Entering the elevator, the door suddenly closed, and the elevator rose quickly and stopped on the 44th floor in a few seconds. After the door opened, I went out. Just after I went out, the elevator disappeared and my legs and feet returned to freedom. I could also make a sound, but I didn't dare to speak. I felt like I would die as soon as I spoke...

I quietly walked to the fourth room, because I still remember the scene during the day. I wanted to get out of here like during the day, but after the door of the fourth room opened, I didn't see the stairs. There was only the old door inside. During the day, it was still locked by a rusty chain, but now it has been opened...

I walked in tremblingly. There was a large space inside. There was a large pool, and the water seemed to be very hot, because it was bubbling at this moment...

I looked around and saw that there was nothing but this pool. I wanted to exit, but the door suddenly closed and I shook the door hard, but there was nothing but the sound of the chain...

I cried with fear and sat on the ground empty and feebly. At this time, a strong smell of blood came. I looked up and saw the big pool, in which was not water, but blood... A pool of blood was boiling with bubbles. I was disgusted and wanted to vomit. As soon as I lowered my head, there was a head in my body. As I rolled, I shouted and hurried back to the pool, because there was no place to hide...

The sweat kept flowing on my head, and suddenly there was a tingling pain on my left foot. A hand stretched out in the blood pool and pulled my foot, as if to pull me into the blood pool. I cried in horror and kept struggling. I kicked the hand with my right foot to kick it off. At this time, the woman's head rolled to my hand and I opened the head hard. , his head was hit into the blood pool, and only a scream was heard...

I didn't have time to be afraid. I just kicked the hand hard. In fact, it was just a white-boned claw. I may have used too much strength. The arm was broken by me, but the claw was still on my ankle. At this time, the door suddenly opened, and I rushed out of the door before I could break the claws...

Run to the door of the elevator. The elevator was open. I hurried in and pressed the first floor. After the elevator door closed, I went down...

But it took a long time to get to the 4th floor. Suddenly, the board under my feet fell, and I fell with it. I remembered the tragic death of the woman during the day, and I cried...

I don't know how long it took. I heard my sister Xia Yan and my cousin call me. I slowly opened my eyes and found that I was lying in my house**.

They saw me wake up and took a big breath. Rou'er said, "For good, the village head has poured you with sacrificial oil, otherwise you may not wake up."

I quickly asked what was going on. Xia Yan said in horror, "The village head, you are evil, because your body is cloudy and it is easy to hit dirty things. I told the village head what you told me during the day. The village head said that the 44th floor was also because something had happened, and you may have touched something, which led to this matter."

I was dizzy, but I probably understood it, so I didn't ask any more questions and continued to fall asleep.