
Chapter 123 Brother, my little strawberry

Ye Jiu came up with a plan to tease the evil, so he pretended to have a stomachache and deliberately made the evil spirits confused. This time, he was just trying his luck. If he was lucky, he could play evil spirits happily. If he was unlucky, he could only directly destroy the evil spirits as before.

The evil didn't know what was thinking in Ye Jiu's heart. Seeing Ye Jiu squatting on the ground with a painful face, he was a little curious. He didn't do it. Is the warlock in front of him flawed?

Ye Jiu and the evil evil thought about their own answers. They didn't know that the downstairs was on fire at this time, and the fire was lit by the rabbit cat, and the girl downstairs had already been wiped out by the rabbit cat.

If Ye Jiu knew that the female ghost he wanted to save had been eliminated at this time, I'm afraid he would have no patience to play with this evil spirit. The most important thing this time is to avenge the female ghost.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Don't you dare to fight against me? Humph, I know you're just talking about it. Forget it, I don't care about it. When you die, you will be my little brother and manage the group of things under me.

It saw Ye Jiu squatting on the ground in pain, so it relaxed its vigilance and fought with Ye Jiu. This time, Ye Jiu was a little dumbfounded. It was the first time he had encountered such an evil.

"Hey, seriously, I really doubt whether you are evil or not. Ordinary evil is very bad, but you don't make me feel like a bad thing at all."

"Oh? I'm not a bad thing, so what am I?

"I feel that you are a little like a naughty child, which seems to be the cute type."

Ye Jiu didn't know what was wrong with him. He actually had this illusion. He rolled his eyes at Ye Jiu's words. Although it was not very fierce, it was absolutely impossible to be as simple as Ye Jiu said.

"Oh, how much do you think you know me? I just don't want you to die so soon. As the saying goes, cats have to play with mice for a while. If you die so soon, isn't there anything fun? I can't see anyone in this place for a year, so I won't let myself fall into boredom so soon.

The evil is really like a child, and Ye Jiu also has doubts in his heart. It seems that this evil is not the source of evil. Did he guess wrong? Is that female ghost lying to herself?

"Hey, let me ask you something. What does the female ghost downstairs have to do with you?"

"Well, don't mention that big bad guy to me. They are all that bad woman. If it weren't for her, how could I die? How can I not see my parents? It's the damn bad woman who made me like this..."

The evil suddenly became excited, but from its words, Ye Jiu still heard what it said. Is it really that the female ghost is lying? If so, isn't it dangerous for the kitten to be with her?

Thinking that the rabbit cat was in danger, Ye Jiu didn't care so much and flew directly to the first floor, but in addition to the fire, there was no trace of the rabbit cat and the female ghost on the first floor.

"Little guy..."

Ye Jiu roared at the strong fire, but there was no echo of the rabbit cat at all.

"No...no, it...it won't happen, it won't..."

Ye Jiu's face suddenly turned pale and looked at Ye Jiu puzzledly when he went downstairs, but when he saw his face full of sadness, he suddenly thought of the way his father and mother looked at him when he died.

"Little guy..."

Ye Jiu was unwilling and roared again. He didn't know who Ye Jiu was calling, but he could see that the thing called by Ye Jiu must be what Ye Jiu cared about most in his heart. Because he only cared about it, he was so nervous and scared.

"Tell me what that little guy looks like, and I'll help you find it."

The evil spirit suddenly offered to help Ye Jiu. Ye Jiu was also stunned for a moment, but soon recovered.

"Thank you. It's called a rabbit cat. It looks like a rabbit, but it looks like a cat."

"Well, I'll find it for you. You can look for it here. We'll gather here later."

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

At this time, Ye Jiu could only put the bet on the evil body, and the evil soon disappeared in place. Ye Jiu did not dare to delay and directly found the rabbit cat around. Unfortunately, half an hour later, the rabbit cat still had no trace.

"Xiaojiu, Xiaojiu..."

When Ye Jiu was in pain, suddenly the rabbit cat's voice came over. Ye Jiu hurriedly turned his head to look, but saw the evil cat running towards him with the rabbit cat.

"Xiao Jiu, I miss you so much. I thought you were killed by that female ghost design, woo..."

The rabbit cat threw himself directly into Ye Jiu's arms, and then cried loudly, looking at the two of them awkwardly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, be careful of being laughed at."

Ye Jiu gently comforted the rabbit cat a few times, and then took the rabbit cat and evil spirits to a safe place.

"Bright, why is there a gas fire here? Also, where did the female ghost go?

"I set off the fire here, and the female ghost was blown away by me."

The little rabbit cat said and was proud for a moment, which made Ye Jiu sweat a little coldly. The evil has been listening quietly, and it does not want to start talking.

"Bear by the way, how did you meet it?" Ye Jiu pointed his finger and said to the rabbit cat.

"I thought you were dead, so I set fire here. I wanted to do it for you outside, but I don't know why I can't get out of here, so I've been wandering around here. As a result, I got lost and then I met it."

"Thank you for helping the little guy."

Ye Jiu gratefully thanked the evil, but the evil was a little embarrassed. Don't thank me. If you really want to thank me, then help me find my father and mother!"

"Looking for your father and mother? Aren't they in this building?

"Well, how is it possible? They are all alive. Since my death, they have left with my body, but I didn't expect my soul to be left here.

"So that's it. No wonder you look weak. It turns out that your body is not here."

"Can you help me? I haven't seen them for a long time. I really miss them..."

The evil had forgotten his parents, but as soon as he saw the situation with Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat, he had the idea of missing his parents, so he begged Ye Jiu to help him.

"Don't worry! I will definitely take you to find your parents and let them meet you.


"Well, really, don't forget, I'm a warlock."

With Ye Jiu's guarantee, the evil heart is also optimistic, and the feeling of missing his parents is getting stronger and stronger.

"Bear by the way, I don't know your name yet?"

Seeing the excited evil, Ye Jiu suddenly remembered that he didn't know what its name was.

"I don't know what my name is. I just vaguely remember that my parents called me Little Strawberry when I was a child."

Ah? What? Little strawberry?"

Hearing the evil spirit say its name, Ye Jiu really wants to spray water. Is this child a brain-damaged person? Don't you know what little strawberry means?

Seeing Ye Jiu's face of disbelief, he said aggrievedly, "Really! Brother, my name is Little Strawberry."

"Ok, you'd better call me Xiaojiu! You look older than me, and you are not younger than me.

"I'm older than you, but my IQ is only 4 years old. I died here at the age of 4, and then I haven't been out. For so many years, I have seen two people, but they just came in and left without stopping at all."

Ye Jiu is really speechless, but he sympathizes with this little strawberry. He was mutilated at such a young age, and his IQ has been staying at the age of four, which is really pitiful.

"Little strawberry, don't worry, my brother will help you find your father and mother."

Ye Jiu suddenly spoke to Little Strawberry as his brother. In fact, this is also said to his heart. Everyone has the right to miss his father and mother, but Ye Jiu is different from others. He has only had a father without a mother since he was a child. Now that he has a mother, he wants to escape, and Little Strawberry has always missed his home. People.

Although his family has abandoned him, his heart is still in his family. Maybe this is the place that touched Ye Jiu! It is also because of this that Ye Jiu planned to help Little Strawberry find his father and mother.

"Xiaojiu, shall we also help him?"

The little rabbit suddenly interrupted. It's not that it doesn't want to help the little strawberry, but it feels that so many years have passed. If the little strawberry's parents have other children, it will definitely be a big blow to the little strawberry.

"Little guy, I must help Little Strawberry find his parents."

"Xiao Jiu, what should I do if the family of Little Strawberry has another child?"

The little rabbit cat did not dare to brazenly talk about this topic, so he quietly passed it on to Ye Jiu with sound insulation. When Ye Jiu heard this, he was not sure. If it was really like the rabbit cat, the damage to the little strawberry was really serious. It seemed that this matter really needed to be agreed. .

At this time, the little strawberry had already fallen into the excitement of looking for his parents. He didn't see Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat exchanging their looks all the time, but even if he saw it, it was useless, because it was impossible for Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat to tell him about that topic.

"Brother, when are we going to find mom and dad?"

"Tomorrow! Let's take a break today. Today, my brother and the little guy have been busy, so we need to rest, and it's getting late now. Let's go to see Dad and Mom together tomorrow, okay?

"Okay, little strawberry, listen to my brother."

"Well, little strawberries are the most obedient. Both brothers and little guys like little strawberries."

Ye Jiuqiang suppressed his inner nausea and said this. Although the little strawberry's IQ is only four years old, his height has really reached 1.8 meters.

Little strawberry doesn't seem to do normal things because of its height. He has been acting cute to Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat. The little rabbit cat also has a chill in his heart, but he dares not say anything openly, because doing so will hurt the little strawberry.

"Little strawberry, it's time to go to bed. It will be very hard to go tomorrow!"

Ye Jiu felt that he was really like a father and even had to coax the little strawberry and rabbit cat to sleep. Fortunately, Ye Jiu is still patient now. If it had been before, he would have slapped the two guys to death.