
Chapter 133 Ye Jiu VS Werewolf

After eating and drinking enough with Ye Jiu, the little rabbit cat continued to travel. There was almost no road in front of him. It was full of jungle. In order to prevent another accident, Ye Jiu used magic to inquire about the situation nearby. After seeing nothing special, he carefully took the rabbit cat to the depths of the jungle.

Because this is the only way down the mountain, Ye Jiu doesn't want to go that far down the mountain. When he went up the mountain before, he spent most of the day. At the beginning, in order to save energy to deal with the white bone essence, he has never transmitted the array.

"Xiao Jiu, why do you think we have to go on so hard? Isn't using array the most labor-saving and time-saving?

"Little fool, it's simple to use the array, but what's the point? If life has always come and suddenly gone, won't it be less fun? It is because there are so many experiences in life that it becomes interesting!"

"I understand a little, but I don't quite understand." The little rabbit scratched its head. It tilted its neck and looked at Ye Jiu's face, as if it wanted Ye Jiu to explain it in detail.

Ye Jiubai glanced at the rabbit cat, but when he saw that the rabbit cat's thirst for knowledge was so strong, he did not blame it, but explained it in more detail.

"Think about it, if you have suddenly appeared somewhere else and suddenly come back, but you have never seen the scenery on the road, what do you think is the point? In fact, the result is not very meaningful. Either lose or win, but the process is different, and it can bring you a lot of fun. Do you understand this explanation?

"Well, I see. It seems that there is really some truth."

The little rabbit smiled. Ye Jiu scraped its nose helplessly, and then continued to follow it. At this time, there was no way ahead, but Ye Jiu was not worried, because he had just checked it with magic, and there were no dangerous creatures nearby.

Maybe it was because Ye Jiu was too confident in his magic, which led him to ignore a step, that is, to find out if there had been any special accidents around here.

The sky has gradually faded, but the moonlight here is very strange, not the golden yellow outside, but a blood-red color, which makes people panic.

"Xiaojiu, why is the moon here so terrible?"

"I don't know. The moon is so far away from us. It's okay. Don't worry!"

"But I always feel hair all over. Why don't we get out of here quickly?"

" coward, what's so terrible here? The moon is still so far away from us. Besides, where can we escape under the same moon? It's just that the color is a little strange. There is nothing to be afraid of. If you are afraid, close your eyes and I will hold you.

Seeing that Ye Jiu didn't listen to him, the little rabbit cat had no choice. It seems that he can only continue to move forward now. I just hope he will be safe and sound along the way! The little rabbit doesn't want to encounter any unhappy things anymore.

In fact, Ye Jiu has no confidence in his heart, but he has always suffered face-to-face. He doesn't want to show his wrong judgment in front of the rabbit cat. He doesn't want the rabbit cat to think he is useless.

In fact, Ye Jiu wants to be respected by the other party more than anyone else. After all, he has been hurt in his heart, so what he fears most is the other party's look down on him. Therefore, this time, he concealed his mistakes.

The little rabbit felt that the road was getting more and more wrong. It wanted to ask Ye Jiu, but as soon as it saw Ye Jiu's ugly face, it suppressed it. It also knew that Ye Jiu was very upset at this time, because only Ye Jiu showed this stiff facial expression when he was upset.


Just as Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat had just turned a corner, a few wolf calls suddenly came from the front, which made Ye Jiu get goosebumps and the little rabbit cat a little uncomfortable.

"Xiao Jiu, how can there be a wolf here?"

The little rabbit can't believe it, because it doesn't smell the wolf at all, but when it hears the sound in the distance, it's the roar of the wolf! Has the situation changed?

"I don't know. I just checked it with magic and didn't find any dangerous creatures near us. This sound is really a little strange. Let's go and have a look."

"Isn't it? Why are you so curious? Why don't we go around here?"

The little rabbit really dares not joke about his life anymore, but Ye Jiu has been insisting on this road. He doesn't want to go far, and he is just a wolf. Ye Jiu still has the ability to destroy it.

"Little guy, don't worry, it's just a wolf. We'll eat wolf meat later."

Ye Jiu smiled faintly. He had a special preference for wolf meat, so as soon as he heard the wolf's cry, there was a little excitement in his blood.

"Xiaojiu, if you get hurt later, don't regret it."

The little rabbit cat knows that Ye Jiu is like this every time. His curiosity is heavier than it, but he can't be blamed. People are all like this. If there is really no curiosity, what's the difference between it and the walking corpse?

Ye Jiu and the rabbit soon found a place where the wolf howled, but what appeared in front of them was not a wolf at all, but a wolf-headed human species.

Seeing this species, the first thing that Ye Jiu thought of was a werewolf, but Ye Jiu was still a little surprised to find a werewolf in such a place, because werewolves never appeared in such a place.

"Little...Little Nine..."

"Shh... don't make a sound."

Ye Jiu quickly covered the rabbit's mouth, and then quietly watched the transformation process of the werewolf. The werewolf's nose was very sensitive. He smelled Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat very early, but it is now in a state of transformation and can't move at all, otherwise it will be broken and die.

Ye Jiu did not understand the transformation process of the werewolf, so he hid aside and peeked. The rabbit cat also stared at the werewolf's transformation nervously. Originally, a handsome young man was covered with fluff.

What's more frightening is that its eyes are blood-red, and it also reveals the wolf's wildness and greed. The fangs full of its mouth emit bursts of cold light through the moonlight, and the little rabbit cat trembles all over, although the werewolf can't beat it.

"Xiaojiu, let's go, I'm a little scared..." The little rabbit said softly in Ye Jiu's ear.

"Well, let's go."

"Don't mention it, our family has a rule that it is not allowed to look into the werewolf's eyes. Just now, I just glanced at its eyes, and I kept shaking all over, and I don't know what's going on."

The explanation of the rabbit cat did not make Ye Jiu feel satisfied. Looking at the dodging eyes of the rabbit cat, Ye Jiu knew that there must be some story in it, otherwise the rabbit cat could not lie.

"Little thing, don't lie to me anymore, say it! Is there any story between you and the werewolf? Is it possible that there has been something like Chen Shaobing between you and the werewolf?

Ye Jiu became evil as he spoke. The rabbit cat shudled. It seemed that he couldn't hide it today, but this matter was not a shame. Just say it!

The little rabbit cat also risked at this time. Since Ye Jiu wanted to know, he simply said everything, which would be good for everyone, and he would not have to bear such a burden all the time in the future.

"Xiao Jiu, in fact, my grandfather is a werewolf."

Ah? What?"

Ye Jiu was surprised. He didn't expect the little rabbit cat to say such a thing, and the shock was really big.

Seeing Ye Jiu's face of disbelief, the little rabbit cat also became resentful, "Hey, can you not do this?"


Seeing that the rabbit cat was angry, Ye Jiu laughed wildly. He felt that this was the funniest joke he had ever heard. The rabbit cat had multiple identities and were not a species, which really made him feel speechless.