human evil legend

Chapter 43 Life and Death

Yi Hanfeng and his party of four entered the city and then walked into an inn called Fulinmen. The four people gathered in Xing Xiangyu's room. Qingying looked at Yi Hanfeng and said, "After I separated from you more than a year ago, I originally planned to stay in the capital for a few days and then leave. However, when I wanted to leave, I accidentally found that a group of mysterious masters suddenly came to the capital, and their whereabouts were extremely strange. I was curious. Next, I secretly followed them for two or three days, and I finally overheard their conversation. It turned out that they came for you and the woman in the blue dress.

After a brief pause, Qingying then narrated: "However, I heard them talk about that the woman in blue dress is an aquarium and has returned to the aquarium. It is really difficult to force it. Then they will target you, but they didn't expect you to evaporate like the world for a long time. Come on, I didn't find any clue about you. It was not until the news that you were killed by Shuibatian came. The group of mysterious masters suddenly gave up their books and turned to search for people who had been associated with you, so they took off Qu Qin in the beautiful academy during the day.

Hearing Qingying's detailed words, Yi Hanfeng said, "The reason why those mysterious people acted like this is that I just want to know whether the news that I was killed by Shuibatian is true, so Brother Qu should not be in danger to his life for the time being." Qingying said, "For more than a year, I have been searching for the origin of those mysterious masters, but unfortunately, I have nothing but know that they have something to do with the current prime minister Tianyue." Yi Hanfeng muttered, "Since those mysterious masters came for me and Elder Shuiyue, they obviously want to avenge the official Nanyu who was killed by us, so I can conclude that they must be masters sent by the evil clan."

Yi Hanfeng just said this sentence, and Qingying and Fu Xing suddenly looked shocked. Xing Xiangyu couldn't help but suppress the panic and couldn't help saying, "Hanfeng, will you make a mistake? I once heard Grandpa accidentally mention that the evil people have disappeared for more than a thousand years. There is no reason why they will reappear in the world for the sake of an official Nanyu. Aren't they afraid of destroying them together with the five elements of ancient people? Yi Hanfeng said amazingly, "The identity of Guan Nanyu is extraordinary. He is the young master of the evil clan." Qingying said relievedly, "Since you and the people killed by the water moon elder of the aquarium are the young masters of the evil clan, it is not surprising that the evil people are so popular."

Looking up at Fu Xingyun and Xing Xiangyu, Yi Hanfeng said solemnly, "I'm worried that the evil people will attack Shuiyue secretly, so I want to ask my cousin and Brother Fu to go to the aquarium. I have to remind Elder Shuiyue to be careful."

Fu Xing and the two looked at each other, and Fu Xingyun said awkwardly, "This matter is very easy to do, but Xiangyu and I haven't even heard of the aquarium, let alone want to know where it is located. If we ask all the way, I'm afraid we will miss the big thing." Speaking of the place where the aquariums live, Yi Hanfeng also looked blank and had to look at the blue shadow beside him.

Qingying tapped his head at Yi Hanfeng with a smile, and then turned his face to Fu Xing and said, "After stepping out of the gate of the capital, cousin and Brother Fu only need to walk more than a thousand miles along the north to reach the residential area of the aquarium. ."

Fu Xing and both nodded. Xing Xiangyu said, "Then Xingyun and I are going to rush to the aquarium. It's just a matter of saving people. You two must be careful and don't easily fall into the enemy's trap."

Yi Hanfeng nodded slightly and said solemnly, "After my cousin and Brother Fu arrived at the aquarium, they only had to see Elder Shuiyue in the name of the Longling people, and told her about the fact that the evil people had dispatched a large number of masters to avenge the official Nanyu. She should be more guarded, and it was better not to leave the scope of the aquarium and walk around."

After a slight silence, Yi Hanfeng told him, "If she asks the source of the relevant information, you will say that you have inadvertently heard it. Don't involve me. And even if the aquarium chief comes to ask about my whereabouts, you should be ignorant."

After Fu Xing left and went out, Qingying said crisply, "Han Feng, if you really like Miss Luo, I won't mind being a good sister with her." Yi Hanfeng said in astonishment, "How did you know about me and her?"

Qingying took off the veil on her face and said, "Hey, have you forgotten that I have been secretly following you in order to get bloody flames?"

Staring at the beautiful and elegant face of the green shadow, Yi Hanfeng said solemnly, "Since I have decided to be with you, I must treat you wholeheartedly." After saying that, Xuan's expression changed again and he smiled and said, "Another evil demon and a snake demon are a perfect match." Qingying smiled and said, "You are mistaken. We evil snakes are born with the ability to transform, so it can be said that they are not much different from human beings."

Hearing Qingying say this, Yi Hanfeng said with great interest, "I once heard my grandfather mention the evil snake clan, but I have never been clear why you evil snake clan are born with the ability to transform?" Qingying said, "I heard that our evil snake family was originally just the most common kind of snakes, but far more than ten thousand years ago, when the evil demon Tian Xie was fighting against the dragon evil, the ancestors of our snake evil clan were hit by the embroidered needle sharp blade created by the essence of the evil. Later, when the injury recovered, they Inexplicably, he has the ability to transform.

Qingying said this and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "However, as long as long as they show a human posture, the evil spirit in their bodies will immediately eat his body. Later, they still have to live as snakes for a hundred years, until the evil spirits of the evil spirits are deeply rooted in their bodies and completely When he merged into his own body, he tried to show his human posture, and then he was never eaten back.

Yi Hanfeng laughed softly and said, "And it also gives your people a certain evil ability." Qingying laughed and said, "That's why the evil snake family was born." Yi Hanfeng laughed and said, "I happen to have the ability to evil. I just want to join your evil snake family in the future." Qingying smiled and said, "Then I will give you the position of the next patriarch, so that I can serve you with all my heart." Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "As long as you are a patriarchal husband, I don't want anything else." After saying that, he restrained his hippie smile and said, "Qingying, do you know where the stronghold of those evil masters is?"

When Qing Ying heard the words, he also replied with a serious look and said gently, "They usually live in a deserted temple a hundred miles southeast of the city." Yi Hanfeng said, "Then let's rush over and find out if they have imprisoned Brother Qu there." Qingying smiled and said, "If I don't cover my appearance with a veil, my dress is too conspicuous, so you wait here for a moment, and I'll go back to my room and change into plain clothes first." With that, it floated out of the door like a gust of fragrance.

After a while, but when I saw Qingying appear at the door elegantly, she smiled at Yi Hanfeng and said, "It's time to go." Looking at the delicate jade appearance of the green shadow like clear water hibiscus, Yi Hanfeng couldn't help but be slightly distracted and said loudly, "If you are in the royal harem, you are definitely a beauty disaster like Daji."

Qingying suddenly showed a lonely, arrogant and cold look and curled her lips and said, "As long as I can be with you, I don't care about the luxurious life of the royal harem." Yi Hanfeng laughed and said, "Of course. I have said that we are a natural couple." Qingying said anxly, "Don't stink there. It's important for us to get down to business quickly."

The two walked together on the noisy market and felt the strange eyes around them. Yi Hanfeng couldn't help smiling bitterly and whispered to Qingying, "It seems that I still have to return to my original appearance." Qingying laughed and said, "I don't care about your current dignity. Why do you dislike it yourself?" Yi Hanfeng said calmly, "The toad ate the swan meat. I really don't want the men around me to vomit blood because of jealousy."

The green shadow smiled, simply picked up Yi Hanfeng's arm and said with a mischievous face, "Then let them die faster."

While talking and laughing, the two walked out of the gate, and after a hurry, they quickly arrived at the ruined temple. Looking at Qu Qin, who was tied to a tall wooden stake and scarred in front of the temple, Qingying said with a cold face, "How dare you abuse my evil snake clan like this? I must kill all these damn things."

Through the hidden broken door, Yi Hanfeng looked at the beautiful figure sitting in the circle, with a solemn look on his face and whispered, "Judging from the breath, there are 11 people in the temple. Except for a mid-day existence of Tianwu, there are still four masters in the later stage of Xuanwu, and the rest are all cultivation in the spiritual enlightenment period. We can't be sharp with such a strong lineup.

Looking at Yi Hanfeng's appearance of being afraid of his recklessness, Qingying smiled and said, "I'm just saying harsh words to vent my anger. You don't have to take my words seriously." Yi Hanfeng said, "I know you won't do anything about eggs hitting stones. The reason why I say this is that I just want to tell you that the strength of this group of guys is quite strong. If they work together, it is enough for us to be buried here."

Hearing Yi Hanfeng's words, Qingying's dark eyes widened and said unconvinced, "Who said that I wouldn't do the egg touching the stone?" After saying that, he immediately muttered and said aggrievedly, "I thought Shuibatian had killed you. A few days ago, I went to find him desperately. In the face of a master in the later stage of enlightenment, isn't this an egg hitting a stone?"

Looking at Qingying's sad and delicate appearance, Yi Hanfeng said emotionally, "Qingying, I know that you have a deep affection for me. I will not disappoint you in this life." Qingying said contentedly, "With your words, even if I die now, I have nothing to regret." Yi Hanfeng stared and said, "You're talking nonsense. I'm going to slap you."

Qingying smiled and said solemnly, "Cold wind, why don't I lead away from the group of evil clans, and then you can rescue Brother Qu as soon as you take the opportunity." Yi Hanfeng said, "Let's change each other, and I'll try to trap the eleven people in the temple. After you save Brother Qu, you will leave first." Qingying shook his head and said, "I can't leave you alone to deal with them. It's too dangerous."

Yi Hanfeng raised his face and said solemnly, "After you and Brother Qu leave here, I have a way to get out, so you must listen to me, otherwise you will not only save people, but also put your and my life in." Qingying nodded and said, "Han Feng, you said you have your own way out. I hope you are not just lying to me with words." Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "Escape is my greatest ability. Just rest assured." After saying that, he hid his body and approached the broken temple.