human evil legend

Chapter 68 Spirit Seal

The sky gradually entered dusk, and it took Yi Hanfeng and Tianyu to chase the white-shirted man for more than an hour. Although the two did not let the white-shirted man out of the scope of Yuanzhi, under this extraordinary rapid pursuit, Tianyu's forehead has penetrated sweat, but on the contrary, Yi Hanfeng, In addition to the strong anxiety hidden in the eyes, the breath is quite calm, as if it had not consumed any energy.

Therefore, Tianyu couldn't help but be extremely puzzled and secretly said, "He is clearly just a cultivation in the early stage of Xuanwu. Not only is his speed weaker than himself, but he has been tossed so fast for more than an hour. Even a person like him who cultivates in the middle of Tianwu feels quite tired. Why is he still doing nothing? What about ordinary?" Unexpected, Tianyu said strangely, "Brother Yi, don't you feel any effort at all?"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Yi Hanfeng suddenly glanced at him and smiled and said, "I have my own method of replenishing Yuanli. Generally speaking, there will be no fatigue." Tianyu was stunned and said, "I didn't expect that there was such a mysterious thing about the chaotic physique. I really haven't heard of it before."

For Tianyu's slightly puzzled words, Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "Brother Tianyu, I think you can't support it anymore. It's better to let me take you on a journey. Although this is very disrespectful to you, in order for you to recover your strength as soon as possible, you and I will work together to deal with that obscene The man in white has to wrong you first. Tianyu smiled and said, "I'm going to ask you to carry me, but I didn't expect you to say it first." Yi Hanfeng said, "That little brother has been offended."

After Tianyu nodded to himself, Yi Hanfeng waved out a blood red power, and then saw the blood red flow suddenly into the curtain of light, and immediately wrapped Tianyu in the sleeve robe. There is no need to deliberately slow down to accommodate Tianyu. Yi Hanfeng suddenly raised the speed to the limit and struggled to chase the white-shirted man 30 or 40 miles away.

Until the middle of the night, the white-shirted man had not got rid of the tracking of Yi Hanfeng, so he turned his mind and secretly thought to himself, "Those two boys must have some kind of anti-sky secret art of restoring vitality, otherwise they should have been tired to climb down long ago." From this, I can't help but feel a little worried. If I keep tossing around, I will end up being a mermaid when I finally run out of power.

Thinking of this, the man in white clothes laughed and said to himself, "It seems that it is really difficult for me to enjoy with the three beauties in time without getting rid of these two dead and dead boys first." As soon as the words came out, he quickly stopped. While Shiran turned around, he slowly closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of Yi Hanfeng and Tianyu.

After the time of tea, the white-shirted man suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the cold wind that fell a few feet away. He said gloomically, "Originally, because I wanted to taste the taste of the three beauties in time, I didn't want to pester with you more. I didn't expect that you were so lifeless and had to work hard. Catch up with him."

Shaking his hand made Tianyu fall next to him. Yi Hanfeng looked at the man in white and said without emotion, "Let go of the three girls, and then make a vow by breaking one arm. From now on, I will let you live without doing such a lewd thing." The man in white sneered and said, "With your early cultivation, you are not qualified to preach to my prodigal son Bai Liang at all."

Suddenly, Tianyu couldn't help humming angrily and said, "It turns out that you are a white flower picker. I'm looking for you to get justice for those innocent women who have been insulted by you."

Looking at Tianyu with contempt, Bai Liang sneered and said, "It's really beyond your ability to learn from others to be a hero." Tianyu smiled and said, "It should be you who can't do it!" Seeing that Tianyu was about to take action, Yi Hanfeng regained his calm appearance. Shiran stood on the ground with his hands in his arms, as if Tianyu didn't say hello, he wanted to stand by.

When he caught a glimpse of Yi Hanfeng's expression as quiet as water, Tianyu laughed and said, "Are you so sure that I can kill Bai Liang?" Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "The wall of life and death in your body always gives me a hazy and illusory feeling. If I guess correctly, it should be blurred by special methods, not the real wall of life and death."

Tianyu looked at Yi Hanfeng in astonishment and said without concealing it, "This kind of mystery can only be seen through by masters above the derivative world. I didn't expect it to be seen through by you. This chaotic physique is too unbelievable!"

As soon as he said this, Bai Liang couldn't help staring at Tianyu and said in surprise, "Is it true that you are from the spirit clan?" Tianyu said without saying, "Do you take the initiative to hand over people, or do you want me to forcibly rob them?" Bai Liang snorted angrily, "You boy, don't talk wildly. This is the secular world, not your Yuling Mountain. I can kill you unconsciously." Tianyu smiled and said, "You killed me unconsciously. Bai Liang is really in a big tone." When Yu said the following words, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he stretched out his right hand and instantly showed his sword.

Bai Liang didn't expect that Tianyu, who had much lower cultivation than himself, actually showed a condescending and arrogant look at himself. He didn't pay attention to himself at all. He couldn't help but be angry and shouted, "Kid, you dare to be crazy in front of me. I'm going to let you pay the price of your life." Between the words, the Yuan sword, which was as good as *, quickly lit up, as if crazy, and rushed straight to Tianyu. However, in the face of Bai Liang's desperate posture, Tianyu closed his eyes slightly.

Such a scene fell into Bai Liang's eyes, and he was so angry that he couldn't help listening to his lower body. He pointed to Tianyu and scolded angrily, "You bastard, you have to be arrogant to a limit. After a while, if I don't skin you and cramp you, I won't be white." After all, people who are less cultivated than themselves see this extent, no matter how innocent they are, they are afraid to calm down.

Standing beside Tianyu, Yi Hanfeng saw very clearly. In fact, Tianyu did not mean to underestimate Bai Liang, but was preparing some kind of powerful must-kill skill. Previously, when he saw Bai Liang attack, he wanted to block him for a while to buy time for Tianyu, but he didn't expect that Bai Liang was dizzy by Tianyu's expression. He couldn't help stopping and shouting loudly. He couldn't help laughing. In order to prevent Bai Liang from attacking immediately, when his abusive voice fell, he quickly answered: "If you can't take the surname Bai later, you can follow my surname Yi and let me teach you so that you can repent and don't want to do those ** thieves in the past."

Hearing the words of Yi Hanfeng's curt and insulting him, Bai Liang became angry and his head became more and more dizzy. Even his cultivation was much higher than Yi Hanfeng's, which was completely forgotten. He clearly wanted to smash Yi Hanfeng into ten thousand pieces, but for a while But I don't know how to vent it, but I gritted my teeth with a green face and said, "Little beast, I've eaten more salt than you eat. How dare you ask me to give me your surname? Aren't you afraid of thunder?"

Yi Hanfeng suddenly showed his dumb appearance and said with a smile, "I just picked up a cheap son. How can I thunder?" Immediately, he showed a sarcastic look and sneered coldly, "Even if the old man is naive, I'm afraid he will only punish people like you who specialize in doing things that are harmful to nature and have nothing to do with the young master at all."

Bai Liang didn't expect to hit his foot by moving stones. His face suddenly turned into a pig's liver. He gasped angrily and said, "Damn it, you little beast has sharp teeth. When I tear up your stinky mouth, let's see if you dare to speak quickly for a while."

Yi Hanfeng snorted coldly and said, "You are an old beast who is not as good as a beast. Let's see how you can harm those innocent women after the young master beat you into mud." Knowing that he could not get the advantage of Yi Hanfeng on his tongue, Bai Liang simply said nothing, and then waved the big knife in his hand and wanted to cut at Yi Hanfeng.

When he caught a glimpse of Tianyu's closed eyes, Yi Hanfeng hurriedly shouted to Bai Liang, "You don't do anything. Don't mess around!" Bai Liang spit fiercely and cursed, "Fuck your mother's gentleman, don't do anything. I have to kill you, a little beast today." Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "Since you want to do it, don't regret it."

As soon as Yi Hanfeng finished speaking, he turned to Tianyu beside him and said, "Brother Tianyu, it's up to you next." Tianyu said heroically, "I will never live up to your high expectations." As soon as the words were spoken, the pressure in the body suddenly soared to the terrible peak of the late heart, and then under a flash, he appeared in front of Bai Liang in an instant and quickly pierced the long sword in his hand deeply into Bai Liang's heart.

The corners of his mouth overflowed with scarlet blood, and Bai Liang's face was full of stiff and frightened expressions. Obviously, he was killed by Tianyu in an instant. Yi Hanfeng was stunned, and a trace of heartache flashed on his face. He secretly complained, "This Tianyu's action is so vicious that he doesn't even have a chance to melt. Bai Liang is dead. He is a master in the early stage of enlightenment, but he is quite a rare melting object." He muttered so much in his heart, but he came to Tianyu's side very quickly and said, "Brother Tianyu, release their three girls quickly."

After Tianyu nodded slightly, he quickly stretched out his left hand to release a whirlpool, which went straight to Bai Liang's right hand sleeve robe and swallowed it. In an instant, Luo Jingxian and other three people were released from the ban. Then his mind moved, and the long sword deep into Bai Liang's body turned into a red airflow, suddenly flashing from the palm of his right hand. It disappeared everywhere.