human evil legend

Chapter 128 The Art of Psychic

When the blood-red essence light curtain slowly floated above the huge head of the sky fire monster, the cold wind suddenly showed the evil demon's eyes and stared straight at the closed eyes of the sky fire monster. Then the sky fire monster's eyelids moved, and immediately opened its huge eyes to the circle, which scared the fire and green body. Trembling, Yurong exclaimed in horror, "The Skyfire monster has woken up. Let's run for our lives quickly!" Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "If the fire monster really woke up, how could there be no movement in its body!"

After Huo Wanqing heard the beauty and quickly regained her calm appearance, she glanced at Yi Hanfeng. Liu frowned slightly and said distress, "Since the fire monster hasn't woken up yet, why did it suddenly open its eyes?" Yi Hanfeng explained, "Isn't I trying to manipulate it? I opened its eyes." Huo Wanqingfeng said angrily, "I didn't know to inform me in advance. If you suddenly let him open his eyes like this, you want to scare me to death?"

Yi Hanfeng was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed dumbly, "I really don't understand that a person like you who derives the first-level mid-term cultivation can be so small." Huo Wanqing's lips curled coldly, "In that case, if you were me, you would definitely be shocked." With that, he glanced at the sky fire monster and suddenly shouted, "Run away, the sky fire monster has really woken up."

As soon as this word came out, Yi Hanfeng didn't think about it, and his busy thoughts moved. The blood-red essence light curtain immediately flashed up, directly against the powerful pressure caused by the magma above, and instantly rose 20 to 30 feet away. Only then did he hear the sound of Huo Wanqing's giggle and suddenly understand it. Immediately stabilized the essence and light curtain, and looked at Huo Wanqing helplessly and said, "I said Huo Wanqing, don't make such a joke with me if you have nothing to do, okay?" Huo Wanqing snorted coldly, "Thanks to you, you still have the nerve to say that I'm timid. Aren't you the same?"

Yi Hanfeng blushed, but soon returned to his normal appearance and said stubbornly, "You said that the fire monster has woken up. If I don't escape, will I still stand still and wait to die?" After saying that, he sneered and said, "You are really smart to tease me with my trust in you."

Huo Wanqing didn't expect that Yi Hanfeng would have such a thing. She couldn't help but say dumbly, "You are Yi Hanfeng's eloquent, and I'm Huo Wanqing." Yi Hanfeng said with a shy smile, "It's just a little fur. I really can't afford to praise the girl so much." Huo Wanqing said with a smile, "One more, your face is much thicker than the city wall." Yi Hanfeng said lightly, "It's important to escape from the Tianhuo Pool now. I don't have the same experience as you for the time being." Between the words, under the flash of the essence light curtain, it returned to the oblique top of the huge head of the fire monster again in an instant.

Just now, he looked at the huge eyes of the Skyfire monster. With the strange eyes as the medium, part of the killing instinct was injected into his body in an instant through the eyes of the Skyfire monster. Then he saw the huge eyes of the Skyfire monster that could not help flashing with red flame light, and suddenly there was no sign. The flame light of the omen soon turned into an evil demon's eyes composed of scarlet blood-like pupils and dark eyes and white.

After completing all this, Yi Hanfeng turned his eyes to Huo Wanqing and said with a little joy on his face, "It's the first time I've used my pupil to control other creatures. I didn't expect it to go so smoothly." Huo Wanqing's beautiful eyes said andly, "Look at your complacent face, just like a child." Yi Hanfeng sneered coldly, "If I were a child, then you are a little child."

Huo Wanqing knew that she couldn't say Yi Hanfeng, so she waved her hand and said, "Now it's important to leave the Tianhuo Pool. I'm too lazy to argue with you." Yi Hanfeng said stunnedly, "I didn't expect you to learn very fast." After saying that, the blood-red light curtain moved and soon quietly disappeared into the body of the sky fire monster.

At this time, the skyfire monster has entered a state of sleep, resulting in its own complete self-enclosedness, so whether it walks or travels to the west can be said to be completely at the mercy of the idea of easy cold wind.

However, after Yi Hanfeng quickly floated on the sky fire monster for more than two hours, he suddenly realized that the killing instincts he injected into the body of the sky fire monster seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force. In an instant, he disconnected himself and couldn't help exclaiming, "It's not good. The sky fire monster has woken up.

Huo Wanqing looked at Yi Hanfeng with her eyes sideways and said in disbelievously, "Although you pretend to be very realistic, it's a pity that I won't speak to you."

Yi Hanfeng ignored what Huo Wanqing said and hurriedly drove the blood-red essence light curtain. In an instant, the body of the fire monster emerged. Straight up, there was a rapid rush. However, between breathing, the distance had risen by 30 or 40 feet, and it seemed that there was no intention of staying at all. It was still a Go up and away.

Seeing Yi Hanfeng's behavior, Huo Wanqing's eyes stared, and Yurong shouted angrily, "Yi Hanfeng, stop quickly. When is it? Are you still kidding me?" Yi Hanfeng roared harshly, "Huo Wanqing, can you be quiet? Don't look at the fire monster below. How can you be manipulated by me?"

Huo Wanqing didn't care about Yi Hanfeng's loud shouting at all. At the moment when his beautiful eyes went down, he saw the sky fire monster suddenly pedal and immediately carried a huge wave of magma. As soon as he suddenly rolled down, he instantly swept more than ten feet above his head, and then the huge tail sank and turned like lightning. The curtain of energy fell down.

Where the giant tail of the sky fire monster passes, the surrounding magma is separated by invisible and powerful forces. Its power is amazing that it is not what the two of them can do.

Huo Wanqing witnessed such a situation. After a little shuddered, she suddenly screamed loudly, "Yi Hanfeng, be careful on it." Yi Hanfeng said in a low voice, "Don't panic, I'm free to avoid it." With that, he shot away the giant tail of the Skyfire monster at a speed, and quickly rotated the scarlet blood-like pupils quickly. Until he could no longer withstand the power pressure generated by the red giant tail of the Skyfire monster, he suddenly burst out a burst of evil spirits, and suddenly put himself with fire. Wanqing wrapped it up and disappeared strangely.

In the fantasy fog array, Huo Wanqingyu raised her hand and stroked her chest. After taking a long breath of relief, she said with lingering heart: "Formately, you have such a wonderful array magic, otherwise we will really die." Yi Hanfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Don't relax too early, because the fire monster will soon find the specific location of this magic space."

Huo Wanqing looked shocked and said in surprise, "It can quickly move a hundred feet in the moment before the arrangement takes shape. Such a wonderful and mysterious array magic will not be so hidden!"

Yi Hanfeng suddenly heard Huo Wanqing's words and couldn't help saying ironically, "I said Huo Wanqing, if you don't ridicule me Yi Hanfeng, you will feel uncomfortable, won't you? Who told you that the mysterious array must have a strong hidden nature? Huo Wanqing raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "That's not true."

After saying this simple sentence, Huo Wanqing turned her beautiful eyes and couldn't help looking at the evil spirits all over her body. Obviously, she had no intention of continuing to speak.

Yi Hanfeng didn't expect that Huo Wanqing, who had always talked back to him since he met him, suddenly became very generous and decent. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said with great interest, "Why don't you argue with me? Could it be that you have changed your nature?"

Huo Wan's green eyes glanced and said without any fluctuation, "Don't you say that I mean to ridicule you, so I'd better talk less."

Yi Hanfeng was stunned at first, and then said with a dumb smile, "Which one are you singing? How can you suddenly care about my feelings?" Huo Wanqing said lightly, "The little woman's life is all in your hands, so how dare I not care about your feelings? Otherwise, if you can't think of a way to escape in anger, I won't harm myself." Yi Hanfeng sighed with his pointed fingers, "Your fiery and gentle nonsense, I have also learned from Yi Hanfeng, and I really have to admire you."

Huo Wanqing still looks like an ancient well and said indifferently, "I didn't learn all this from you. How can I deserve such praise!" Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "You can teach me. After you escape, I have to cultivate you well." After saying that, he suddenly restrained his smile and said with a serious face, "The original knowledge of the Skyfire Monster has locked the array space, which is obviously aware of our specific position." Huo Wanqing's expression moved and said, "What are the restrictions on the magic of Xumi fog you use?"

Yi Hanfeng was stunned and said with a little surprise, "It's not easy for you to see this!" Huo Wanqing said indifferently, "If this magic array could be used continuously, you would have used it to escape, and how could you stay here all the time until the fire monster finds our hidden position!" After a pause, Linglong's nose moved and hummed softly, "I always like to think of others as stupid, as if you are the only smart person in the world."

As soon as Huo Wanqing finished speaking, he suddenly heard a cold and gloomy voice suddenly came from Yi Hanfeng's body and said with a smile, "Eu, I really didn't expect that you would use the psychic technique to take the initiative to find me. This is unprecedented."

After hearing this words, Yi Hanfeng's face instantly became cloudy and sunny, and his lips moved and said, "Long Xie, I took a cup of tea to complete the psychic technique to communicate with you consciously. I think you should know my intention."