human evil legend

Chapter 232 confidant

A few hours later, the red light flashed on the white-shirted young man's body and strangely appeared on the peak of a huge mountain in the world. His right sleeve robe shook casually and immediately released Yi Hanfeng and Tu Shuxue. Before Yi Hanfeng asked, he had taken the lead in saying, "You asked me before. Why did I rescue you? I can tell you now. With that, he looked at Yi Hanfeng without blinking and said, "Because I will have a place for you in the future, I don't want you to be buried in the ancient forbidden land."

Yi Hanfeng was stunned when he heard the words and said in disbelief: "With a sentence of spiritual incarnation alone, there is such an unfathomable power. May I ask if there is anything else that is rare to defeat you, so don't be perfunctory me." After a pause, he said bluntly, "What exactly do you intend to say directly? I will consider one or two specific considerations depending on your feelings for saving our lives."

The young man in white shook his hand and folded the fan and laughed, "With your current cultivation, it really can't help me, but once you grow up, it will be very different." Yi Hanfeng said with a dark face, "Are you so sure that I will definitely help you in the future?" The white-shirted young man said with an unchanged smile, "I'll let you meet three people first."

After saying this, the white-shirted young man immediately stretched out his right hand and stroked the folding fan in his hand. A half-foot-sized Yuanli light curtain suddenly emerged. After twisting and deformation, it soon turned into a red copper mirror, and the bronze mirror suddenly condensed into shape, and a middle-aged couple immediately appeared in the mirror, and a The figure of a plain girl in her early twenties came.

Suddenly seeing the appearance of the three people in the mirror, Yi Hanfeng suddenly showed a surprised and inexplicable expression, and then eagerly stared at the white-shirted young man and said excitedly, "Tell me, my parents and sister are really still alive?"

After the white-shirted young man waved the folding fan in his hand again and immediately removed the red bronze mirror, he stared at Yi Hanfeng with a smile and said without saying, "As long as you can live well and constantly strive to improve your cultivation, when you have the ability to help me, I will let you meet them." Yi Hanfeng said in little belief, "Unless you can let me meet them first, I won't easily believe that they are really alive." The white-shirted young man smiled and said, "I saved the lives of the three of them in Wanguo Mountain. So you should believe it, right?"

At this point, the white-shirted young man paused for a moment and continued with a calm face: "The reason why I saved the lives of your loved ones is that I want you to help me in the future, so I don't need to deceive you at all."

Seeing that the white-shirted young man had no intention of meeting his parents and sisters, Yi Hanfeng had to say, "Then can you tell me that they are all right now?" The white-shirted young man smiled and said, "You can rest assured that they live a good life, but your father has been worried that you will suffer from the dragon evil."

Hearing the words behind the white-shirted young man, Yi Hanfeng had no doubt in his heart. He already believed that his parents and sister were indeed alive, so his face suddenly changed and he sincerely said, "No matter what you want to do for you want to do for you, I should say thank you. After all, you saved me. The lives of my parents and sister. The white-shirted young man folded his hand and said, "You don't have to say thank you to me, because I just want to take advantage of you. Once you lose your life before you grow up to the point I expect, I will not hesitate to kill the three of them."

As soon as the words fell, Tu Shuxue's eyes, which had been silent, flashed. She stared at the white-shirted young man with a smile and squeezed her lips and said, "Since Yi Hanfeng will be of great use to you in the future, you will not easily let him lose his life before he grows up. Am I right?

The white-shirted young man looked at Tu Shuxue and shook his head with a smile and said, "The girl's words are bad. The growth path of easy cold wind is much more difficult than ordinary people. He has to go down step by step by step, otherwise he will not be able to reach the point I expected." With that, he looked back at Yi Hanfeng again and said solemnly, "From now on, everything depends on you. When you are strong enough to make me feel your breath, I will come to you."

Yi Hanfeng frowned and said worriedly, "Don't think about it, I know that no matter how hard I try to improve my cultivation, it is impossible to reach the strong point you expect in just decades, so I'm afraid that my parents won't have such a long life expectancy." The white-shirted young man waved his left hand and said, "You just need to improve your cultivation with all your strength. You don't have to worry about the rest. I have my own way to extend the life expectancy of your parents and sister, and I can also ensure that there will be no hidden dangers." As soon as the words came out, his body suddenly turned into a red light and suddenly disappeared.

Looking at Yi Hanfeng with a heavy face, Tu Shuxue asked softly, "What are you going to do next?" Yi Hanfeng said slowly, "I want to find other people in our Dark Moon Demon Gate first." With that, his eyes suddenly flashed and said firmly, "I must work hard to improve my strength and see my parents and sisters as soon as possible."

Tu Shuxue condensed and said distressedly, "Who is this mysterious guy? What on earth does he want you to do for him?" Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "There is no need to think too much about this kind of thing that you don't understand at all. Just wait until the day of his dynasty, you will know everything." With that, he asked casually, "What are you going to do next?" Tu Shuxue said in a stunned expression, "What can I do except to return to the clan?" Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "Then let's say goodbye. If you want to come back to me, you can come to me at any time." After saying that, he raised his right hand to condense a piece of Yuanli jade slip and handed it to Tu Shuxue, "As long as you pinch this jade slip, I will come to pick you up quickly."

Reaching out to take Yuanli Yujian, Tu Shuxue gently said, "Then take care of yourself!" After saying that, the lotus foot paused and instantly turned into a streamer, as fast as lightning shooting into the distance.

Seeing the hidden light disappear, Yi Hanfeng slightly distracted his mind. When he was about to go to the abyss of creation and look for the people of the dark moon demon gate, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a very familiar lonely figure standing on another mountain more than a thousand feet away. He couldn't help smiling happily, and then he disappeared together, only After a while, he came to the place half afoot away from this figure and shouted, "Cuiyao, what are you thinking? Why are you so distracted?"

Suddenly heard the gentle voice behind her, Gu Cuiyao couldn't help trembling, and then suddenly turned around. After carefully looking at Yi Hanfeng for a long time, the tip of her nose was sore, and then her arms quickly rushed into Yi Hanfeng's arms. Her beautiful eyes were wet and happy and said, "You're really back. It's really great."

Yi Hanfeng gently put his left hand on the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder, stroked his cloud-like black hair with his right hand, and said softly, "I'm sorry to make you worry about me." Gu Cuiyao shook her head and said, "I'm really scared. If you can't come out of the ancient forbidden land, I can't save my sister Lingshuang alone."

As soon as Gu Cuiyao said this, Yi Hanfeng was suddenly shocked. He hurriedly picked up Gu Cuiyao's figure and asked eagerly, "Cuiyao, what's wrong with her?" Gu Cuiyao blamed herself and said, "It's all my low cultivation. I can only watch the six demon hunters take Lingshuang's sister away, but there is nothing I can do."

Yi Hanfeng calmed down and comforted him: "Cuiyao, you don't have to blame yourself. You should know that those six people are powerful enough to compete with the fierce beast. Since they want to take away the stinky woman, you can't stop them anyway." Gu Cuiyao was slightly distracted and said, "Cold wind, what should we do next? Should we immediately start looking for the exotic space where the demon hunters are located?" Yi Hanfeng shook his head and said, "Even if we find the exotic space where the demon hunter is located, we don't have the ability to save the bitch."

Gu Cuiyao locked her willow eyebrows and said anxiously, "I really don't know what to do!" Yi Hanfeng said confidently, "Cui Yao, you don't have to worry too much. The demon hunters won't hurt the life of the bitch. It's not too late to wait until I have strong strength to ask them." Gu Cuiyao sighed and said, "After thinking about it, that's the only way." After saying that, he sighed again and said painfully, "The six magic flame brothers have been killed by the six demon hunters as early as the ancient forbidden land."

Yi Hanfeng was shocked and asked in a hurry, "What about Yunzhen? Why isn't she with you?" Gu Cuiyao's face flashed with a look of happiness and said, "Fortunately, Yunzhen's sister is gentle and kind, and the six demon hunters also looked at Lingshuang's bitter plea. They just imprisoned her and did not hurt her life."

After a wry smile helplessly, Yi Hanfeng restrained his expression and looked at Gu Cuiyao and said, "Cuiyao, my life may be extremely difficult. I'm afraid you will only suffer if you follow me." Gu Cuiyao smiled and said, "As long as I can accompany you, I don't care whether I live or die."

In a simple sentence, the unswerving affection contained in it is quite mellow and profound, which makes Yi Hanfeng feel so unmoved. He gently hugged the beautiful woman and said, "Having a beautiful confidant like you is really a great blessing for me."