
Chapter 123 The struggle for sovereignty is uncompromising, and his life is almost lost

Chapter 123 The dispute over sovereignty is uncompromising, and his life is almost lost

The polar fire pure lotus also moved away at the moment of touch. The erratic speed, Wu Ye couldn't feel how it did it!

"Have I found it?"

Wu Ye roared with anger, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. How much joy and sorrow this dragon soul brought to him, and only he knew everything best!

Long Yinsheng responded to his roar with an unyielding pride, and there were too many uncertainties in it!

Just like the unwillingness and struggle against fate that you once had, Wu Ye's heart is not soft. Isn't this what you used to be?

"Do you have any difficulties? Tell me if you have it, or you will suffer!"

Wu Ye said in a threatening tone, but he was not sure whether this move was useful or not.

"I am the soul of the dragon jade dragon, the soul of the innate dragon jade condensed, there are eight brothers who are not the same life but can die together..."

The sound of dragon chanting gradually became clear, and slowly I could understand what it meant!

"Stop, this old man has already told me, and I have agreed to his request, and I will help you find them!"

The dragon chant sounded again, but the voice became much softer and roared: "I... To... Self... Look for it!"


This time, Wu Ye's tone has become more firm. If he asks to be promised, can he still be himself?

"Absolutely not!"

The dragon soul shook again and did not continue to roar, but constantly restless!

"Since you have to occupy my soul, you can try to see if your soul is strong or my Ono is powerful!"

After communicating with each other, there is nothing to say about each other. The body has a strong desire to control. Hope, this determines the ownership of life, how can it be compromised!

"Then try...!"

Negative emotions come from the depths of the soul again. Simply put, they emanate from the depths of the pure lotus fire!

This negative emotion directly awakened the long-accumulated resentment without ambition, and the pain I suffered in the secluded continent constantly appeared in my mind, thinking of my mother who was imprisoned in the endless abyss!


Wu Ye felt his emotions and was out of his control in an instant, like a wild horse out of the reins, wanting to tear everything around him.

"Come on, you hateful dragon soul, you can't get control of my body!"

At this time, you can only devote all your spiritual strength to fight against the madness of the remnant dragon soul in the depths of the soul. Violence. Move!

Strengthening the Polar Fire Shield from time to time has been the most important, and controlling your soul consciousness is the most important task at present.

But is it really that simple to fight against the soul of a remnant dragon?

Out of control, constantly out of control. When Wuye's mood stabilized a little, he was once again plundered and controlled by the remnant dragon soul, making Wuye feel a sense of powerlessness!

"I will never lose to you!"

Although it is difficult to be depressed without ambition, if it is dominated by the dragon soul, then your fate will be very tragic!

So there must be no mistake in the task, which is related to your own life, the limit... Only when you give full play to your spiritual power and soul power that is almost out of control can you break back the control!

But outside the cave, there seems to be a gray shade approaching. Is that a giant ape?

What are you really afraid of, boss giant ape, don't you want to join in the fun at this time?

"What should I do?"

At this time, Wuye no longer has much energy to deal with the threat outside the cave, but what if the giant ape suddenly attacks himself next when he tries his best to deal with the remnant dragon soul?

The polar fire shield outside has begun to fade. Once the protection of the polar fire is lost, perhaps a heavy blow of the giant ape can break yourself to pieces!

You can't sit back and wait for death. The mental strength of the whole body is no longer just wrapped around the day's polar fire pure lotus, but also just revolve around it. To suppress it, as long as a small mass of polar fire bombs can be condensed, it is enough to scare away the gray shadow outside the cave.

"Give me strength, give me strength!"

Wu Ye has a strong inner desire, but the depression in his chest is getting worse and worse. He feels that between the sea of breath in his chest and the sea of air in his abdomen, it is like being separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. The power between the two seas of air cannot be connected.

But he can feel a force between his abdomen. He knows that this is his previous condensation!

Powerlessness, a strong sense of powerlessness hit his whole body, and the feeling in the secluded sea continent hit his heart again and again!

Pain, sadness, helplessness, despair... ...Negative emotions are getting stronger and stronger!

"Is this the feeling of low-level sharpness for yourself?"

It did not awaken its sharpness to resist negative emotions, but increased the harm of negative emotions to itself, which Wu Ye did not expect!

The gray shadow is approaching the mouth of the cave. It is indeed the giant ape. It seems that the giant ape has eaten the game mushroom soup hanging on the treetops.

"Beast! Are you not satisfied with giving you delicious food? What on earth do you want to do?

Seeing the giant ape appearing in the gray shadow, Wu Ye completely fell into despair. If the giant ape comes in to make trouble at this time and does not have to surrender by itself, the remnant dragon soul will definitely occupy the initiative and destroy its soul consciousness and replace it!

Can you let them do this? Of course not! But now I can't do anything wild!

"Can we just wait to die? Why? Why is this?"

Wu Ye's mental state has fallen into a trough. Before the threat of the giant ape has done anything to him, his heart has almost collapsed!

The giant ape is still approaching, yes, carefully approaching, and has broken through the perception range of the hole.

The facial expression of the giant ape is more clear, and it seems to have a trace of hesitation, as if it is doing the final test!

The giant ape seemed to feel that nothing prevented him from entering the cave, fangs... The fangs of the giant ape, which is more than an inch long, have been exposed from the giant ape's sudden increase in confidence and the fierce nature!

"Give me your body and keep your body immortal. As long as your soul makes concessions, you have no way back!"

Threat, red. Naked. Naked threat!

The remnant dragon soul is almost the last disc, and it can only die if you don't give in!

"Then die together! If I lose my dominant soul consciousness, what's the difference between death and death!"

Wu Ye doesn't want to die, but the current scene is no longer up to him!

The orange polar fire shield outside the body all disappeared in the confrontation with the dragon soul, and now I can't even move my body!

The giant ape stood up fiercely, and its sharp claws were exposed, only a few steps away from Wu Ye's body!


The giant ape roared crazily. After patting the two giant palms twice on the chest, it raised it high and patted it crazily on the top of his head!

"Let's die together!"

Wu Ye has decided to die with the dragon soul. For him, without independent soul consciousness, it is better to die immediately than to keep a walking corpse body!

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

The soul of the remnant dragon roared angrily. In fact, it does not want to die. For this body, it can be said that the remnants of the dragon soul has made the greatest efforts.

Is it true to be martyred with this crazy teenager?

No, absolutely not! Everything is for this body!

" roar... Bastard, release your spiritual bondage!"

The dragon soul doesn't seem to want to continue to consume with Wu Ye, but it retreats! Wu Ye's spiritual power has the upper hand in an instant!

Unfortunately, the claws of the giant ape are only a few inches away from the top of his head, and there will be a disaster in an instant! What's the use of taking the initiative?

"Wow... Resist, asshole!"

The dragon soul is also angry. At this time, it is completely meaningless for the soul to take the initiative. Life is in danger. Is it useless to take the initiative without life?

"You don't have to worry about me, even if I die, it's none of your business!"

Wu Ye roared angrily while rapidly running his spiritual power, wanting to draw out the power of extreme fire to form a polar fire shield outside his body!

However, due to the previous confrontation with the remnant dragon soul and excessive force, the polar fire pure lotus is surrounded by all the spiritual forces. If you want to release the polar fire shield in an instant, how to do it?

The anger that hurts the heart has been forced to enter. Without the protection of the fire shield, this body is as fragile as an egg!

If other parts are attacked, there may be a glimmer of hope for survival, but what about the head? This is the part that will directly take the part of life!

"No... You can't die!"

The dragon soul seems to realize that the subject, like itself, is blocked by the previous force and loses its resistance!

"I don't want to die either. You hurt me and yourself!"

I want to cry without tears, and I can only watch the sharp claws of the giant ape fall!

Are you really going to die here? Did I really die like this in this wilderness?

The shadow of death has shrouded his heart. Except for the protection of the polar fire shield, his current power can't resist the heavy blow of the giant ape!

moved, and the polar fire energy finally moved. Unfortunately, death has come, and the scalp has felt the tingling of anger cutting the skin!

Even if it condenses the fire shield in an instant at this time, it is too late!


The dragon soul is completely disappointed with the subject. Now not only is Wu Ye to die, even if it will disappear with it!

"Mother, master, sister Shaer, goodbye!"

This is Wu Ye's last last words. I didn't expect to experience so many difficulties and obstacles. I walked here step by step, but my previous achievements were abandoned and I wanted to corpse in the wilderness!

Why is consciousness so clear before death? Why should you leave the world with regrets!

At the moment when Wuye fell into a desperate situation and thought he would die, his body suddenly bent forward, and a pull came from his waist!

At the same time, the sharp claws of the giant ape rubbed against the scalp, and there was a hot pain!

With the effect of this pull, he narrowly avoided a fatal blow!

"Who saved himself?"

Wu Ye looked gratefully at the light ball that pulled him to avoid fatal injury, but saw that the sacred thing that saved his life was actually a group of small spiders with colorful brilliance!

"Little spider, it turned out to be you. I love you so much!"

The hero who saved his life turned out to be the colorful little magic spider that has been hidden in the groove of the belt!

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