
Chapter 179 Mushroom Flame

Chapter 179 Mushroom Flame

"All in all, let's test it with you!"

Looking at the gate in the distance, the crystal fireball that had just been made in his hand was thrown out by him and roared towards the sealed gate!

After the crystal was hollowed out, the volume was doubled in size, and the position from the cliff hole to the sealed gate was also about a hundred feet. Ono's arm strength was amazing. As soon as the crystal ball was thrown by him, it quickly ejected towards the gate.

The crystal ball was thrown on the sealed iron gate in an instant, and the crystal ball came into close contact with the sealed iron gate under Ono's best throw.


A loud noise came out, and the crystal ball broke in an instant, and the two groups of polar fire energy were released and hit each other in an instant, emitting a strong explosion.

A dazzling strong light burst out from the iron gate and radiated in all directions with a strong flame.

The molten pulp in the molten fire pool was swept up by the huge impact force and sprayed out into the surrounding space, hitting everything around with a sad and sharp roar.

A mushroom flame formed in an instant and hit the cliff, with a strong shock wave around the mushroom flame.

Looking at the mushroom flame with such horrible energy, Ono was dumbfounded in an instant. He never expected that the crystal ball would emit such a terrible destructive power.

For good, he was ready to hide behind the boulder. The mushroom flame, with a sharp roar and strong destructive power, hit the boulder.


The mountain shook, and the molten slurry under the cliff suddenly hit the top of the cave, and the fiery red molten slurry splashed around with hot flame energy.

Ono, who was hiding behind the boulder, was not spared. Countless molten slurry sprayed onto the cliff, shot down from the top of the cave, and hit his purple polar fire mask.

Looking at such a horrible outbreak, a spiritual force flashed through the storage ring in an instant. The innocent monument was quickly taken out by him, grabbed the black gold chain and carried it behind him.

His body also turned a surface in an instant, facing the strong molten impact with an innocent monument.

With the protection of the two polar fire shields, Ono's heart is still not confident enough to resist this powerful destructive power.

Half of the boulders on the cliff were destroyed under the bombardment of mushroom flames, and the molten slurry caused by the shock wave exploded from the top of the cave, and countless molten slurry bombarded on the polar shield.

Ono's whole body was on the rock wall and used the innocent monument behind him to meet the impact of the molten pulp. His hands were dead against his body to prevent himself from being bombarded out in the shaking of the mountain.

The first wave of powerful molten impact hit the polar fire shield, which immediately darken Ono's expression, and half of his body was bombarded into the cliff.

Before he withdrew his body from the cliff, the second bombardment wave immediately hit him and directly bombarded his whole body into the cliff.

Only the huge innocent monument behind him was exposed, and the purple polar fire shield disappeared. At this time, it was impossible to see Ono's expression clearly.

Ono only felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. He felt that all his internal organs were injured in this bombardment.

He can't predict the situation outside. At this moment, his body has become weak. Without the protection of the innocent monument, his body is likely to be destroyed by the explosive power of extreme fire.

He barely carried up a little soul and spiritual power and re-supported the disappeared polar fire shield. He could no longer feel pain, and his body seemed to be no longer his own.

A figure slowly appeared in my mind, a polar fire pure lotus. That was a long time ago, an old man took himself to a sea of molten fire and helped him go to the lotus first to the extreme fire. Isn't this the pure lotus fire that the old man and he already had?

In a daze, the memory that had been lost slowly came to my mind, miraculously recalling everything in the past.

"Mother! Is it really you?"

In front of her, she seemed to see a beautiful woman with a fishman's tail, swinging her tail in a lonely pool.

A teenager put on a shield with strong sealing energy and looked at everything inside with tears in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

"Isn't that yourself?"

There is also an old man around him. Isn't that the old man who took himself to the lotus blue sea?

Stuck in the rock wall, countless memories of the past continue to emerge, and those shocking and painful memories continue to emerge.

"No, I can't die! I must not die!"

The belief in my heart keeps telling myself that I still have a lot of things to do. I have to keep getting stronger and my memories keep emerging. It turns out that my past is really like a bone old man, just a waste material!

The eyelids were so heavy that Ono's heart was fiercely entangled together. It was more and more difficult to breathe. His mood fell to the extreme. As soon as his head fainted, he fainted on the rock wall!

On the innocence behind him, countless magma flew on it, and the whole rock wall was slowly covered with magma. Soon the teenager stuck on the rock wall could not be seen, and the whole rock wall showed a fiery red.

Fire Tower

Many students sent by Jiuyou College to practice in the basement of the Fire Tower every day. After shaking the mountain, they all ran out of the secret room!

those with low strength hurriedly ran to the upper floor. The higher ones had the courage to daze at the door, watching everyone run to the upper level one after another, and some had to run up.

"Quick, go down and have a look. What's going on? Is it fire and violence? Moved, this time's violence. It's more powerful than before!"

On the seventh floor of the Fire Tower, a girl and a strong teenager ran out of the secret room. The two looked at their colleagues and shouted.

"Ayu, don't go down, or let me go!"

The strong teenager looked at the girl in front of him, with a little shyness on his face, but there was a caring look in his tone.

"Aguang, don't look down on me. Why can't I go down!"

After hearing the teenager's words, the girl Ayu put her hands on her waist and raised her head and said proudly.

"Don't I care about your safety? Let me go down and have a look. You go back and report to the dean first, and I'll take a look and go up!"

The teenager Aguang looked embarrassed. He was originally concerned for a while, but he didn't want the girl he had admired for a long time to misunderstand that he looked down on her. He had nowhere to say, so he had to continue to speak euphemistically.

"Let me go and have a look. You can go back and report to the dean, and leave it to me here!"

The girl Ayu didn't wait for A Guang to answer and ran to the door to the eighth floor!

"Ayu, you---!"

Looking at Ayu running away, A Guang looked helpless. He had an unexpressable feeling about the girl Ayu, who was even stronger than himself.

Ayu's domineering is so cute and charming in her own eyes. Her charming pink mouth is so attractive that her heartbeat accelerates!

Looking at her joys and sorrows, it seems that her soul also trembles. Are you possessed?

A Guang had no choice but to watch A Yu run into the eighth door. He wanted to run in with him and was afraid that A Yu would be angry, so he had to sigh and turn around and run up!

A Yu, who ran into the eighth floor, turned around and looked at the Aguang behind him who did not follow, with a mysterious smile on his face!

The temperature of the eighth fire tower has reached the limit she can withstand, and her body's ability to withstand sharpness has been completely suppressed, which is much hotter than ever before.

Feeling that his sharpness was suppressed, and it was also a little difficult to move. A Yu quickly checked in front of the secret room of the Eighth Fire Spirit Tower and was relieved to see that no one was practicing at this level!

After watching the huge door behind him slowly close and making sure that there was no one inside, he quickly made a magical fingerprint in front of him.

The ten fingers of both hands are instantly covered with a layer of purple energy, and the purple energy is constantly shining on the fingernails.

"Lingbo Zhanjia, Ning!"

Under the continuous change of the ten fingers, several magical seals were emitted from her hands, and phantoms flew out of her nails, and seven sharp armors with starlight flashed on her feet, knees, legs, waist, shoulders, arms, elbows and at the same time!


The seven star armors were instantly equipped on his body, and A Yu felt the pressure on his body and no longer felt difficult to breathe.

Facing the hot flame, seven layers of light energy protective cover appeared on her body, and finally completely merged into a protective cover with silver starlight.

The protective cover is completely attached to the surface of the body and armor, which is actually the legendary divine condensed armor!

"Hee hee!"

Ayu smiled, and her figure accelerated in an instant, leaving a layer of overlapping and blurred figure on the passage. Her body appeared at the door of the Ninth Heavy Fire Tower in the blink of an eye.

Pressing with both hands, a sharp air is imprinted on the palm mark of the ninth gate, and a sharp energy on the palms of Weilan's hands burst out. Ten nails soared three inches in an instant, and purple sharp energy flashed and circulated on ten nails.


The heavy door was pushed open by her in an instant, and the sharp energy was completely abundant in the secret space on the palm of the door, opening the ninth major door.

The ninth door opened, showing a completely different scene from the eight above in front of Ayu. There is no secret room here, but a powerful seal and a huge iron gate.

At the edge of the gate, there is a powerful sealing boundary. The boundary is transparent. Outside the boundary, there is fiery lava. In the sea of fire outside, because the temperature is too high, everything outside is deformed and distorted!

I opened the ninth major door for the first time, and I was shocked to see all this!

"Sure enough! The rumors outside are true, and the fire tower in Jiuyou College hides secrets!"

Ayu saw everything in front of him and muttered to himself.

Just as she wanted to dodge in, a fiery red light ball suddenly flew outside the boundary. When she fixed her eyes, it turned out to be a crystal ball.

Just when she wondered why the crystal ball suddenly appeared here, a purple light appeared in her eyes on the cliff a hundred feet away.

When you want to see more clearly, the crystal has hit the huge sealed iron door, and a powerful vibration came from the iron gate in an instant.

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