Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 94 Test from Gao Xueting

"Good!" Smiling without ink. A few days of getting along with each other has made the relationship between the three become much closer, and she also knows more about them!

"Expressing love should be the simplest of all emotions for you. Take a deep breath, adjust your mentality, and then arouse the love in your heart. Don't be influenced by the things around you!" Gao Xueting, who stood aside, looked at the two people in front of her and said calmly.

As Gao Xueting's words fell, Xiaoxiao began to slowly enter the state!

She doesn't have the deep skills of Gao Xueting, so she can only come slowly and step by step!

Take a deep breath, and the embarrassment in his eyes gradually decreased, slowly eliminating the distracting thoughts in his heart.

With the increase of love in his eyes, what the people in front of him originally thought did not fade in Xiaoxiao's mind, but became clearer and clearer.

She thought that if she wanted to express her love for someone she didn't love, she must blur and marginalize that person, and even directly regard the other person as the person she loves in her heart.

It was not until then that she realized that what she had thought before was simply a misunderstanding.

It is impossible for her to treat Liu Leqiao as Xia Lei.

But this is more, it can test her ability.

"Very good, the eyes are right!" Gao Xueting's sharp voice sounded. Naturally, she did it on purpose. This kind of experiment is not a simple vacuum state. It is necessary to simulate the reality that she will be disturbed by others anytime and anywhere.

Laughter flashed, but was soon pulled back by herself.

Although the smile is just a flash, it is still caught by Gao Xueting. "You must not be harassed by the outside world. If this is a battlefield, a momentary loss of mind represents your life!"

She didn't say anything, let alone any dissatisfaction. In the past few days, she has been used to Gao Xueting's strictness in this regard!

But she understands that there is no malice.

Seeing Xiaoxiao's eyes becoming more and more focused, Gao Xueting's face had a touch of pride, and her nails touched gently, and the expression on her face became more and more thought-provoking, but Liu Leqiao and Xiaoxiao did not have time to guess and pay attention to all this.

"Yes, yes, the eyes are very good, and then there is the expression on the face!" Gao Xueting's voice was not very obvious, but her pride could be heard for the first time.

Although it was a little strange, I didn't have time to think about anything for a while.

On the contrary, Liu Leqiao's mind has been on Gao Xueting from beginning to end. Now he can't help but be shocked when he suddenly hears Gao Xueting's tone, but it's not just Gao Xueting's tone that surprises him.

But the complacency in Gao Xueting's tone can be heard by them!

Obviously, it was not only himself who heard it. Xiaoxiao's expression just flashed slightly, which had already been imprinted into Liu Leqiao's eyes.

There was not much time for him to guess, and the ensuing scream of laughter broke the calm of all this!

Somehow, he didn't seem to stand still, and Xiaoxiao threw himself directly into his arms.

Because the impact is too strong, Liu Leqiao's feet are unstable!

Liu Leqiao hugged and smiled and fell back together, and behind him was the bed.

There was no obstacle. The two lay down to **, and Liu Leqiao lay down and lay in his arms with a smile.

Although his skills are not as powerful as Gao Xueting, he doesn't believe it. He can't even laugh, and he obviously has a great impact just now.

This impact...!

There are only three people in this room. It's impossible to laugh, so the only explanation...!

Gao Xueting!

Without any hesitation, Liu Leqiao looked at Gao Xueting and found that the latter was watching the good play proudly, and the expression on her face was no longer covered at all.

He doesn't understand the benefits of Gao Xueting doing this!

Do you just want to laugh?

Then Gao Xueting is too naive!

His heart hurts slightly. In the past few days, he really thought that Gao Xueting had let it go!

But what she did today proves that she has been lying to herself these days.

Looking at the two embarrassed people of **, she looked at herself back and forth. She completely ignored Liu Leqiao and only smiled in her eyes!

"Sister Ting? Why?" The meaning of injury was obvious in the smiling words, and his eyes became a little dark.

She doesn't understand. She really doesn't understand. Why? Why is all this?

"Why? Humph! Why do you say?" Gao Xueting's expression became colder and colder, and the coldness in her eyes and the two people in the thorny room were creepy.

"I thought you...!" The magic in the smiling eyes is getting darker and darker!

"Why do you think I will really give up Xia Lei! Humph, you're wrong, it's impossible, and it's impossible to die!" There was madness on her face, and during that madness, she was extremely excited.

Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy, it will never be so simple!

"Sister Ting, don't be obsessed anymore!" Thinking of Gao Xueting's teaching to herself in the past few days, Xiaoxiao was in a panic and calmed down!

has improved the enemy's trap, so the only thing you can do now is not to let your emotions enter the enemy's trap again and never mess up.

Unlike Xiaoxiao, countless thoughts flashed in Liu Leqiao's mind, but they scared him one by one.

After all, Liu Leqiao has seen more tricks than laughing, so his idea is not as simple as laughing.

"Xueting, how can you do this? You are hurting yourself, do you understand?" Liu Leqiao's words were excited, clenched his fist, reached out and stood up from **, protecting Xiaoxiao behind him.

He swore that if Gao Xueting wanted to hurt Xiaoxiao, she would step on his body!

No one can know his pain! His love is so deeply hidden, but he has been injured before it begins.

Looking at Liu Leqiao's appearance, Gao Xueting's eyes became more and more contemptuous!

That look is like looking at an ant!

he sneered and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you. If I do you, how can Lei let me go!" An ambiguous meaning flashed in his eyes and he kept looking at the two people in front of him.

An idea flashed in Liu Leqiao's heart, which was quickly confirmed in his heart and hurriedly shouted at the smile behind him, "Go!" He can probably understand what Gao Xueting is going to do.

"Is it possible to go? If you can go out, I will let you go out! Hahaha!" After laughing, Gao Xueting pulled over a chair and sat down leisurely.

Unexpectedly, there was a camera in her hand, and the corners of her mouth grinned slightly. At this time, she actually showed a gentle smile, but only she knew what was hidden behind the smile.

Smiling is not stupid. Seeing Gao Xueting's situation, I can vaguely understand what it is.

Many of this kind of Qiao Duan, TV series and novels, I didn't expect it to fall on me today.

It's too late to be sad, and it's too late to regret. She knew that it was useless to say more at this time. She stepped off her legs and was about to go to the door.

What can I do...!

What can I do...!

However, before the foot is put down, the head becomes a little dizzy!

Untimely, her body became more and more weak, and her eyes widened, staring at Gao Xueting until she fainted.

Liu Leqiao's head also began to feel dizzy at this time. He was a doctor, but he really couldn't remember when Gao Xueting drugged them and looked at Gao Xueting with hatred.

Did he go the wrong way? Did he really lose sight of it? Why did he come to this point? He still has vague expectations in his heart!

It seemed that there was something to say, but there was no time to say a word, and he also fainted.

Looking at these two people who fainted in their own eyes, Gao Xueting's proud expression gradually restrained, but became unpredictable.

Go forward, take off the smiling clothes one by one, and drag them to **.

The clock in the room ticked and ticked around.

Gao Xueting has been sitting by the bed, and her eyes have never left **'s two naked men and women.

She sneered softly. She knew that Liu Leqiao was a doctor and was very** to the medicine.

But Gao Xueting is a mercenary and specializes in confusing people.

How could Liu Leqiao be her opponent?

I'm afraid that Liu Leqiao couldn't figure out when and how he was drugged at the last moment before he fainted.

When she saw **, her eyelashes moved, and Gao Xueting's smile was even better. She picked up the camera and began to flash constantly.

Well! My head was still a little dizzy. The smile that I originally wanted to open my eyes suddenly thought of what had just happened and given up the plan to open my eyes immediately!

In the past, Xiaoxiao would have opened her eyes first, but now, after so many days of training, she knows that sometimes it takes skills to open her eyes.

But the light that keeps flashing through the eyelids, and the sound of the camera 'kab, click' keeps appearing.

Feed a hand pressed on her body, and she knew that it was Liu Leqiao's hand.

There is already a lot of panic in her heart, but she knows that it is regret, chagrin, pain and panic. At this moment, she doesn't need it. What she needs is to calm down, face all this calmly, and deal with it calmly!

It's a pity that this kind of thing is good, but who can calm down when you really face it!

What to do? There is no mucus between the legs except for not wearing clothes.

Before he fainted, he also looked at Le Qiao before fainting. He seemed to be the same as himself.

In this way, nothing should have happened!

But will Lei believe in himself? Will, for sure.

I don't know where the confidence comes from. Xiaoxiao believes that Xia Lei will believe in himself.

Because if one day, the same thing happens to Xia Lei, as long as Xia Lei says no, she will believe unconditionally. Maybe this belief is a little blind, but isn't it should be the case between two people who love each other?

As long as she is sure that she has not happened to Liu Leqiao, she is confident of everything else.

"Since you're awake, don't close your eyes and think I don't know?" Gao Xueting's cold tone, without any emotion, sounded in vain at this moment.