Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 157 The Wind and Clouds 4

In front of the bed, the three men looked at the still unconscious smile, looked at each other a few times, and then smiled alike.

"Rock, scissors, cloth!"

"Ha, I won, I'll go first, big brother and second brother, thank you for giving up, little brother first!" To seek similarities and differences, one of them surpassed the other two cloths with scissors.

"Then we will wait for you!" The two losers lit a cigarette, stepped back a few steps, and found a chair to sit down.

This is their rule. It's like this every time, but this time the woman is very beautiful and makes me feel a little depressed!

I glanced at the two brothers sitting on the chair, and my heart was even more happy: "Hey hey!" Before he took off his smiling clothes, he fell on her body and smelled the fragrance of her neck. His whole body was suddenly hot.

"Lao San, hurry up, don't drag us anymore. It's itchy!" One of them spit out a cigarette and said in a hoarse voice.

There is no nonsense, only a "tearing" sound, which is the sound of laughing clothes being torn. Listening to the sound of the clothes being torn is enough to seduce these three men.

"Tut, tut, tut, tut, it's really beautiful!" Even the two men sitting in the chair couldn't help standing up.

"Lao San, hurry up, don't linger, or let me go first!" Another can't stand opening his mouth.

Don't say that they can't help it, but now he is the top third, and he is very excited!

"No, give me a cigarette first!" Involutatingly, he grabbed a cigarette and took a sip!

"I said, can you do it or not!" Another man frowned and had impatience in his eyes!

"Alle, why not!" Lao San put out the smoke and walked back to the bedside, with a more flickering light in his eyes.

How good it would be for such a beautiful woman to be alone? He really doesn't want to share it with the other two.

Maybe driven by psychology, he slowly climbed to ** and covered Xiaoxiao with a quilt. As for the clothes on Xiaoxiao's body, he decided to take off under the quilt.

"Hey, Lao San, what do you mean!" The man who turned out to be impatient stood up excitedly again.

Another man reached out and stopped him: "Since Lao San wants to play something new, let him play!"

In the hotel, Meng Chen has forced Liu Xi to get on the elevator!

Looking at Liu Xi's hesitation when pressing the elevator, Meng Chen said fiercely, "Don't play tricks on me, or I won't kill you and sell you to South Africa as a chicken!"

Liu Xi didn't say anything, but his hatred for laughter became deeper!

If it hadn't been for her, I would never have had this experience today.

As soon as the elevator went up, Chen Ming and Hong Li rushed up in the back and stood in front of the elevator and watched the elevator stop on the 15th floor.

The employees of the hotel couldn't help but be afraid when they saw the sudden influx of people, but they didn't dare to come forward!

"15th floor, leave ten people in the lobby to prevent them from laughing away from the back road, and the others will follow us!" Chen Ming said in an orderly manner.

In front of Room 1528, Liu Xi and Meng Chen stopped and said, "Is it here? Then ring the doorbell!"

Although she didn't want to, she still reached out and rang the doorbell!

"Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong!"

After a long time, there was still no reply from the room.

Seeing this scene, Meng Chen's intuition was that Liu Xi was intentional and more angry. The gun was against Liu Xi's waist and said fiercely, "Don't play tricks. Don't think I can do anything about you here!"

"I didn't, they said it was here!" How could Liu Xi not be afraid of Meng Chen's anger? He defended himself and reached out and pressed the doorbell.

"Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong!"

The response to the two is still quiet.

At this tense moment, the elevator door opened at the right time. Hong Li and Chen Ming rushed out with their brothers and ran directly to the place where Meng Chen and Liu Xi were!

"Damn, bitch, where the hell is the joke, or I will shoot you!" Unlike Meng Chen's gentleness, Hong Li, who rushed over, got a gun from nowhere and directly hit Liu Xi's head.

"I, I, I, she, she is in here!" Liu Xi was already scared and pointed to the closed door.

"Go to the administrator of this layer!" Chen Ming is worthy of being a think tank of Hongmen. His eyes flashed and he said to a brother beside him.

He turned the gun from Liu Xi's head to Meng Chen's head. Hong Li narrowed his eyes slightly, showing his anger at this moment: "This is your master, right!"

"So what? You are also beaten like this by my brothers!" They are all understanding people, and Meng Chen doesn't want to pretend to be confused.

glanced at Chen Ming, and the light flashed in Hong Li's eyes. He said arrogantly, "Well, your 20 brothers have already been in the hospital. Next time, there are too few people to remember 20 people, which is not enough for my appetite!"

Meng Chen's face turned red. He did send 20 people to deal with six people, but he was solved by Hong Li alone. Even if Hong Li was beaten like this, he would not win.

Looking at Meng Chen's changes, Hong Li and Chen Mingwei looked at each other unreachably.

It seems that the communication has nothing to do with him, so what about the other brothers? Does it have nothing to do with him?

They also checked in advance that Meng Chen seemed to have only found 20 people, and no other personnel were sent.

At this moment, they prefer Meng Chen to do it. The open gun is easy to hide and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent. If it weren't for Meng Chen, it would prove that they didn't know what kind of enemy they had in the dark.

This is the most terrible.

Thinking this way, both of them have a bad feeling at the same time!

At this time, the floor administrator's face turned pale and was dragged over!

"Everyone, brothers, I didn't do anything. Please let me go. I didn't see anything!"

"Open the door!" Chen Ming said so much lazy nonsense.

"Good, good, good!" What's more important than your life? Even if there are guests living in this room, you can swipe it tremblingly with the door card.

"Kka!" With a sound, the door was opened!

I don't know if the three brothers forgot, but they didn't lock the door, and everyone flocked in.

"Laugh!" Meng Chen pulled the reluctant Liu Xi and rushed to the room as quickly as possible.

Liu Xi, who still wanted to escape from the chaos, knew that there was no chance to escape today.

Wherever the eyeliner is reach, there is no one, but there are smiling and torn clothes by the bed, as well as drunken men's clothes thrown everywhere.

"Where's the smile?" Fearing that the picture would be too indecent, Chen Ming placed all the rest of his brothers at the door and rushed in with Hong Li.

What they saw was the same as what Meng Chen saw!

Withaticism, Hong Li lifted the quilt!

**There are three men with their eyes closed, one by one being beaten like a pig!

"That's them!" Although ** men were beaten so that they could not recognize their true faces, Liu Xi could still easily recognize them!

"But what about laughing?" She will obviously give Xiaoxiao to these three men, and with the woman's intuition, she is sure that they will not let Xiaoxiao go, but why?

Hong Li and Chen Ming looked at each other, which further confirmed their conjecture!

What is the purpose of the dark people taking away Xiaoxiao? Where is Xiaoxiao at this moment?

The two took a step forward and found that there was also a flying needle in all three people, which was exactly the same as the flying needle that anesthetized their brothers before!

It's just that those brothers were not beaten into pig heads, but these three people were beaten into pig heads.

It seems that I hate the behavior of these three people very much!

This is the only good news for Hong Li and Chen Ming!

Or, smiling at this moment is sound, and they can only make this fantasy to comfort their mood at this moment.

Since the two already have ideas in their minds, it is meaningless to stay here. They can only wait until Xia Lei comes back to clean up what Meng Chen did in person, but before that, they could not easily let Liu Xi go!

It's not a pity for such a vicious woman to die a thousand times!

"Liu Xi, did you arrange all this? Tell me quickly!" Chen Ming had anger in his eyes. He grabbed the gun in Hong Li's hand and hit Liu Xi's head.

"No, no, it's not me. All I know is that Xiaoxiao was taken away by them, and I don't know where Xiaoxiao is!" Feeling the two guns on his head, Liu Xi had never been so exciting in his life. Suddenly, he panicked and read, damn Yu Chi smiled. Where the hell have you been? It's about to appear.

"Pa!" With a loud slap in the face, Hong Li slapped Liu Xi with all his strength: "Well, do you think we are easy to snor? People are lost in your hands. Why did you give her to them? Obviously, you arranged all this!"

"I...I...I really don't!" The heat of her cheeks made her extremely painful, but in this case, she did not dare to squeak!

With that, she stared at Meng Chen again and begged, "Meng Shao, you believe me. I really didn't. I really didn't do it. Please, you must believe me!" She knows that at this moment, she can only beg Meng Chen!

"Well, you two are in the same group, why act in front of us!" Looking at Meng Chen's increasingly ugly face, Chen Ming increased the dose again.

Meng Chen hasn't said anything. He was thinking about the meaning of Hong Li and Chen Ming's words. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the problem was indeed on Liu Xi's body. He grabbed Liu Xi's hair fiercely and retreated: "Say, where did you hide your smile!"

"I, I, I really don't know!" The pain made Liu Xi's eyes full of tears.

"Cough...cough...!" At this moment, Hong Li's face turned pale and he seemed to be unable to stand it.

He didn't have time to continue to force Liu Xi. Chen Ming walked to Hong Li and helped him. "What's wrong?"

Hong Li shook his head, but he couldn't speak!

He stared at Liu Xi and Meng Chen fiercely, as if unwilling: "I'll take you to the hospital first!"

"No... you're here...!" His voice is weak and unpleasant.