Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 193 will be more crazy

Meng Chen, who originally wanted to shout, seemed to have been struck by lightning, lowered his head and signed his name on the divorce agreement.

This time, it was replaced by a smile and stunned. Unexpectedly, just such a heart-hearted sentence would suppress Meng Chen's arrogance.

Or, this sentence woke him up completely.

"Well, in that case, I wish you happiness!"

Meng Chen, who signed the letter, pushed the divorce agreement in his hand and stood up gracefully, but the unconcealed pain in his eyes, which was so obvious, revealed the sadness in his heart at this moment.

took a look at the agreement and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Looking at the woman held in Xia Lei's arms, Meng Chen smiled sadly, and then turned his eyes to Xia Lei.

"You must treat her well, or I will come back to rob it. What about what I want?"

How can he have the impression of this man? His hatred for his wife will never be extinguished.

Xia Lei signaled to the people around him, and someone immediately handed over the bag of things.

After taking over the things, Meng Chen stopped and left the door, but he left a meaningful sentence before leaving.

"We will meet again soon. I really hope you will still love each other so much!"

Even if Xia Lei had the intention to choke his words, he had already left the door and had to give up.

After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two sat in the car and looked at Xia Lei's unretained smile. In fact, she was not only Xia Lei, but also happy.

"You won't blame me for asking you to meet him again!" Xia Lei opened his mouth without warning.

smiled and shook his head, "No wonder, there are some things I should face, and I'm not small anymore. I can't escape all the time. Believe me, I will only be stronger!"

She began to see a beautiful future and was full of confidence in the future.

Looking at this smile that he was growing step by step, Xia Lei couldn't help sighing.

"You have really grown up!"

Her growth is what he has always hoped for, but at this moment, in his heart, the worry is getting worse and worse. He doesn't know what the worry is, but he believes in his feelings.

Seeing that it was still early, he said with a smile, "Well, I'm in a good mood today. I'll treat you to a meal!"

"Why should I refuse if I have a chance to give you a meal!" Xia Lei is naturally very cooperative.

"Let's go, Four Seasons Hall!"

The smile of the co-pilot shook his right hand and pointed forward, and then the car started.

There is a public and private relationship between them, and the two have already agreed. Public and private should be clear. Outside, they are lovers, but there is only a relationship between superiors and subordinates in the company.

When the two were in high spirits, their smiling mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was a stranger calling, she was a little confused, but she didn't think too much about it, so she answered the phone.

"Hey, okay, okay, I got it. Come right away!"

It was too late to hang up the phone. He turned his head and looked at Xia Lei and said, "Uncle Liu is ill!"

Xia Lei did not squeak, immediately increased the speed, drove to the turn in front of him, made a sharp turn, and drove in the direction of Liu Laosan's mental hospital.

Looking at the sad smile, Xia Lei comforted him and said, "He is Ji Hou's psychosis. Don't worry too much!"

"But the last time we went there, he was fine!" Xiaoxiao also knew that Jihou's mental illness was like that, but she was still worried. Liu Xi left and left her father alone. Since she knew that Liu Xi had this father, she had always treated him as her relatives.

Xia Lei stretched out a hand and took her hand to give her strength.

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

He knew her inner thoughts and her anxiety at this moment, but all this was just useless.

"Ye, I know, I'm fine!"

It turns out that this is life, always full of all kinds of unknowns, happiness and misfortune, happiness and pain, is the real life, sweet and bitterness gathered together.

"President Shi, how's Uncle Liu?"

The medical room of Landi Mental Hospital grabbed Dean Shi's hand nervously.

"I have given him a tranquilizer and is resting now. Although he is Jihou's psychosis, he hasn't had a disease for a long time. I don't know what he was stimulated this morning, but he suddenly had an attack!"

President Shi has sympathy on his face. Although he is the dean of a mental hospital and has seen more of these mentally abnormal patients, this does not make him numb, but understands the pain of these patients better than ordinary people.

It's just that he has seen a lot after all, and naturally he is extremely calm.

"Stimulated!" Hearing these three words, she immediately thought about whether it was Liu Xi, otherwise she didn't know what else could stimulate Liu Laosan.

But Liu Xi is dead. Liu Laosan can't know about this. What should have stimulated him?

Xia Lei was not as nervous as Xiaoxiao. He stood outside Liu Laosan's ward and looked inside through the small glass. Liu Laosan was lying quietly **. He looked asleep, and there was a nurse standing beside him and didn't know what he was recording.

The only unpleasant thing is that Liu Laosan's hands and feet are chained, but he also knows that this is necessary to deal with some aggressive mental patients.

"President Shi, can I go in and see him?"


President Shi did not hesitate to open the door and led Xia Lei and Xiaoxiao into the room.

"Xiao Li, how's it going?"

"Everything is normal!"

The female nurse recorded stared at various instrument screens and answered Dean Shi's words without thinking.

President Shi was originally a dean who cared about patients, so she was not particularly surprised by his appearance.

Xia Lei naturally looked at these instruments. Looking at the beating and disordered ECG instruments, he frowned.

"This tranquilizer doesn't seem to be very useful!"

Liu Laosan's illness is more serious than expected.

"Yes, I don't know what kind of stimulation he received!"

President Shi did not doubt or deny anything. He knew the identity of this young man, not to mention that what he said was not wrong.

The female nurse originally thought that it was only Dean Shi who came in alone. Now she heard such a low and powerful voice, she couldn't help turning around. When she found that there was a man and a woman in the room, especially this man who was so handsome, she instantly turned red.

At this moment, the smile has no strength to pay attention to these little peach blossoms born on the roadside, but just looks at Liu Laosan, who is sick**.

There was an abnormal flush on his face, and now he has receded a lot. It can be imagined how bad the situation was just now.

Naturally, Xia Lei will not pay attention to such a peach blossom. Anyway, this is not the first time for him.

The only embarrassing thing is Dean Shi.

"Xiao Li, you go out first!"

It's shameful. Do you have any quality? Even if there is a handsome man, you don't need to look like you haven't seen a man for thousands of years.

"Uh!" Nurse Xiao Li also seemed to know that she was out of date and picked up the record book and was about to go out.

"Give me this!" When Xia Lei turned around, she couldn't help pulling the record book in her hand.

Maybe this nurse named Xiao Li will refuse others to do so. Even if she doesn't refuse, she will look at Dean Shi's eyes first. At this moment, she looks at Xia Lei holding the things in her hand without any help and does not sign to Dean Shi.

Then in Dean Shi's speechless eyes, she left the ward with a blush.

Laughter sees all this in her eyes. If it were usual, she might have teased Xia Lei and pretended to eat, but today she really doesn't have that mood.

Xia Lei casually looked at Liu Laosan's medical information, which contained Liu Laosan's detailed medical history from his youth to the present.

"Oh!" Xiaoxiao looked at the photo album on the bed cabinet on the other side of Liu Laosan and walked around the bed.

"Was Uncle Liu looking at this thing at that time?"

This is Liu Xi's photo album they brought to him last time. Since he can appear in this hospital at this moment, he should be reading this album when he fell ill.

"Yes, looking at photos is his biggest hobby. There have always been a few old photos to see. Since you brought this album to him, he has watched it every day. When he fell ill today, he also held this album in his arms."

President Shi looked like he wanted to stop talking.

The nostalgic smile may not be noticed, but Xia Lei heard that the dean still had an endless voice.

"President Shi, let me know if you have anything to say!"

"Alas, this is also my guess, not necessarily so, but according to my research on psychopaths over the years, I judge that Liu Laosan may not be sober again if he has become ill this time!"

This is his judgment based on experience. Naturally, it is his reason that an experienced old doctor can make such a judgment.

On the other hand, Xia Lei was not surprised by what he said. Although he did not have much research on this aspect, he still had some understanding. He knew that what President Shi said was not alarmist.

"What!" It turned out that the smile that put her hand under the album couldn't help but be stunned there, and her hand also froze on the album. She didn't expect such a possibility at all. She remembers that the last time she saw Uncle Liu, it was still as clear as that.

"Is there no other way?"

While speaking, she looked at Dean Shi and Xia Lei. In her heart, Xia Lei was almost omnipotent. Just listening to his words, it seemed that he also knew something about these.

President Shi shook his head. No matter how advanced medicine is, they are still powerless for many diseases.

Xia Lei, who originally wanted to shake his head, changed his mind and said, "I know there is a way to make him wake up temporarily, but he will fall into a more crazy state after waking up, and this is irreversible!"