Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 199 I want to see her

"I didn't want you to thank me for this, and I didn't do anything. At that time, I was just forced to bear it."

What Xia Lei said was also right. He did not make any concessions in her mother's matter. His father followed her mother's departure, which was not his contribution. If he had a choice, he would definitely stop his father at that time, but he had no choice but to bear it helplessly.

Seeing that there was still a sparse crying on the other end of the phone, Xia Lei turned around and said, "Good boy, I want to hear your laughter to give you the news, but I don't want you to cry!"

When he heard this, he wiped away his tears with a smile.

"I know, I won't cry!"

But when the voice fell, her tears filled her eyes again.

"Baby, forgive me for not being by your side."

Although this was what he thought when he had this idea and let Xiaoxiao face it alone, now he can't help but feel sad when he sees Xiaoxiao's tears.

"Calm down a little, listen to me."

Hearing the solemnity hidden in his tone, Xiaoxiao had to put away his sadness and emotion again.

"Auntie is not in good health now. After years of persuasion from my father, she has also put down her previous thoughts and is willing to meet you, but I think she should also respect your ideas."

In fact, Xia Yilong did not know that Xia Lei knew about this matter, or that he had guessed, but there was absolutely no practical evidence. Until a few months, Xia Lei took the initiative to contact Xia Yilong to talk about this matter. When he felt sorry for his son, he was also determined to persuade Wei Chiran.

After accompanying Yu Chiran for so many years, how could he not know what she was thinking, nothing more than this daughter.

Just like Xia Lei's clear smile, his greatest wish is to see his mother.

As for Yu Chiran's situation, it is indeed not very good as Xia Lei said. It has been cured for nearly 20 years, and finally this is the result.

took a breath of cold air. In fact, without Xia Lei's room to emphasize, she could also see from those photos that her mother's health was not very good, but her own guess and what she said from him, the mood was completely different.

"I want to see her."

This has been her wish for so many years. Her mother has always left the weakest hope in her heart. She just hopes that one day she can see her mother again. She wants to ask her in person. Has she thought about her over the years?

But this is just a thought. Now she wants to stay by her side, be filial to her, and accompany her through the last moments of her life.

"Okay, leave everything to me. I'll arrange it, baby. Can you eat first now? If aunt comes back, she will need you. You are the pillar of her survival, so you can't fall down!"

In the final analysis, he was still worried that she was too fragile.

If she can't even bear this matter, then she can't accept the next thing. In fact, it's exactly what he is worried about.

"I know. I'll eat first."

Since Xia Lei said that everything was left to him to deal with, she only needed to wait for a result.

In this matter, she is also willing to wait for only one result, because this process is to constantly repair her heart.

A mother she hasn't seen for 16 years. She has hidden 16 years of missing and sorrow. She has so many problems and doubts. For Xia Lei alone, there is no way to untie her heart knots.

She wants to know why her mother was with Uncle Xia. Is it the rumored Uncle Xia she took the initiative to hook up with? There has been a long-standing relationship between the two.

There are too many possibilities. She is not the master, so it is impossible to know and guess. Only then she will ask clearly.

She doesn't dare to imagine that for any reason, Uncle Xia left Xia Lei for her, so both she and her have an inescapable guilt for Xia Lei.

It's like an adult grabbing a child's source of survival for his own preferences, which has jumped out of the question of whether it should or should not and jump into the category of morality.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Lei looked at the smiling and frown on the screen and sighed. He also knew that he could not be in a hurry, but whenever the matter fell on the head of the smile, his heart was so anxious and worried.

"I hope you can accept this reality as soon as possible, so that you can accept a bigger and more cruel reality!"

Touching the smile on the display screen, Xia Lei muttered to himself.

Wei Chiran's return has come to this point, and it is bound to continue. Next is Chen Yishan. If she even feels guilty about her mother's affairs and this guilt continues, can she stay safely after she knows what her father Chen Yishan has done? Be by your side.

After so many things, he figured out that Chen Yishan is Chen Yishan, Wei Chiran is Wei Chiran, and Yu Chixiao is Yu Chixiao. Although they are relatives by blood, in his heart, they are all independent individuals.

Chen Yishan is his enemy, Yu Chiran is his father's sweetheart, and Yu Chi Xiaoxiao is his lover that he can't give up in his life. He will no longer hesitate. He believes that his mother's spirit in heaven does not want to see him in pain. If his mother is still alive, he will definitely like to laugh.

The smile on the screen opened the lunch box. When he began to eat, Xia Lei also took out his mobile phone and dialed his father Xia Yilong's phone. A moment later, a slightly tired voice came from the microphone, "Leier, why did you call me so late?"

"Dad, I'm disturbing your rest."

There is no sense of embarrassment in Xia Lei's voice. His dissatisfaction with Xia Yilong is not only about this matter, but also his mother's matter. He feels cold about his father's inaction at all. Even if he wants to pursue his love, even if he wants to accompany his lover, he also I can't forget another hair-haired wife who died because of his involvement.

In the first few years after his mother's death, his father still tried his best to pursue the truth of the matter, but later, after Yu Chiran fell ill, his father resolutely abandoned him and the whole Xia family, in order to pursue the footsteps of his loved one and protect his loved one from being hurt.

He especially hates what his father said a few months ago, but it is because of me who suffered this.

Isn't it because of his mother? Why must it be so thin and why not be a little fairer?

Not to mention who is the truly innocent in this incident, he also knows that living is not necessarily better than the dead. Living may also suffer more, but there is always hope to live.

Just like now, where he goes to meet his mother, only in his dream, only secretly missing.

"Cough." Xia Yilong coughed awkwardly.

He heard the resentment in his son's words. For so many years, although his son did not do anything against him, the situation has changed since the words he said in the past few months.

He also knew that he was wrong at that time. At that time, he fell ill again and was too anxious, but no matter what the reason was, the words he said were like water spilled out, and he couldn't take it back.

He wanted to repair the growing cracks between them. After working hard for several months, he found that it had been in vain. It turned out that his son had grown up and he could no longer enter his heart.

He is no longer the kind little boy who needed his arms when he was a child. He is already an upright man.

But when he became a single-sided man, he was old. Even if he wanted to make up for the damage he had caused to him over the years, he could only think about it.

When he realized this problem and wanted to enter his heart, he found that he had carefully protected his heart. He could no longer enter his heart, and he no longer needed him to enter his heart.

"I'm fine. It's still early. I haven't slept in the first place."

He stood in the corridor with his mobile phone and called his son. However, he finally fell asleep for fear of waking her up again. At the thought of her recent deteriorating situation, his heart was entangled.

"Is Aunt Ran in poor health again?"

Xia Lei is actually clear. He is willing to call her Aunt Ran and care about her, not because he wants to care about her, but just to laugh. In order to laugh, he is willing to do everything that he didn't want to do.

"Yes, if it goes on like this, it will be the same as before." Xia Yilong's face was full of sadness. He had lost too many people in his life, including Yu Chiran, but what made him most reluctant was also Yu Chiran. After all, this is the woman he loved.

Xia Lei's face had a momentary loss. His father's words still hurt him. He doesn't know how many years he hasn't felt his father's concern. His face returned to normal the next second, and he even had a sense of coldness. Only coldness can protect his heart.

"Smile wants to see her. When can you arrange to go back to China?" He was really not in the mood to listen to his father's concern for Aunt Ran, which reminded him of his mother who died because of his father's mistake more than once. How he wanted to say a word of missing his mother from his father's mouth, but never. Maybe he never loved her, but she lost her life because of him.

"Re return to China? Now?"

Xia Yilong frowned. Originally, he also wanted to take her back to China, thinking that she would see her daughter or be in a better mood. As soon as she got better, she might be much better.

It's just the result of today's inspection, which made him dispel his thoughts for the past few months.

However, she is in such a bad health now. It's too dangerous for her to return to China. He doesn't want her to take this risk.

He admitted that he was selfish. When he was young, he didn't know how to love. When he lost it, he regretted it. He finally caught it again and didn't want to let go so easily.

Even if he is burdened with a crime, he is willing to do it.