Satan President Exclusive Sinful Wife

Chapter 261 Suspect

"Yu Han, what do you think of this dress?"

After a rare holiday, Chen Tong seized the opportunity and made an appointment to laugh. Now she is pointing to a piece of hundreds of thousands of clothes and asks lightly.

"Ye, it's beautiful!"

smiled and nodded, with undisguised envy in his eyes.

As a wage earner, even if she has a small wealth in her family, she can't afford to buy a dress that costs more than 100,000 yuan, so she must be envied.

"Then wait for me here and I'll try!"

Chen Tong smiled, did not show off his wealth and did not show off his wealth.

This is her strength. Obviously, she did it to arouse the desire to laugh, but she did it naturally.

After a while, Chen Tong came out of the cloakroom and pretended to mutter involuntarily, "It's so beautiful!"

Through the glass, Chen Tong saw the desire in her smiling eyes. She kept sneering in her heart that her goal was about to be achieved.

"Madam, this dress was made by top Italian designers, whether it is handmade or fabric..."

The shopping guide's eyes are shining and she keeps telling Chen Tong that Chen Tong is an old customer in the store. She will buy one or two pieces almost every time she comes over. It is her honor to receive her, but it is naturally the commission that makes her happier.

"Yu Han, do you want to try it? I think that one is also very good!"

Chen Tong ignored the shopping guide and pointed to a certain dress with a smile.


Xiaoxiao shook his head with some loss, with the desire of red fruit in fear.

"You have a good vision. This dress is made by a French fashion designer, which is a good match for this lady!"

The shopping guide was eager for Chen Tong to buy all the clothes in the store. Without Chen Tong to say anything, another shopping guide standing next to him immediately walked over, took out his clothes and boasted in front of a smile.

"Madam, I... Oh, smile, I..."

Xiaoxiao's appearance was very frightened. When he called out Chen Tong as his wife, he saw Chen Tong's slightly unpleaty appearance and immediately changed his words and called Xiaoxiao.

"Try it first. The clothes also need to be lined. These clothes are not worth it here. It's valuable to wear them on you."

Chen Tong is very satisfied with Yu Han's reaction. In her opinion, she has been completely aroused by herself.

People are not afraid of desire, but what they are most afraid of is that their desires are not satisfied. Just like Yu Han now, whose eyes are already full of desire for money and a desire for a life similar to that of the president's wife.

Looking at the smile, he was a little timid, but still walked into the locker room, and the smile on Chen Tong's face was even brighter.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang.

With a slight frown, she quickly picked up her mobile phone.

I don't know who said what on the other end of the phone. She just said with a smile, "Then cut the picture over."

After saying this, Chen Tong walked to a place that the monitor could not monitor and said to the shopping guide:

"Find more clothes for Miss Yu Han to try!"

The shopping guide had this heart. Finally, when Chen Tong opened his mouth, everyone hurriedly picked up clothes and stood outside the dressing room, waiting to laugh.

When Xiaoxiao came out of the locker room, he saw Chen Tong standing there and shouting.

"Madam is answering the phone, Miss Yu Han, this dress on your body fits very well. It really echoes Madam's words. Wearing it on you can show the value of this dress."

smiled vainly, as if she didn't find Chen Tong's glance, and she was soon overwhelmed by these enthusiastic shopping guides.

This time should be almost done. She must be watching that!

In the locker room, Xiaoxiao sneered in her heart. Even though this was the dressing room, there was no one else in it, but she still sneered in her heart, and what the expression on her face was still like.

Chen Tong just entered this locker room first.

In the face of people like Chen Tong, she can only think more than the other party and do more than the other party thinks, so that she can win the final victory.

This battle can't be wrong.

If it's just to compete for Xia Lei, Xiaoxiao knows that she doesn't need to spend so much money at all.

What she did was her daughter jump. She didn't know if Chen Tong had done anything on the jump. Some things were not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

She has done so many things in case this doesn't happen.

At this moment, a mysterious woman is standing there with her head down in front of Wei Chiran's tombstone.

She has been standing there for several minutes, and even so, no one will neglect her caution and caution.

That dress wraps the whole person very mysteriously. No one can see who the person wrapped in the clothes is. A pair of eyes exposed outside have infinite sadness, but they can't be seen by people with intentions.

From the appearance alone, she seems to be a woman.

After the moment of silence, she reached out and gently touched the photo on the tombstone.

On the way, the woman almost knelt down, but finally resisted.

Until the woman left, the people who Chen Tong was ambushed there did not move, and they were more like they had never existed in that place.

Chen Tong watched the woman leave with a disdainful sneer on her face.

Yu Chiran, your daughter wants to come to see you, but she doesn't even have the courage to step around your tombstone. If you know, isn't it sad?

Yu Chi smiled and hasn't seen him for three years. It seems that you can only use such a means to deceive my eyes. Humph, ridiculous, how can I not know that this woman is not you!

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Chen Tong monitored the situation of the cemetery and changed a few clothes.

Every time she comes out, the shopping guide will always give her a stunning smile, and her eyes are sincere and true.

It seems that the best liars are the trend of interests of these shopping guides, but this is also their profession, but sometimes the problems of this profession will become a portrayal of their characters in real life, smiling and thinking in their hearts.

When Yu Guang saw Chen Tong coming towards her, maybe she didn't know that although she was still smiling, there was a very slight smirk and disdain at the corners of her mouth.

Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles.

Chen Tong has spent about 20 years studying herself, and she has been studying Chen Tong for a moment in the past three years.

Although the difference between 20 and 3 numbers is a little big, the 20 she studied is just herself, and the three years she studied includes her now.

In comparison, Xiaoxiao is still sure.

"Smile, do you think my one looks good?"

It was not until Chen Tong approached that he smiled as if he suddenly woke up from a beautiful dream. He was a little sad, but his face was still full of smile, but the smile was very stiff.

"Good-looking, very good-looking, and those just now are also good-looking!" Chen Tong said with a smile.

She liked the desire in Yu Han's eyes in front of her, and the pain and unwillingness showed because she knew that she didn't have the ability to do it.

With pain and unwillingness, you can be better used by yourself and successfully set foot on your own boat.

You can't deal with many things yourself. As long as you have her in your hand, it will be much more convenient.

There was a very obvious joy on her smiling face because of Chen Tong's praise, but a few seconds later, this joy was forcibly suppressed by herself, and she lowered her head and opened her mouth with some confidence.

"I'd better change it!"

When she spoke, her hand tightly wrote the corner of her clothes and seemed to be extremely reluctant.

Chen Tong did not say anything and did not encourage Xiaoxiao as before. She just looked at the lost back of Xiaoxiao and the door of the locker room slowly closed.

"You wrapped up the few pieces that Miss Yu Han wore!"

After Xiaoxiao completely closed the door of the locker room, Chen Tong turned around and spoke to the shopping guides.

"Good, good!"

The shopping guides were happy and just smiled and tried the clothes in the hands of several shopping guides, but whatever they provided was their personal commission.

However, while everyone was happy, they couldn't help envying Yu Han's good luck in the locker room.

The president's wife is famously generous, but she has never been like this. In the past, she came with the one of the Ji family. Both of them are rich masters, and the relationship is sister-in-law. She doesn't care who pays the bill and benefits.

This Yu Han is different. Her face is so obvious that she does not have the ability to buy these.

It turned out that they also paid attention just to not offend Chen Tong, but they didn't expect to make the right offer this time.

The smile of walking out of the locker room was obviously a little unnatural. She lowered her head slightly, and there was no longer the feeling of a healthy beauty who was both energetic and confident.

Very reluctant, Xiaoxiao handed the newly changed clothes to the shopping guide.

Look at her, it's like wanting to swallow this dress.

This is the charm of money, and the shopping guides can't help thinking about it at the same time.

"Miss Yu Han is really beautiful in these clothes. It's their happiness that these clothes can be worn on you."

The shopping guides packed their clothes and complimented them.

He smiled awkwardly and didn't want to, but he finally opened his mouth.

"I..." She wants to say that she doesn't have the ability to buy these clothes.

But without waiting for her to go on, Chen Tong has cut off her words.

"If you like it, buy it!"

Xiaoxiao felt sad, but when he looked at the busy shopping guide, he seemed to have some understanding. He opened his mouth and looked unbelievable, but there was a trace of secret joy.

"What's wrong, how can it be? I don't want it!"

Her refusal was obviously untrue, and everyone present heard her insincere words.

One piece of clothing here costs hundreds of thousands, but Chen Tong made these shopping guides pack five pieces of millions of clothes at one time, which made everyone jealous and envious.