Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 729 Why did you ask me?

"If I remember correctly, after Lv Bu entered Yanzhou, he worshipped Chen Gong and Chen Gongtai as his military teacher. This man is wise and far-reaching, and he is also a generation of military advisors. Although he is too late, coupled with Lv Bu and other heroes of the world, and Cao Cao's ministers in Xuzhou have a good opportunity to go to expedition to Xuzhou, but he has not yet captured the eastern part of Yanzhou? Although Ma Chao said so, he was extremely clear in his heart that it would be difficult for Lv Bu to make a world without his own backup.

Because Ma Chao knows that Lv Bu has a fatal flaw, that is, he has never really had the heart of princes. The hearts of the princes are not ruthless and unrighteous. The hearts of princes need to balance yin and yang and figure out people's hearts, and more importantly, everything focuses on the foundation.

Lv Bu has never had a foundation. Naturally, he doesn't know how to figure out how to get it, let alone balance it. On this road, he, a toddler*, is far worse than Cao Cao's talented traitor. And the most obvious point is that Lv Bu doesn't know how to call counselors. He was even afraid that he was not even aware of the shocking effect of the counselor.

So, what Ma Chao said actually wants to know more about the dynamics of the two states. After all, when he conquered Liangzhou in the west, Ma Chao planned to fight quickly. Even if it was impossible to send troops to Yanzhou in person, he also wanted to remotely control Lv Bu after Chang'an.

Sure enough, after hearing Ma Chao say that, Xun You opened his mouth and said, "When the lord sent troops, I carefully analyzed Lv Cao's matter. At this time, everything is expected.

"Gongda has something to say," Ma Chao stretched out his hand, and then looked at Guo Jia, Yang Fu, Li Ru and Yang Xiu, and also said, "If you listen, it will be clear, but if you listen, it will be dark. The affairs of Yanxu and the two states are most important to the Ma family's policy and strategy next year. However, you have feelings and can speak freely.

The four Yingnuo, after hearing the meaning of Ma Chao's words, sat down. Xun You came forward and said, "Chen Gong is upright and straightforward, and he can't rub sand in his eyes. Although Cao Cao is outstanding and full of tricks, his hegemony is contrary to Chen Gong's original intention. Killing famous scholars and slaughtering Xuzhou made Chen Gong centrifuge Cao Cao. Therefore, Chen Gong and Zhang Mi opposed Cao Cao.

After saying this, Ma Chao nodded very much. Although Ma Chao understands Cao's situation in Xuzhou, in the view of Chen Gong, a counselor who has not really integrated into the Cao family, Cao Cao is simply a worse beast than Dong Zhuo in those years. He can't achieve emotional resonance at all, and it is no wonder that people's hearts are inseparable.

Coincidentally, Tao Qian and Bian Rang are both people who have friends with Chen Gong. Cao once offended Chen Gong's friends from the same hometown. What can't Chen Gong do? Therefore, Cao Cao's matter is very close, and Liu Xie, who is familiar with history, can't remind Cao Cao too much.

Because Chen Gong did a very good job under Cao Cao. When Cao Cao sent troops to Xuzhou, he delivered 30,000 soldiers and horses in the defense of Hebei and Qingzhou to Chen Palace, which shows Cao Cao's trust in Chen Gong. Liu and Cao Cao's death is a relationship of mutual prosperity and cooperation. Naturally, it is impossible to accuse Cao Cao of using people.

"After all, as the Lord said, Chen Gong is wise and has a fluke." After saying this, Xun You couldn't help looking at Ma Chao and was very in awe of Ma Chao's knowledge of the world's capable people. Then, he recalled the war situation in Yanzhou and continued to say, "I expected that Chen Gong wanted to plan the four maps of Zhencheng, Puyang, Fancheng and Dong'a, and then attack Cao Cao. But I didn't expect that in this way, I just lost the opportunity..."

Hearing this, Ma Chao quickly turned over the report and found that Lv Bu had done a good job tactically after ignited the fire of Yanzhou with the momentum of starting the plains. However, strategically, Chen Gong offered a plan and wanted Zhang Mio to deceive Zhen Cheng, but he was greatly out of the standard.

Before the uprising, Chen Gong asked Zhang Miao to send a letter to Xun Yu that the soldiers of Dongjun were handed over to Lv Bu to help Cao Cao attack Xuzhou. In order to fake the truth, he also asked Xun Yu to prepare military food and leave immediately after rationing it to Lv Bu.

However, how can such a small trick be concealed from Xun Yu's expectation? As a result, Xun Yu suddenly saw that this was Zhang Miao's rebellion. While strictly defending, he quickly called Xia Houchun to help. Xiahouchun led his trusted troops and rushed to eliminate several military officers who wanted to respond to Zhang Mio, and the civil strife in Zhencheng was temporarily calmed down.

"Chen Gong's move, to be fair, is not a stinky chess." After reading this paragraph with a frown, Ma Chao said and commented, "Xun Yu defended Zhencheng's base camp, but it also caused Puyang to be unguarded. Then he was lightly mounted by Lv Bu and broke through at night, which was also a small victory."

"Yes, Uncle may not have expected Lv Bu's military ability. But if it is designed by me, it will definitely be fast and changeable, rushing to attack the key points! With heavy troops in his hands, he took the lead in breaking through Zhencheng, shaking Cao Cao's foundation, and then swallowing and devoured it to stabilize Yanzhou..." Speaking of this, Xun You couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his eyes. Presumably, he is very sorry that he did not fight with Xun Yu.

"The public is reasonable." When Yang Xiu heard this war report, he couldn't help saying, "Chen Gong was so cautious that he failed to hit the key point directly. He was extremely unwise because of his small loss!"

"It's not." Ma Chao shook his hand. Because of the following intelligence, Ma Chao found that everyone looked at Chen Gong too one-sidedly: "Chen Gong gathered the assassins of Yuzhou to attack Zhencheng and threatened Fancheng County to guard Fancheng... With such a means, it seems that Chen Gong is the one who planned and then moved. If so, quickly calm down Yanzhou, you can indeed give Cao Cao in Xuzhou a heavy hit when Cao Cao can't react!"

After Ma Chao said this, Xun You closed his eyes and meditated for a moment. Suddenly, I also felt that I was a little edified after the fact. Therefore, Xun You said, "What the lord said is that I only underestimated Chen Gong so much based on the ending. At this time, when you think about it carefully, Chen Gongtai is indeed a generation of military division.

"Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Presumably, Chen Gong did not expect that his strategy would be broken by Cao Cao's two magic needles..." Ma Chao put down the report in his hand. The above news is indeed not good news:

After Lv Bu rebelled against Cao Cao, Guo Gong, the assassin of Yuzhou, led a response to Zhang Yu's article and led 40,000 people to Zhencheng. Zhencheng does not have many defensive troops, and if this team unites with Lv Bu, Zhencheng and even the whole Yanzhou can be determined by one battle!

However, Xun Yu lived up to Cao's high expectations and met Guo Gong alone before the battle. Knowing the situation, he hoped that Guo Gong would remain neutral and be friends in the future. Sure enough, Xun Yu's unbroken tongue worked. Guo Gong saw that Xun Yu was confident and thought that Zhen Cheng's power was also very strong, which could not hurt his bones, so he led the army to stay with his home.

The reason why Xun Yu dares to do this is that Xun Yu knows that Guo Gong and Zhang Miao have nothing to do, their friendship is not deep, and there is not much communication. He can try to persuade him to go home and stay.

Zhencheng is a little safe. So for Fan Cheng, Chen Gong's tricks are more ruthless. First of all, he asked Lv Bu to seize the family of the garrison general Jin Yun, including his mother's wife, concubine and children, and tell Jin Yun that if he did not vote sincerely, he would tear it up. Secondly, a guy named Pan Ni was sent to persuasion. One hand is hard and the other is soft. This method is really good.

This time, it was Cheng Yu, another great counselor of Cao Cao. Cao Cao heard of the mutiny in Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and immediately sent Cheng Yu to lead 20,000 troops back to help, but did not send a brave general first.

The reason for this arrangement is that Cheng Yu is both human and military, bold and resourceful. In addition to being very good at diplomatic work, he can also lead troops to fight, which has a decisive impact on Cao Cao's career. After Cheng Yu flew to Yanzhou, he ordered heavy soldiers to block the East Adu Bridge and restrain Chen Gong's soldiers. And he himself entered Fancheng and launched a fierce battle with his tongue.

Jin Yun was originally loyal to Cao Cao, and after Cheng Yu's foresight, he personally killed the lobbyist in the post station and said that he would stick to the city. On the side of Zaoji, the magistrate of Dong'a County, Cheng Yu's army came to help, and he also mobilized the officers and soldiers of the whole city to be ready to let go.

In this way, the three counties of Zhencheng, Dong'a and Fancheng were successfully defended, causing Cao Cao to have a rebel base in Yanzhou, while Lv Bu got Puyang, but there was not enough food and grass in the city. Xiahouchun's garrison was outside Puyang City, entangling with Lv Bu, waiting for Cao Cao's arrival.

Everyone couldn't help sighing when listening to this storm in Yanzhou. After Xun You recalled it again, he felt that Yanzhou was turbulent, and he had to make a conclusion by his own guess. From this, Xun You said, "Lord, according to my opinion, Chen Gong is designed step by step and plotted for Yanzhou with the power of one person. Although he is defeated, he is also honored. But why did the lord say that Chen Gong's wisdom was too late?

Ma Chao was stunned and then looked at Xun You strangely: This evaluation of Chen Gong is what you said in history. Why did you come to ask me why?