Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1010 Cavalry vs. Elite!

Facing Yan Liang, who has already formed a defensive array, it is natural to charge back and forth with cavalry, depleting the enemy's combat strength and morale. Nowadays, on the battlefield, there are only Yanbeiqi of Zhang Liao and Ma Chaojingqi led by Tai Shici, so it is naturally the two of them who undertake such an important task.

Therefore, when there were still 50 steps left to charge the enemy, Gao Shun and Wei Yan raised the command flag in their hands at the same time, and the heavily armed soldiers and the Ma family's light armored soldiers spread out at the same time, expanding the encirclement of the whole battlefield, making the net tighter and tighter.

At the same time, Zhang Liao and Taishici looked at each other. Their meaning was obvious: since both of them are cavalry and their combat strength is similar, they should take Yan Liang's strength as a bet and try the other party's command ability!

Tai Shici's face was more dignified than Zhang Liao's. After joining the Ma family, he felt the military strength of the Ma family, and good generals, wise generals and Confucian generals were everywhere. And as a general, which one is not competitive? Especially for Taishici, a latecomer general, he wants to make a name in the Ma family as soon as possible.

In addition, Yan Liang can block his own must-kill arrow with an instant reaction, which has caused Tai Shici's arrogance to receive serious provocation!

During the charge, the well-trained horse army began to shout and scold the cavalry to change their formation. Half of the riders took off the short pin on the winning hook, bowed down and lined up in a horizontal line. Everyone and his companions were half the width of the horse body; the other half took off the Yuanrong crossbow on the shoulder and kept it in front of the hand. Ten steps away.

This is the most standard Ma-style attack formation. First of all, the archers will slow down and shoot the first and second arrows, causing chaos to cause chaos for the enemy. At this time, they will use the sudden impact of Xiliang Malaysia and sweep and assassinate the enemy with long spears and spears, running through the formation. The archers will shoot the third and fourth arrows again, deviate from both sides, walk through two arcs, and meet the broken hand on the other side of the battle array.

This is not the case with Zhang Liao, a Yanbei cavalryman. This team has fought with Xianbei Wuwan many times. So their tactics are somewhat similar to those of aliens. They also took off the strong bow on their shoulders, but more knights held up the snowy*. The whole formation does not seem to break through the formation head-on, but intends to kill around Yan Liang's circular formation ring, just like peeling an apple, cutting off the outermost shield soldiers layer by layer, revealing the delicious flesh inside.

Yan Liang's subordinates are 20,000, so this war will be a time-consuming battle. And surrounded on all sides, Yan Liang had no idea of entanglement at all. The first reaction was to look for the weakest link among the four armies.

After just a glance, Yan Liang determined that the weakest part of the encirclement was the Ma family's light armored infantry led by Wei Yan. If it is against the infantry array of other princes, Yan Liang's eyes are nothing but local chickens and tiles.

However, the Ma family is the only one. In the weakest link in the four directions, it is also two levels stronger than the infantry regiment of other princes!

The horse infantry regiment behind stands horizontally, with halberd and spears, and the formation is quite strict. They chose a clever position, with Gao Shun's heavily armed soldiers on the right and a rolling hill on the left, and the formation is stuck in the middle. If you want to attack them, you have to make a frontal assault. It seems that Yuan Ying will not come out to respond, and the back of this regiment is even defense-free.

Yan Liang took the whole battlefield situation into view in this instant, and it was in this short moment that Taishici's Ma Jiajingqi was only 30 steps away from his circular array: "Listen to my order, quickly change the circular array into a conical array, the front team Change the rear team and try your best to break through from the rear!"

Yan Liang is very helpless about such a decision. You know, when the army is about to fight, changing the formation is a test of the prestige of the general and the ability to lead troops in peacetime. If there is a slight deficiency in two points, the whole team will be attacked when it changes, and it is very likely to collapse completely!

However, at this time, only by making the formation a little narrower, even if the safety of the flank is sacrificed, the front penetration should become stronger. As for the price of putting pressure on the front and left and right sides to put the whole team in danger. Yan Liang has no way to take care of it.

More than 17,000 cavalry galloped up, as powerful as the end of the world, and the whole earth shook slightly, like an ancient beast stepping on the ground. Although Yan Liang's military order has been issued, the eyes of those peripheral shield hands are inseparable from the surging heroic posture of Ma knights!

They saw that the Ma knight had bent down.

They saw that the Ma knight had raised the Yuanrong crossbow.

They even saw that the corner of the Ma knight's mouth had a bloodthirsty and excited smile!


The dense arrow rain like locusts finally became powerful, and the first wave of more than 3,000 arrows covered the sky and pierced the air with sharp calls. Sergeant Yan Liang, who was changing into a formation, was stunned without any surprise. After that, he saw the rain of arrows falling fiercely towards him!

"Vertical shield protection!" Yan Liang's voice exceeded the limit of human voice at this moment.

However, it's too late.

At the same time, 2,000 arrows riding in Yanbei formed a dense dark cloud in the air, crossed a curved arc in the air, flew to the top of Yan Liang's army, and then fell down like endless raindrops with a sharp roar.

"Ah! ...."

"Wow! ...."

"Uh! ...."

All kinds of screams came from around Yan Liang. The Jizhou soldiers who lacked shield protection in the array and fell to the ground in the baptism of arrow rain. Some people were shot through their throats and died directly. Some people were shot through their chests and died, while others were shot through their thighs. The blood kept wailing...

"Hear!" Yan Liang shouted that the performance of the general was the most important in such a critical time.

will be the courage of soldiers!

However, as soon as Yan Liang's words fell, there was a muffled sound. Yan Liang felt a shock in his right arm. A sharp arrow actually shot through his wooden iron shield, revealing a cold arrow. Even though Yan Liang was used to life and death, he couldn't help trembling: he saw that the general of the Ma family withdrew his hand. The bow and arrow pulled out the double halberd behind.

Yan Liang can be sure that the first arrow he just blocked with a big knife was done by this person. He knew more that that person was Taishici who left him a deep scar on his thigh in Puyang!

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous!

What's more, Tai Shici's guy also made a provocation to invite archery!

If it were usual, Yan Liang would have rushed up and fought with Tai Shici. However, this is not the time for his men to win the pursuit. At this time, his commander's status was far more important than his general's status. Therefore, Yan Liang had no choice but to bite his lips and roared, "You are all pigs! Jizhou bow and crossbow armor crown the world, and you don't know how to counterattack the enemy in the formation?!"

After all, it was Yan Liang's Qinrui. As soon as he finished speaking, those Jizhou elites who reacted slowed down the speed of the formation, pulled off the crossbow, and launched a counterattack against Ma Jiajingqi and Yanbeiqi!

Shoot the horse first!

These elites naturally know this simple truth, not to mention that the cavalry have rushed forward, and they don't need to shoot from the back at all.


'Suo shuttle!'

The second round of arrow rain reflected the strong crossbow of Jizhou and the arrow rain of the Ma family. Many arrows even collided in the air, deviating from the normal shooting trajectory. Driven by the strong force, they shot randomly into the self-army and all directions!

This time, the real person turned upside down.

This time, it really bleeds like a river!

The fallen war horse hindered the charge for a moment. However, more Ma Jiajingqi and Yanbeiqi had rushed to Yan Liang's army before the array. Their strong and heroic impact momentum was like an unrepentant sword, stabbing into Yan Liang's army array!