Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 1047 Killing Liwei

For such a short delay, the soldiers killed the fallen soldier in the shape of a fan. They were annoyed that the man was dishonest. Although they saw Ma Chao present, they were wild and began to punch and kick the man viciously without any hesitation. In order to avoid the girl's injury, the man had to curl up and throw himself into his arms to protect the girl and suffer a stormy beating.

The girl is in danger at this time, her face is red and her eyes are turning, and she seems to be still thinking about some tricks. But her second brother's eyes were full of red and his heart was miserable - the man in front of him did not respond to his sister's question at all. Obviously, they don't want to intervene. Now that officials and bandits are not separated from each other, how can they ask for help?

But the girl did not give up at all. In the arms of the second brother, there was still a loud voice: "Even if you are not Ma Jiajun, you are also Han officers and soldiers. Do you watch us and other civilians being beaten so severely and die? Whenever the little woman has a chance in the future, she will also sue Mr. Xun Yu to make the decision for our brother and sister!"

Ma Chao couldn't help laughing at the girl's call for help: The girl obviously did not want to reveal her identity. After denying that her group was Ma Jiajun, she began to mistakenly think that she was Cao Jun. This speculation should be that she thought that Yuan Cao was fighting, and Cao Cao might bribe the Black Mountain army to attack Yuan Shao from the north and south.

Moreover, she did not directly call out Cao Cao's name, but said Xun Yu's name. Naturally, the intention is to be afraid that these people will think that she can't see Cao Cao at all, and Xun Yu has always supervised the army, governs well, and will definitely deal with this matter.

In one sentence, there are so many doors, and Ma Chao admires this girl at this time. In fact, he will definitely save them, but to save people is to save them, especially these two may also be the prototypes of the Zhen family owner and the famous Luoshen of later generations. Ma Supernatural wants to save them from water and fire after they lose hope.

Good people can't do it casually, and people like Ma Chao, who still want to squeeze oil and water from these two people, will not do it easily - they are born to save them immediately. These two people think that they are different ways of officials and bandits, and it is natural. Only after they think that there is no hope can the sudden emergence of hope evoke their gratitude.

However, not everything will develop according to Ma Chao's expectations. One of the seven or eight soldiers has been watching coldly and directing them to beat the two fugitives. When he saw Ma Chao's figure, his eyes flashed and he thought that the men who were doing it made a color.

Several subordinates immediately met and relaxed the rhythm of beating Na Shizi, so that the scholar had the strength to slowly climb before Ma Chao's war horse. At this time, seven or eight subordinates suddenly intensified the intensity and scope of the beating at the sign of the leader.

Why are these seven or eight people shouting? They seem to be subduing the resistance of the scholar. But in fact, the sticks and knives in their hands have always wanted Ma Chao's war horses to approach. The last blow was on the strong wave of a soldier, and the wooden knife in his hand could cut the front hoof of the elephant dragon horse!

' Herod! ~~'

With a roar like a dragon, the whole front hoof was completely raised, kicking and stepping on the soldier's head! At this time, the leader, who had been smiling, suddenly pulled out the steel knife at his waist and shouted, "How dare the evil beast?" Then cut towards the front hoof of the elephant dragon!

This is obviously a deliberate dismant against Ma Chao!

Every cavalryman who has been to the battlefield knows the feelings between the war horse and his master. In particular, Ma Chao and Xianglong got married very early and have always been treated like brothers. At this point, Ma Chao snorted coldly, and the dragon crouching tiger in his hand stood for a long time. In the roar of the elephant dragon, the big gun directly hit with a standard long thorn, like a fierce snake spitting poison letters to launch a fatal blow on the prey!

The long gun roared because it had drunk blood.

With a bang, the steel knife in the little leader's hand fell to the ground. The next moment, it was a powerful front hoof like a dragon, like a huge hammer, stepping hard on the head of the soldier who wanted to hurt him just now, and his brain burst, like stepping on something, and the white brain suddenly splashed all over the ground.

Na Shizi obviously had never seen such a tragic scene. When a drop of brain plasma splashed on his face, his first reaction was dry vomiting. But then he felt the shrug in his arms. He couldn't help thinking of something and covered the eyes of the girl in his arms, not wanting her to see such a terrible scene.

The next moment, without Ma Chao's words, the fifty Ma army behind Ma Chao instantly held up the Yuanrong crossbow. Brother Chou and three other guards immediately disarmed and came to the remaining six soldiers with bare hands. They were extremely fierce and unfancy, and punched the key points of the soldiers. In a few rounds, the six soldiers were knocked to the ground, covering their shadows or moaning their eyes.

"Lord, how to deal with it?" Brother Ug kicked a soldier in front of Ma Chaoma and asked.

Ma Chao did not answer, because he heard the fierce sound of copper gongs on the sentry building. On the village in the valley, a piece of chickens and dogs jumped. Soon, more than 200 cavalry were rushing to the front of the village gate.

Ma Chao looked at the huge crossbow that had been aimed at him on the sentry and didn't care. He glanced at the scholar under the horse and said lightly, "Bry the body. Our Ma army has always been polite. It should not be the most talented and famous Miss Zhen Mi and the head of the Zhen family to see this indecent scene."

As soon as this sentence fell, the scholar who had got up but was still moaning and the girl who was comforting him by his side suddenly shook their bodies. They looked up at Ma Chao and saw the obvious smile at the corner of Ma Chao's mouth. At the same time, Ma Chao also saw the shock in Shizi's eyes and the calmness in the girl's eyes.

'This Zhen Mi is really extraordinary.' Ma Chao thought, and then turned his eyes away, as if the two people were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Cleaning the battlefield is really a common for Ma Chao's personal guards. Just before the 200 riders arrived at the Zhaimen, the three guards under Brother Chou had quickly buried their blood and brain plasma. Just as they were about to drag away the two bodies, Ma Chao frowned slightly and said, "Leave this one. It's not very acceptable for him to die. Moreover, it will be useful later."

The one Ma Chao said was the little leader he died. At this time, more than 200 cavalry had arrived before the village gate. After Le Ma Liding, Zhang Yan saw Ma Chaoyun sitting lightly on the horse. Fifty Ma soldiers behind him held the Yuanrong crossbow and pointed to his 200 men.

"General Riding!" Zhang Yan looked around and probably guessed what had happened. She asked, "If you just want to save these two meat tickets, I, Zhang Yan, can sell your face. But you shouldn't have killed my subordinates the first time we met!"

"Lead Zhang has always been engaged in the profession of banditry, and he must also know how much is a strong labor force in the market now?" Ma Chao opened his mouth lightly and directly asked such a brainless question.

"If it is a beautiful maidservant and a strong slave, it should be about 20,000 yuan." Although Zhang Yan didn't know what Ma Chao meant, she still showed his professional quality.

"You also know the price of a big horse from the Western Regions, and a purebred sweaty BMW?" Ma Chao asked again.

"The value is immeasurable." Zhang Yan replied.

"What would you do if a strong slave worth two taels of yellow scarves wanted to cut off a sweat-blooded BMW? This time, Ma Chao pointed the bloody tip of the gun at the body of the little leader.

At this time, Zhang Yan had not yet answered. As soon as Zhang Baiqi behind him saw the body, he roared directly: "Ma Chao, I'm your grandma!" After roaring, Zhang Baiqi, with a red and ferocious face, seemed to see his father's enemy. He held a big knife and rushed to Ma Chao with his eyes!