
Chapter 37 Section 5 Beyond Cultivation

Black gas and white gas surround each other!

The two completely different breaths did not carry each other quietly, but - entangled together!

It is not only a simple entanglement, but also an extremely violent entanglement!

Just like two people who live and die together!

Enemies, a pair of enemies with deep hatred!

Two flames left the palms of the caster before they went through for too long!

Qin Tian!

Why are you so surprised and excited?

Qin Tian was completely motionless at this moment!

What did he see and what did he find?

His eyes stared at his long sword without a trace of distraction.

Even the moon eyes on one side held their breath.

Because both of them felt a strong force!

This force strongly wants to push the two people away!

Because in Qin Tian's hands, this long sword that accompanied Qin Tian's cultivation all the way suddenly roared!

Then, it rotated quickly!

It left Qin Tian's hand, left Qin Tian's control, and floated into the air!

Qin Tian stared at the long sword without blinking!


Moon's eyes shouted in shock!

I saw her body swooping forward and standing unsteadily under her feet!

Moon's eyes can't understand what is happening at this moment!

This long sword, such an ordinary sword, actually emits layers of faint flames around the surroundings. What's more terrible is that this layer of flame has a strong attraction!

Or, it is the power of devouring!

Qin Tian deeply understood this!

The sword lost Qin Tian's control and became so powerful!


Qin Tian couldn't hold it anymore. His body seemed to be tightly pulled by a rope and pulled away to the center of the flame emitted by the long sword!


The moon's eyes have floated and floated in the air!

"This is - what's going on! Qin Tian••••••••”

When Yueyan still wanted to continue shouting, the flame waving from the sword kept spinning and making a whining sound, which completely covered all the other sounds here!

Qin Tian couldn't hear what Yueyan was shouting, but he could feel that his body was also floating!

He was confused.

Why is the sword out of his control?

"Is there any secret of this long sword? It accompanies me to practice together. From Sanqingmen to now, from practicing Sanqingmen spells to practicing ghostmen spells, I have always used it as a magic weapon as a support for the operation of breath and tricks. Is it that I didn't go crazy?

In Qin Tian's mind, there is a huge question mark!

This question mark hangs in his mind and cannot dissipate!

"Three Halal Words - Ding!"

Under the arrogance of the long sword, Qin Tian strongly supported it, twisted his hands tremblingly, and shouted silently.

This is the "determined" formula of the Sanqingmen imperial sword magic. As long as you read this formula, the magic weapon of the practicing person can be determined according to your own wishes.

After the formula, what is it?

Nothing has changed!


Qin Tian was even more surprised!

"The magic formula I used to practice Sanqingmen spells is used to protect the sword. According to reason, this sword must act according to my mind."

However, the long sword is not moved by Qin Tian!

Suddenly, Qin Tian thought of something.

When he thought of this, his face changed!

"Is it••••••••"

Qin Tian saw that Yueyan was about to be attracted to the body of the devouring power of the sword. The consequences were unimaginable, so he stopped thinking about it and shouted--

"Five Tombs - Collect!"

After shouting, the place where the whole spiritual spring was located immediately returned to calm!

The flame of the long sword suddenly dissipated.

And this long sword accompanied by Qin Tian for such a long time, "guang!" With a sound, it fell to the ground.

Before, it was like a storm. Now, Qin Tian's long sword is like a child who has done something wrong, lying on the ground and motionless.


Yueyan gently breathed and said, "Qin Tian, is there something wrong with your magic weapon?"

Qin Tian didn't say anything.

He is thinking.

He was thinking about why the long sword was not obedient when he read the formula of the Sanqingmen imperial sword, and when he read out the royal method of practicing magic, it was so clever?

Qin Tian has also thought of this problem before.

In the past, Qin Tian didn't care too much about this, but now, he finally knows that he can't ignore this matter.

In particular, he is practicing the spells of both schools!

There is a fact that Qin Tian can no longer face it.

That is, this long sword, which only belongs to Qin Tian's magic weapon. Although it is not a top-grade fairy weapon, it has undergone a change in character!

What is a change in character?

Qin Tian knew very early that a magic weapon, accompanied by practitioners, could slowly change.

The change of the magic weapon is the change of the person who practices.

If the nature of the cultivation person is weak, then the nature of the magic weapon will be weak.

The magic of the practicing person is profound, then the role of the magic weapon will be very powerful.

Then, if the spells practiced by the practitioners are decent, the magic weapons will be decent and only listen to the control of the righteous practice of the practitioners.

Now, the situation is very simple, that is, Qin Tian's long sword has become an "evil weapon"!

Evil weapon!

Qin Tian dares not imagine!


A long sigh.

Qin Tian finally figured it out, and he had to face this fact.

Obviously, he practiced the spells of the second volume of the Ghost Sutra on the flowing gold scroll, so he has been higher than the practice of Sanqingmen spells.

Therefore, this sword no longer listens to the call and control of Sanqingmen spells.

But - the ghost spell can control it!

"What's wrong with you? I don't think your ugly sword is good at all. Now, it's going crazy again. You'd better lose it!"

Moon Eye is obviously a little dissatisfied with what has just happened.


Qin Tian casually threw out the long sword in his hand!

It's not because Qin Tian heard Yueyan's words that he threw out the long sword, but that he really didn't want to face it. He made a breakthrough in the shameful ghost magic practice that people who practiced in Middle-earth!


A gust of wind is blowing!

It was this long sword thrown out by Qin Tian!

Now, it has returned to Qin Tian's hands.

Qin Tian looked at it carefully.

There was a color of sadness in his eyes.

I can't understand the moon's eyes.

"Qin Tian, you see, this magic weapon actually ran back to your hands. It seems that although he is very ugly and ordinary, he is very loyal."

Moon's words just fell in love with Qin Tian.

"That's it. Why do you have to stick to something right or not?"

Qin Tian's hands were ringed, blurring a flame, and in an instant, the sword urged him to move!

This time, in the flames of the long sword, the black component is obviously much higher!

"Okay, you go to one side first." Qin Tian said.

Moon's eyes stood behind Qin Tian.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A series of strong sensations!

Qin Tian sent out a trick!

What are the consequences of the strong arrogance?

In front of Qin Tian, above the place where the spiritual spring was, there appeared a big hole blown out by Qin Tian's long sword!

The light came down!

It seems that it is daytime.

Qin Tian and Yueyan turned their eyes to the top of the hole at the same time.

Finally, the two of them can go out now.

Rush out of the place where the spiritual spring is located!

Two figures roared out!

One after the other!

Looking at the hole that was bombarded out by himself, Qin Tian thought that perhaps from now on, he could not be tolerated by the world.

Ghost spells have become the most powerful spells practiced by Qin Tian!

It goes beyond the practice of Sanqingmen spells!