
Chapter 197 Three Instrument Master

"Okay, since we all agree, we should go ahead and prepare and be more vigilant." Ji Yunfeng looked at the crowd with heavy eyelids and said.

Then, many people left quickly, and the hall was quiet, and there was no more words.

"It's a little troublesome for the soul clan!"

Ji Yunfeng's eyes were dim and he said to himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Dad, let's go down first." Jilan smiled indifferently and whispered.

"Father, I'll go down first." Ji Potian also nodded, and her face was also heavy.

Ye Yu is extremely relaxed and does not feel any pressure. The threat of this soul clan is of no use to him. He is an outsider and can escape at any time.

"Be careful. Too many things have happened recently. It's really nerve-wracking." Ji Yunfeng rubbed his forehead and said indifferently.

"Let's go." Ji Lan looked at Ji Yunfeng with a very uncomfortable expression. She shook her head gently and then whispered.

Ye Yu nodded and followed them with a calm expression. In the blink of an eye, he left the hall and came outside the corridor.

"This soul invasion is just for the thing auctioned by Yun Accord? What the hell is that?" Jilan's face was puzzled, frowned and whispered.

Ji Potian raised his arm gently and put it on his lips. His fingers moved slightly and twisted the corners of his mouth, but did not say anything. He just showed a doubtful look and looked unpredictable.

"Ha, for their benefit, that thing has enough interests to drive them to come." Ye Yu couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said condensingly.

The three walked slowly in the corridor, with the sound of footsteps on the ground, rustling from their feet, accompanied by the sound of insects around them and the swaying sound of grass leaves, in a peaceful and harmonious tone.

Listening to Ye Yu's words, Ji Lan couldn't help but turn around. Her big smart eyes flashed with a doubt, and then laughed and said, "What's the benefit of that thing? Do you really know?"

"How can I know that even contact is impossible? I guess." Ye Yu also stared at the flexible eyes, couldn't take her eyes off, looked at her deeply, and said slowly.

In Jilan's eyes, Ye's bright pupils were reflection, and the latter did not divert her eyes. She looked deeply at the former, even with a smile on her face and a playful expression.

"No ashamed!" Jilan quickly turned her head, took a sip, and then said, "I really want to know what's wonderful about that thing, which is more enough to attract the people of the soul clan."

"Don't fall in love with you two. I'm exhausted. Can we hurry up!" Ji Potian lowered his head, shrugged his shoulders and urged.

"Kid, what are you talking about..." Jilan looked at him with white eyes, and her anger flashed and raised her voice.

Suddenly, the sound of insects in the whole corridor stopped abruptly, leaving the long roar of Jilan, echoing in the corridor at the end.


"Uh!" Ye Yu raised his eyebrows, his eyes moved, and he was stunned in place.

"..., what are you talking about, die!" Jilan howled and moved her footsteps to Ji Potian's side and said with a threatening voice.

"I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything." Ji Potian looked up, her eyes panicked, and then ran out, frightened by Jilan's move.

"Don't go. If you don't make it clear to me, I will definitely beat you to death." Jilan watched Ji run away from the sky, waved her pink fist and threatened.

But Ji Potian ran away. The rapid footsteps represented his tense atmosphere. He did not reply and soon disappeared in the eyes of the two.

Jilan immediately calmed down and stood in the corridor, looking at the figure in the distance fiercely, breathing very quickly.

"Are you all right?" Ye Yu stepped forward and asked indifferently.

"I'm fine, but that boy has a lot of mouth." Jilan looked back, her expression had returned to normal, and she smiled.

Ye Yu shook his head with a smile and said with a smile, "I'll go down to practice first. Call me if I have something to do."

"Wait, aren't you a engineer?" Jilan suddenly looked at him with a smile and said hurriedly.

"What's the problem?"

"I really want to know how many magist you are." Jilan raised a curve at the corners of her mouth and said with a smile.

"Well, okay." Ye Yu's eyelids shrank, and a trace of doubt flashed in it, and he smiled bitterly.

Ye Yu smiled, and the two immediately changed their direction and walked towards a wide house, and some insects in the place began to chirp again.

These houses are wide and simple. This quiet house is next to one, with a yellow style, full of eyes, and the air is full of the fragrance of air. With the flow of air, it also rushed into the mouth and nose of the two people, and a refreshing fragrance came.

The flowers and plants here are green and spread all over the ground, competing for beauty, and Asakusa also stands on the ground. The carpet seems to be spread on the ground, which is extremely gorgeous. From the flowers and plants, a fragrance lingers in the air and has never dissipated.

This pavilion is full of spiritual power, which is extremely sufficient. When Ye and the two people came in, they felt a pure force, along the pores all over their bodies and penetrated into the body; and the abundant spiritual power, like the ocean, they are the fish in it, absorbing nutrients in it.

"What a good place!" Ye Yu looked up at the pavilion, and his eyes flashed with surprise. He looked at the flowers around him and said in surprise.

"Oh, of course, this is the storage room of the Ji family. There are many runes engraved here, which can make this place full of spiritual power. However, those objects are like full of natural spiritual power areas, which can slowly form spiritual knowledge." Jilan looked at Ye Yu, said some of the questions and explained.

"The Ji family is worthy of being a family with a background. I'm afraid this place will cost a lot of genius treasures, right?"

"It's not true. The flowers and plants planted here are all precious materials, herbs, full of spirituality, and have the effect of absorbing and gathering spiritual power, so this place does not need too many genius treasures, only tedious rune inscriptions." Jilan smiled, her eyes swam over the flowers and plants, and her jade lips rose gently.

" hiss~!" Ye Yu took a breath and only felt that his internal organs were energetic, and the blood flow in his body suddenly accelerated a lot, making him open his eyes wide, among which he was brilliant and inexplicably lean.

"Come with me!"

Jilan looked at the sky, her eyes quietly changed, and her face went inside unchanged.

The sky has turned slightly yellow, and the sun has already hidden in the clouds, creating a red cloud floating on the sky. The light of the sun shines down from the red light, making the earth extremely warm.

"Ha ha..." Ye Yu also smiled and knew that it was approaching dusk and couldn't help following up.

The quaint door plaque is engraved with three words, called the Tibetan Pavilion, and in front of the three big characters, there is also a bronze tripod, which is full of majesty and simplicity as the plaque of the gate of the Ji family.


Jilan took out a black stone, which was elliptical and had no energy. A spiritual power flowed out of her arm and rushed into the black stone. After the spiritual power was injected, the black stone suddenly trembled, and a black light flew out of it and shot on the simple door. The door swayed and creaked. It rang, and then slowly opened, revealing the lineup inside.

The blue and black floor is engraved with various floral lines, twisted together to form exquisite patterns, and also exudes a little energy from above. The room is extremely wide and unique. There are many copper tripods, utensils, and some unknown things, various formats, all of which are scattered from the utensils. It has an antique taste, as if it were a long time ago.

Ye Yu's eyes swam in the room, and his eyes gradually flashed with surprise. He carefully observed those objects and found that all kinds of tedious runes were also carved on them, with a sense of spirituality.

Jilan casually came to the center of the room and surrounded it, choosing something in it. After a while, she took out a mirror from it, but it was one meter wide and placed it in the middle of the room, which was particularly eye-catching.

This stone pier, which looks like a stone tablet and a bronze mirror, is more than one meter high and is made of pure black stone. It is covered with the whole stone pier. It seems that the stone pier is not good.

"Huh? What is this?" Ye Yue raised his eyebrows and came to the center of the room. He touched the stone pier with his arm, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Then he said, "There is a special energy on it, which seems to be very similar to the soul, spiritual power and divine consciousness?" He looked at Jilan and wanted to get an answer.

Jilan nodded and answered, "Yes, you will know your grade when you put your spirit into it."

Ye Yu nodded, was full of interest, took a deep breath, released his spirit, and rushed into the stone pier with a little hesitation. Suddenly, the stone pier moved and shined, the black light scorching, and the illuminated room instantly darkened.

Huh? How is that possible?" Jilan's face suddenly changed, and she stared at the stone pier and was puzzled.

"Is it okay?"

"It's okay." Jilan smiled bitterly and said indifferently, "This spiritual stone tablet is a five-grade weapon

When refined, you can only test the strength of the second-grade engineer, but the black light may mean that you are not a engineer.

"How can this be?" Ye Yu obviously didn't believe it and laughed.

"Let me finish speaking, this may also be because the grade of the spiritual stone tablet is too low, and your mental strength is too high. In this case, it still doesn't work." Jilan looked at Ye Yu with a calm face and smiled, "I thought you were a second-grade engineer, so it's amazing. Can't you surpass the second grade?"

At this point, Jilan looked uncomfortable, looked around, and then said, "You try this..."

Ye Meng nodded and looked at the darker stone pier in front of him. The rune engraved on it was several times higher. One of the forces shocked him. Now his spiritual power flew out and hid in the spiritual stone tablet again.


Suddenly, the spiritual stone tablet made a slight sound, and the gorgeous white light also shot out of it, illuminating the room again.

"Sure enough, he is a third-grade engineer." Jilan looked at Shidun and said.

The spiritual stone tablet shows three white light, cross hovering in it, emerging a triangular orientation, and the three white light is also shining, and the spiritual power slowly comes out of it, which is extremely turbulent.

"Three products?" Ye Yu regained his spiritual strength and said with a slight surprise.
