Ancient War

Chapter 4 Magic Sanctuary

Chaos began to bloom and was first formed in ancient times. With the favor of the universe, countless skills have been transmitted from the chaos, creating countless human power on the ancient plane.

The Luoxia Mountains were born together with ancient times. The essence of the universe, countless ancient strong people come from this. Every strong man who comes out of the Luoxia Mountains will seal the skills inherited from chaos and the experience of his own practice in the depths of the Luoxia Mountains with his powerful divine consciousness, waiting for the arrival of predestined people.

The "War of Gods and Demons", the ancient people gave the ancient land a breather at a heavy price. When the war of gods and demons became more and more tragic in ancient times, countless ancient strong men were born one after another, and countless ancient strong men fell. Before turning into flying ashes, many ancient strong men took different ways to retain the skills they practiced with the ancients. Because they know that the lives of the ancient people will continue. The ancients will continue...

In the Holy Land of Magic Martial Arts, countless huge peaks stand. Above the peak, the smoke and clouds are ethereal, like an ancient fairyland..

At the peak, countless boulders are evenly arranged in different ways, and countless ancient fonts can be faintly seen on the boulders. The atmosphere emitted by these fonts faintly reveals a trace of power.

"Kung fu, countless skills..." Countless practices left by ancient strong men. In fact, countless ancient strong men fell in the first "God and Demon War", and many remaining skills fell from the ancient earth. The war between gods and demons spread widely in the ancient land, and countless lands became razed and the mountains and rivers were broken. The Luoxia Mountains are known as the place where the ancient strong people came out. During the war with the Four Heavenly Emperors and the Dark Seven Demons, the Luoxia Mountains directly shrank by nearly half. Because of the beginning of chaos, it was favored by the power of chaos, so it was not completely annihilated. But in this way, countless skills in the falling mountains also turned into flying ash.

After the "God and Demon War", in order to preserve the ancient times and leave a spark for the ancient people. Before sleeping, the Four Heavenly Emperor sent his descendants and countless followers to collect the skills left behind in the ancient land and create the magic martial arts sanctuary in one fell swoop. Many of the skills engraved on countless boulders in the Holy Land of Magic Martial Arts have been incomplete, but these incomplete skills can also be cultivated countless powerful.

As soon as the dragon entered the magic martial arts sanctuary, he felt countless divine consciousness sweeping over him. Countless ancient people practiced here. The arrival of the dragon against the sky did not startle too many waves. The divine consciousness swept away and returned to loneliness and practiced...

Countless carving boulders are boundless at a glance, revealing a sacred and powerful atmosphere. In the deepest northwest of the huge stone forest, there is a faint darkness in the sky. At that time, some skills were practiced against the chaotic heavenly way in ancient times, which were the opposite of ancient orthodox martial arts. However, some evil strong men who suffered from the "God and Demon War" in ancient times also sacrificed their lives for the ancient people...

"Chaos begins to open, and the universe returns to its source. There is no division between good and evil, and the magic martial arts shocks the sky." The magic martial arts holy land collects all the good and evil skills in ancient times. The ancient people practiced, not to talk about good and evil. In ancient times, there were huge losses in the first "God and Demon War", and the ancient people could only bear hundreds of millions, but they had to face the power of the Protos and the countless demons once again. Whether it is good or evil, practice is for ancient times. In order to face the "God and Demon War" again, the ancient people.

Countless carving boulders made the dragon stare against the sky. Because the breath left by the skills on the boulder is so powerful. There are so many skills left in the magic martial arts sanctuary from ancient times to the present. Only when you step into the stone forest of martial arts can you feel...

"Child, the way we leave you to become a god is just a seed..."

"What your child is facing is endless hardships..."

"Children, for the sake of ancient times..."

The chaos of ancient skills, but it originated from chaos. This is the key to the ability of the Astral Witch family to become a god, which can be mobilized...

A hundred years have passed in a flash, and the dragon against the sky has always been understanding these skills, and countless powerful skills continue to flash in the dragon against the sky. But after a hundred years, although Long closed his eyes tightly, the expression on his face was also constantly changing, nervous, painful, happy, sad and so on...

"Why do you always feel it in front of you, but you can't catch it all the time? Why... Why... Everything I do now is for ancient times, why..."

The dragon's rebellious expression fell into pain and madness. He fell into a demon. Compared with the ancient strong man who practiced for tens of millions of years, he was still too young...


A divine consciousness visible to the naked eye instantly bombarded the dragon against the sky.

"Kad, you are wearing a demon now. If you don't want to die, feel it... I don't want anyone to be the first to die in the stone forest..."

In an instant, the dragon's anti-sky expression calmed down, and his body slowly sat down, as if he had entered a mysterious state. Suddenly, a ball of blue gas visible to the naked eye enveloped the dragon against the sky, and slowly these blue gas changed from blue to white.

For a long time, the dragon opened his eyes against the sky, with a trace of white and haggard face.

"I don't care who you are, if you enter this place to practice, you will abandon all distractions. In fact, practice is overnight, and you can't be greedy. However, it is not impossible to use other people's skills for their own use, but in the end, they are defeated by their own epiphany..."

"Thank you for teaching..." The dragon arched his hand to the west of the demon martial arts sanctuary and closed his eyes again.

"No distractions, no distractions..."

Countless pale golden gods scattered from the dragon against the sky, connected with the remaining obsessions on countless skill boulders.

Endless skill information poured into the sea of knowledge. Shihai constantly repeats screening, reorganization, deduction, re-screening, combination and deduplication. Everything is in a continuous cycle in the sea of dragons against the sky...

The dragon is constantly absorbing the most essence of the ancient people left by the ancient times...

The cultivation of martial arts varies from person to person.

"Oh... Tiandao Xinjing is interesting..."



Countless exclamations sounded in the Holy Land of Magic Martial Arts.

The dragon sat in the kung fu stone forest and knew nothing about the sound of the outside world. After the emergence of countless divine consciousnesses in the magic martial arts sanctuary, it returned and was silent.

"There is no taboo, and everything is predestined. Mortal people look up at the sky, and there is no tomorrow moon lurking. At four o'clock, everything has followed the cause, and the Evergrande is the 'Tao of Heaven'.

The dragon is constantly feeling against the sky.

The way of heaven is the way to become a god, which leads to the art of God, attracts all things in the universe, and takes the essence of the beginning of chaos to its own use. It's so mysterious, how can it be...

"This son is still too anxious, and there are countless obsessions in the stone forest. How can you be insatiable when practicing here..."

"Other people's skills are not as good as themselves..."

In the vast ancient land, countless geniuses fell and countless geniuses were born. I hope that when ancient times faced havoc again, ancient times could compete with the gods and demons...

All returns and silence, the single dragon sits against the sky and looks for opportunities in the stone forest....