Ancient War

Chapter 23 The Beginning of the scuffle

"Sword to the sky, Moyou, is this the so-called morality of the two? I already knew..." In the depths of Jianmen, Jianwen opened his eyes, and a ball of light burst out in his eyes. The sword shot out of the sword's eyes.

"Well, in this case, let's fight. Only the baptism of war can refine the absolute strong... Driven by interests and desires, you are trying to divide up the 'Jianmen' and be delusional..." Jianwen's eyes revealed extremely strong self-confidence. Is it possible that the "Sword League" and "Magic Hall" are coming this time? Jianwen has already known and done everything...

A powerful divine consciousness came from the depths of the "Jianmen" cabinet.

"Wo, sw, sw..." The sound of breaking the air kept ringing. The strong "Jianmen" in the cabinet have all appeared. For a while, the cabinet was awe-inspiring.

"Welcome to my Lord..."

"Disciples see you..."

At this time, the strong people of the "Jianmen" gathered in the cabinet, and the sword question after practicing the "Sword Secret of Split Sky" seems to be more powerful. If there is still a trace of contempt for the previous sword questions, but today's sword questions are full of sword spirit all over the body. If the divine consciousness is remotely, it is impossible to lock the existence of the sword question. The strength of Jianwen is becoming more and more difficult to see through...

"Children, do you have any fear of this 'knife alliance' and 'magic hall'..."

"No fear, tens of millions of people, 'Jianmen' disciples are fearless..."

"Jian Tian, Jian's ang... You are the place where my 'Sword Gate' flourishes and cornerstones. This time, Dao Xiangtian and Moyou actually united and wanted to step down my 'Jianmen' in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the war, one of my 'Jianmen' venerable swordsman was born to resolve the crisis at that time. At the same time as the Legend of Sword and our "The Secret of Sword", I have communicated with my divine knowledge. The sword maniac has long expected that the 'knife alliance' and the 'magic hall' will attack again, and the ancients will face killing again... With the resurrearing of this war, the ancient generals increased their killings, but only war can refine the real strong. After the first 'Gods and Demon War', ancient times gained hundreds of millions of years, but for hundreds of years, ancient times seem to have forgotten the tragedy brought to ancient times. Humph..."

"Jiantian, I see that the sword spirit in your body is endless. It's good that you can heal your wounds in the 'sword pool' and absorb countless sword meanings in the 'sword pool'. Although Jian Tianru is injured and refined, he also cultivates the sword meaning of birth in his body. But there is one person in your heart who is your heart. Only when he is truly defeated and overcomes the demons will he not be in trouble on the road of practice in the future. But once you can't defeat it, your cultivation will not make progress. And this person is destined to be the enemy of your life, and now he has cultivated the opposite of your sword. The confrontation between life and death, remember that the heart is calm and calm... The sword has been restored..."

"Disciples are taught, Xie Junshang... The knife is invisible..." Two pieces of light burst out of Jiantian's eyes. The powerful sword of life bursts out...

"Disciples obey the order and prepare for war..."


Under the leadership of Jianwen, the strong men of Jianmen carry out their own orders. Because they have long been integrated with the "Jianmen", they only have "war or death" in their eyes. At this time, three figures appeared in the "Jianmen" cabinet. The three old men in purple robes, the sword spirit revealed by each old man is extremely powerful.

The appearance of the three old men and the sword asked that the figure seemed to be taller. Can these three old people stop the "knife League" and "Magic Hall" to solve the danger of "Jianmen"?

"Sword madman, Jiandian, Jianxuan three venerable, Jianwen is courteous..."

The eight "Jianmen" existed together with the "Jianmen" when they were born. The single-finger sword madness kills the three people of the "knife League" in a second. Its arrogant sword spirit can cover the whole "sword gate", and its cultivation is not ordinary. Jianding, known as the only person who practiced both swords in ancient times, can be mistaken for a strong knife cultivation, and the swordsmanship practiced by Jianding is better than knife cultivation, so it can be seen that Jianding is equally powerful. Jianxuan is a person. The sword is mysterious, and it is the most impenetrable existence among the eight "Jianmen".

This time, the "knife League" and the "Magic Hall" are coming at the same time. How can the sword ask...


The thousands of knives and awns are mixed with this boundless dead air to bombard the whereabouts of the disciples of the "Sword Gate". Where the knifemang passed, there is no vitality.


The gully, the power of shaking the sky and the earth caused continuous explosions, and the eternal sky is a shock.

"Hahaha, Jie Jie..." The invisible hand-held eagle edge of the knife appeared on the periphery of the "Jianmen", and millions of "knife League" disciples suddenly appeared behind him.

"Ah, uh, woo..." screams were endless.

Nearly 10,000 disciples waiting on the periphery of the "Jianmen" turned into flying ashes under the invisible blow of the knife. The limbs are full of blood.

"The knife is invisible, fight with me..." Jiantian's body appeared, followed by the same "Jianmen" with millions of disciples.

"Life and Death Disaster..." The "Magic Hall" also began to attack the "Jianmen".

The strong men of the "Magic Hall" such as Demon Ming and Demon Eat all sacrificed their own killing moves, and countless evil forces bombarded the disciples of the "Sword Gate".

"Ah, uh..." The same screams were endless.

Tens of thousands of "Jianmen" disciples have turned into countless seas of limbs under the blow of the "Magic Hall" strong, and even directly turned into flying ash...

"Demon, demon devour... Don't be rampant..." Before the voice fell, dozens of "Jianmen" strongmen appeared in front of the "Demon Hall" array, and nearly a million disciples of "Jianmen" behind them came one after another.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals. A real scuffle is about to begin. Such a scuffle has added countless dead spirits in ancient times. The rocks are broken and the rivers are against the current. The ancient earth is full of devastation. However, all this seems to be fixed, and outsiders can't change...

"Jian Tian, come here today. You must die here..." The place where the countless dead knives instantly bombarded Jiantian...

"Boom..." explosions were everywhere.

"The knife is invisible, you look down on me, and you will come to invade my 'Sword Gate' this time, and you will not come back..." The meaning of the sword contains infinite vitality. Thousands of swords go straight to the sky.

"Humph..." The knife's invisible face showed hatred. Life and death are against each other, although death is still hurt.

"Demon, fight with me..." The sword is arrogant and boundless...

"Magic Eater, your opponent is me..." The sharpness of the sword is obvious...



When the generals of all parties fought against each other, the disciples below also began to hold swords and knives. For a while, the sword can shoot in four ways.

"Ah ah..."



"The Thunderbolt..."


The melee of millions of people can no longer be controlled by the strong on all sides.

Countless figures fall down every moment, and even directly turn into flying ash. Countless limbs and blood spread throughout the battlefield. The confrontation of all kinds of energy and explosions are endless. When the mountains and rivers are broken and the sky changes color!

There is a saying: "When will the killing end today?"

Real scuffle, how can the killing stop...

Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to see what happens next, let's listen to the decomposition next time!

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