Ancient War

Chapter 61 ye guo xin mo

The gathering place of ancient humans in the unknown dark hall. The dragon against the sky is still constantly receiving the knife energy injected by many knives. However, at this time, Xing Chi was looking back and forth in the huge unknown dark hall for the true original magic bead transformed by the muted ancient people Dugu Shifeng. At the same time, countless demon gods in the unknown dark hall were driven by the monarch of the dark temple and kept looking for the whereabouts of ancient human beings. At the same time, it seems that the monarch of the dark palace came out to find the real magic bead.

A look at the three races of man, god and demon. It can become a powerful existence, no matter what race it is. The enhancement and significant improvement of strength are extremely desirable for the people of any race. Only the strong can bow down to all sentient beings. Especially in the demon clan, strength is the most important. A low-level demon god with low strength is always a nutritious product for powerful demon gods to improve their strength. Killed by the powerful demon god at will.

In the unknown dark hall, the mutiny of the ancients, and some things happened in the whole unknown dark hall. While sending his subordinates to search for the existence of ancient human beings, the monarchs in the Unknown Dark Hall also began to devote themselves to the Unknown Dark Hall. In fact, there are 13 dark palace monarchs in the whole unknown dark hall, but there are 14 palaces. One of them is surrounded and centered by 13 palaces. These thirteen palaces are the power of the monarchs in the unknown dark temple. Thirteen palaces form specific geometric laws to surround the horrible palace at the deepest part of the unknown dark hall. It has become a guard.

The huge energy contained in the true magic beads, as long as you can get it, you can get huge energy. Moreover, their own strength can be improved exponentially. In this way, the huge **, coupled with desire, can the monarchs of the dark palace not let this opportunity be missed. Moreover, countless conflicts often break out between the monarchs of the Dark Temple. Power and desire depend on strength, and in the whole demon space, only strength is the most important. Low-level demons are always cannon fodder. Only the status of the senior demon god and the supreme seven demon gods who rule the entire demon space will not be shaken. Because strength determines everything, and everything under strength is an ant.

When Xing Chi and the monarchs of the Dark Hall were searching for Zhenyuan magic beads in the unknown dark hall, some abnormal reactions suddenly occurred in the gathering place of the ancient people. At this time, the dragon's body constantly rejected the knife energy injected into the body. At the same time, the dragon's face showed a painful distortion, and his body seemed to be pulled by some external force. The dragon seems to fall into infinite pain.

"Thank you, Huang Yin and Long Su..."

"Brother Jianwen, I can get your help in the face of a crisis. If you escape this disaster, you will definitely..."

"Brother Yan Lion, try to preserve the strength of the 'knife realm'..."

"Boom, click..."

Two powerful existences that did not belong to ancient humans. The power of holiness and the power of evil intersect, killing hundreds of thousands of 'knife realm' disciples. At the same time, the black hole whirlpool sacrificed together devoured the dragon against the sky.

"No, knives to the sky, demons and other villains. One day my dragon will go against the sky. I will let you kneel down. Millions of people were killed and injured in World War I. I...ah..."

"Mochen, Yeshi..."

The battle between the "knife realm" and the "knife alliance" and the "magic hall" is constantly changing in the sea of knowledge. At the same time, the painful expression also kept appearing on the face of the dragon against the sky.

At this time, the dragon against the sky has fallen into a deep demon. The dragon fell into a muddy of boundless pain. Under the battle between the sword realm and the sword alliance and the devil's palace. Millions of ancient people have been lost. Such a huge murder was caused by the dragon against the sky. How can such a fruit not let the dragon fall into the boundless demon?

"I am one of the descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperors. Boy, although you are a gift from heaven, your mood is also quite strong. But you are still too anxious. All sentient beings in ancient times have a destiny. Do you know how many murders you will cause this time? And it is likely that you will also turn into ashes and die on the spot..."

"Ky, between ancient times and the gods and demons, since the first 'God and Demon War', ancient times have been completely destroyed by the star-like witch clan and hundreds of millions of ancient people were enslaved by the demon clan, which can be exchanged for hundreds of millions of years of rest and recuperation time. In ancient times, in this billion years, some people must embark on the road of becoming gods before they can lead the ancient people to fight against the gods and demons. But how can the two clans of gods and demons easily let people become gods in ancient times for hundreds of millions of years? Boy, you have a great opportunity in your life to practice the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra and get the inheritance of the star Wu family. The more things you get, the greater your ability will be, and the more things you will shoulder. However, your establishment of a 'knife realm' has aroused the strongest obsession in the hearts of your disciples, and such a powerful obsession has attracted the attention of gods and demons outside hundreds of millions of dimensions. Soon after, the murder and crisis you will face will be more serious..."

"Ky, what should come will come after all. You are the only one to face this disaster. If you can get a glimmer of life in this disaster. That ancient times is not in vain... But how many lives will fall in the ancient land? Even if you can escape from this disaster, if you can't be determined to wake up from the fruits of the disaster, all efforts will be in vain... Everything is fixed..." The dragon recalled the scene in the sea of knowledge against the sky. The words of the sky have been fulfilled one by one.

Millions of ancient people killed because of the dragon against the sky. Such a bloody sea of corpses, a strong resentment. How can we not make the dragon fall into the infinite demon?

"The knife goes to the sky, and the devil is quiet. In the morning and evening, I will kneel down at my feet. Driven by me. In ancient times, everything should be responsible for fighting against the gods and demons. Create boundless killings and weaken the ancient power. By the time the second 'Gods and Demon War' is approaching. In ancient times, will I not be enslaved and trampled by the gods and demons forever..."

"The 'knife realm' I created is not due to desire and rights. The complete destruction of the astrous Wu clan was only because it would face the 'God and Demon War' again in ancient times. Nowadays, the ancient three forces have been fighting for many days, and countless people have died. The strength of ancient times has been greatly reduced. In order to have a trace of vitality in the 'God and Demon War'. I am willing to die..."

"No..... As long as the ants of the gods and demons can escape from this disaster. Be sure to lead the ancient people to fight against the gods and demons. I want to enslave and practice in ancient times, and I am delusional. Slaughter of our disciples. I must report..."

Long against the sky triggered the strong obsession of his disciples by establishing a "knife realm". The strong obsession attracted the attention of the gods and demons. Therefore, the ancient sky mutation, and the dragon against the sky with the power of the five elements of Taiji gossip made the change disappear. However, because of this, both gods and demons sent people to appear in ancient times.

Dao Xiangtian and Mo You each led millions of disciples to suppress the "knife realm" in such a shocking battle. Millions of disciples from the three parties died. In the end, the gods and demons fought together to capt the dragon to the demon space.

"No, damn..." At this time, the dragon fell into an incomparable chaos in the sea of knowledge against the sky. The bodies of millions of disciples from three parties are powerful between gods and demons. The evil of Dao Xiangtian and Moyou, as well as the help of Huangyin, Longsu and Jianwen in times of crisis. It is also the task of the old ancestors and the loyalty of Mochen, Ye Shi and others. All this made the dragon fall into deep pain and unable to extricate himself

Everything has a causal cycle. At this time, the dragon fell into the boundless fruit demon. If the dragon is not strong against the sky, he can't see through life and death and see through the circle of cause and effect. Then everything is ancient and will become empty talk.

Will the dragon wake up from the heart of the devil, and will it reappear? How can the kaguo heart demon be so simple? At this time, the dragon against the sky adds all kinds of killings to itself. In this way, you will definitely fall into incomparable pain. The scenes in the sea of knowledge will only make you unable to extricate yourself from the pain.

Brothers and sisters, if you want to know what's going on, look at the next decomposition!

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