Ancient War

Chapter 71 The Mystery of Variation

The dragon did not hesitate to show his traces and attacked Zambik. Save the mutiny ancient people who fought against Zambik.

The dragon against the sky and this mutated clan fled to a dark corridor like a mountain, but they did not wait for the dragon to question against the sky. This mutiny ancient man actually burned his soul energy. Because of the rapid passage of vitality, it is impossible to tell many unknown secrets to the dragon. But at the moment before his death, this mutan clan transmitted all the information into the sea of knowledge of the dragon against the sky.

"Senior Feng Xingzi, you will definitely fulfill your wish against the sky." After sorting out the information passed by Feng Xingzi. Without words, there is boundless loneliness in his eyes...

"I am Feng Xingzi. At the beginning, when the first 'God and Demon War' was facing life and death in ancient times, I and many brothers all followed Dugu Shifeng and the gods and demons to have a protracted melee. The brothers around him fell one by one because of the gap in strength. But I don't know how long it took, but I only knew that all the stars of the Wu clan had died in exchange for hundreds of millions of years of peace for ancient times. The power of the god king of the god clan and the appearance of the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan. Let me wait for the ancients to fall into a trough, a terrible power and unshakable existence. Our brothers were already afraid. When they were about to fight to death, the ancient emperors of the world were born... Tens of millions of years have passed, and my memory of ancient times seems to be a little incomplete..."

The scenes of the war flashed in the sea of dragons. The cruelty of war and killing, the enslavement and humiliation of the ancient people, the dignity was trampled on, and life was like grass. The arrogance of the Protoss and the arrogance and brutality of the Demon Gods. All this made the dragon feel extremely shocked and angry...

"I and others were lucky enough to survive in the protracted war. But for the sake of ancient times, we are willing to be taken here by the demons. The whole hundreds of millions of ancient people who were taken to the demon space by the demon god came voluntarily. Just as the Wu clan was destroyed, it is willing to do so. In order to win hundreds of millions of years of time for cultivation and recuperation in ancient times, if there were people who could go on the road to becoming gods in ancient times, then the sacrifice we waited for was also worth it. In fact, although we were taken to the demon space by the demon god. But half of the people of the clan have a trace of soul controlled by the god king of the Protoss. The life and death and dignity of my ancient people were arbitrarily slaughtered and trampled by the gods and demons.

"We and hundreds of thousands of people who practice evil skills were forcibly poured into the power of the demon clan by the demon god Aino, and watered our bodies with the magic blood of the nine ghost demon gods. Let me completely merge with the magic blood, and let us suffer the unspeakable pain. At the same time, the body has undergone great changes. Because of the fusion of magic blood, our bodies continue to rise, and at the same time, some characteristics belonging to the demon god also appear on us. Tall body, thick arms, horrible scales and strange horns on the top of the head. The first step of the idea of the demon god Aino was realized, but he did not expect that my ancient people would be so simple. Although we suffered the pain of mutiny, we finally succeeded in mutizing nearly hundreds of thousands of people. But my posture has changed, but my heart still belongs to ancient times..." Countless information floats in the sea of knowledge of dragons against the sky. At this time, an unspeakable obsession rose from the bottom of my heart.

Even if the ancient people were changed, their hearts still belonged to the ancients. As ancient human beings, nothing can be changed...

"We, the mutants, under the leadership of Dugu Shifeng, began the arduous road against the demon god. However, although we are not limited by the soul shackles of the demon god, and the cultivation in our body has also changed because of the entry of the evil force. Our cultivation can be restored normally in the battle, but the more the cultivation in the battle body, the more compatible it is with the power of evil, so our variation is also intensified. Finally, one day, the cultivation in the human body of a clan was completely occupied by the power of evil. The mind and body have also completely changed into a real demon god. In the end, this clan ended his life by our joint efforts, and we undoubtedly suffered great pain in our hearts. At the moment when this clan member was dying. Tell the clan that when they have not completely transformed into a demon god, they must fight with the demon god to the cruelest time and not let themselves become the lackey of the demon god at the cost of self-explosion..." The mutatic people actually hide this bitterness.

"In fact, this person who has completely changed into a demon god, and we are also aware of the words before his death. Because of the continuous consumption and recovery of cultivation in the body during the battle. As the power of evil accumulates more and more in the body, the original cultivation is less and less. Many mutable people have divine consciousness and uncontrollable behavior. It was not until this clan completely changed that we really knew that although we can still control our behavior against the demon god, as long as we are in the space of the demon clan, we will eventually become a real demon god. After tens of millions of years of fighting, the people around them fell one by one. Dugu Shifeng turned into a real bead scattered in this dark space corridor in a battle. The remaining thousands of people are looking for this true pearl here. Because the energy contained in this bead can double the strength of humans or demons who absorb it. Unfortunately, the clan died one by one, leaving only the old man himself. I can finally go with the people..." Humiliation hatred and unspeakable pain appeared one by one in the sea of knowledge.

"The old man and others once forcibly opened the passage here with Dugu Shifeng. Although this place is like a dead place. However, the demon god Aino sent Ilben, one of the nine most powerful nine demon gods under the command of the seven demon gods. After the death of Dugu Shifeng, he turned into a real pearl and scattered here. While we are looking for Zhenyuanzhu, we also learned about it in continuous fighting. It seems possible to return to the ancient way here. But I have been looking for it for tens of millions of years, but I can't find it. I hope you can do it, but my wish... Everything is ancient, and the little friend is good. I hope the wish I've been waiting for can be fulfilled in you... Haha... The ants of the demon clan, even if I die, I am worthy of being an ancient man until I die..." The message of Feng Xingzi's divine consciousness and the dragon against the sky constantly emerges in the sea of knowledge of dragons against the sky. After a long time, the dragon disappeared here.

"Seniors, you will definitely fulfill everyone's wishes. Seniors and others are worthy of being ancient Chinese. Everything you have done is for ancient times. Until death was also for the sake of ancient times. Against the sky, they will definitely find an opportunity to return to ancient times and lead the ancient people to crush the ambitions of the gods and demons. We must let the ancients reveal a new side..." The dragon kept showing in his heart that the ancient people did not hesitate to resist the invasion of the gods and demons at the cost of their own lives for the sake of ancient times. This scene made the dragon feel a lot...

At this time, the dragon is speeding up to rush back to the gathering place of the ancients. He wants to tell Xing Chi all the information he learned and what happened in the unknown dark hall. At the same time, the dragon's anti-God consciousness can more and more sense the extra thing in his body.

The real magic ball was absorbed by the dragon against the sky, and the energy in it has been used up for its own use. But although the evil energy contained is contained in the five elements of Taiji. However, at this time, the dragon's body seems to contain too much demonic energy. Every time the dragon's body kills the monarch of the dark palace, it will produce a trace of bloodthirsty pleasure. All this made the dragon against the sky have countless questions in his heart. At this time, the dragon against the sky seemed to notice some signs.

Everything goes to your own use. At the same time as the dragon against the sky rushed back to the gathering place of the ancient people. Information is constantly being searched in the sea. Be sure to find the extra things in your body and kill the unknown danger in the most budding state.