Ancient War

Chapter 98 Fight against the Demons

"Well, damn ancient ants, the shame you brought me in the last World War, I will definitely repay you twice. How dare you attack me just now, humble ants, death will be your end..."

Clane sensed that the dragon's breath was getting closer and closer, and his tyrannical anger became more and more intense. At first, he bombarded a wisp of knife into his body, and just attacked himself. How could Klein not be angry? The violent breath and the strong evil force push the dragon against the sky. The murderous intention has appeared...

The horrible existence in the depths of the unknown dark hall is actually the only wisp of supreme magic power wandering in the palace. In the deepest part of the palace, a huge coffin was quietly parked there. The coffin is engraved with the runes of countless demons, and the black runes are slowly running along specific laws. There is also a huge demon head on the front of the coffin, with various postures changing from time to time. The power of evil exposed outside the coffin and the supreme magic power alone have frightened people's souls. Once the owner of the coffin wakes up from a deep sleep, then with the strength of the dragon against the sky today, there is only the end of being killed in seconds...

The coffin is surrounded by thirty-six totem poles of demon gods, but the proportion is much smaller than that of the totem poles outside the space of the demon clan. However, these 36 totem poles circled the huge coffin in the middle. It can be seen with the naked eye that 36 black energy chains pull the huge coffin and slowly enter the huge coffin with energy. The owner of this palace was really one of the two strongest dark demons who fell during the first "God-Demon War".

However, why is there a supreme power that still covers the whole palace?

"Richardson, we still go and kill the ancient human quickly. The Lord is probably because we have been paying attention to every move in the unknown dark hall and have not taken too many actions against the ancient human being, which makes the Lord so angry. However, after Stuart's death, Zambik also died suddenly in such a short time. In this way, how can we be restless? It may not be wrong to wait and see, but I don't know why the news from the Lord this time is mixed with some anxiety..." Raspel and Richardson are rushing to the place where the dragon appeared against the sky.

"Raspel, it seems that the Lord has found the purpose of this ancient man, otherwise he would not be so anxious... We are just looking for the most suitable opportunity to attack. This is not at fault, and Stuart's death and Zambik have nothing to do with us. Why does the Lord have murderous intentions against us... Humph, in this case, we still have to be careful. After all, the unknown monarch of the dark temple has lost two people. We just need to do our best to be in danger. We still aim to protect ourselves..." Richardson passed on his plan to Rasper.

After the two dark palace monarchs looked at each other, they quickly rushed in the direction of the dragon against the sky.

"Ivanov... The Lord knows what we have done, and what we should do this time..." After Field received the order of the supreme demon power, the worry came...

"Field, since the Lord has a command, we can just kill that ancient human being. Humph, since you cheated me away on the grounds of scattering the search for this ancient human, your business has nothing to do with me. The Lord just ordered me to intercept the ancient human, and you should bear the rest..." Ivanov seemed to be angry at Field's deception. After all, Cortina was calculated by the two of them, but the dragon appeared halfway, which was something they couldn't think of. However, Field cheated Ivanov because of this, but he returned to the sphere of influence and arranged everything. How can Ivanov not be angry about all this...

"Huh, Ivanov. Don't try to escape your responsibility. At the beginning, we jointly calculated Cortina in order to get Cortina. And we don't hesitate to pull Stuart as a scapegoat. You should know that these things can never be hidden from the Lord. The next step should be to intercept the ancient human first. Otherwise, our end may really be the same as Stuart..." Field did not show weakness. Everything he said was true, so Ivanov had no choice but to be angry at this time.


After Ivanov snorted coldly, he rushed in the direction of the dragon against the sky. At the same time, Field followed closely.

"Cline is also rushing away crazily. I have already sensed the breath of several other dark temple monarchs. Could it be that the Lord ordered us and the dark temple monarchs to intercept and kill this ancient human together? Why on earth is this? Why has this ancient human been rushing to the deepest part of the unknown dark hall? Doesn't he know that the Lord is an unshakable and horrible existence? Although the Lord has never visited in person after the first 'God and Demon War', the supreme magic power still makes us admire us. Isn't he looking for death here?" Louis Hunt was on his way to stop the dragon against the sky. His magic knowledge has sensed the breath of the monarchs of the dark temple such as Crane. Their magic knowledge is locking in the same target.

"Lord, you ordered me to rob and kill the ancient human at all costs. Although the Lord has not promised me anything, as long as I can kill this ancient human being, the Lord will definitely give me great benefits. Now that Stuart and Zambig died, the unknown dark hall has also caused chaos because of this ancient human. As long as I can perform well in this matter, Jiejie..."

Orbis had been understanding what he got after becoming the monarch of the Dark Temple in his palace. Because he was shocked by the strength of Crane and Zambeek, these things made him feel ashamed. Therefore, he does not care about everything in the outside world, as long as he focuses on improving his strength, and Stuart and Zambik have died one after another, making him more determined to improve his strength. Because of Zampik's strong strength, they were all killed. As a new king of the dark palace, he is not as strong as Zambik. Once you encounter an accident, you may die next.

After receiving the order from the horrible existence in the depths of the unknown dark hall, Orbis got up to stop the dragon against the sky. However, Obis thought too much and naively, and everything had to wait until he stopped the dragon to resist the queen...

"Well, I have endured for a long time in order to kill or take down this ancient human being to get that unimaginable benefit. Now that Stuart and Zambik have died one after another, and Crane and Louis Hunt have not been able to kill this ancient human. Now that I am allowed to go, I still go to wait and see if there is a opportunity, otherwise I will still guarantee my strength. No one knows what will happen in the unknown dark hall..."

Although Mourinho received the order, he had to reconsider for himself. After all, Stuart and Zambic died inexplicably one after another. Stuart's strength was not regrettable, but Zambic's strong strength was also killed in an instant. I don't know if there are all the forces he doesn't know in the dark hall. This makes him, who has been the monarch of the Dark Temple for tens of millions of years, and he doesn't know what to do...

"Abdullah, you come to my palace to protect me..."

After Abdullah received this order, his eyes burst into incomparable pride. After all, none of the thirteen dark kings in the unknown dark hall have ever entered the deepest palace of the unknown dark hall. However, at this time, he was ordered to go to the palace of the Lord and protect the Lord. How can all this not make Abdullah happy and proud? At this time, he seemed to be a little flattered. However, Abdullah did not know that his crisis was coming. As soon as he stepped into the gate of the palace, his soul was swallowed up by his Lord...

"Lord, you pay so much attention to me. If you don't do your best this time, you must let the Lord know my loyalty to him. As long as I can help the Lord complete the task this time, the Lord will definitely give me unexpected benefits and rights. At that time, the whole unknown dark hall is not my decision. What is Crane... Cortina will not kneel at my feet obediently... Jie Jie..." Abdullah fell into the madness of desire.

"Hey hey hey... Are you coming? I have been waiting for you demon ants for a long time. Today, I must slaughter all of you and let you know that my ancient human beings were easily trampled by Rong Er and others. I will definitely double the shame you impose on our people. Now it's all about collecting some profit..." The dragon's anti-God's consciousness sensed that the breath of several dark temple monarchs such as Crane was coming quickly. At this time, he is condensing all his cultivation and preparing to face the upcoming battle of life and death.

Today's dragon against the sky is no longer what he was in ancient times. At this time, he not only absorbed the essence of the Zhenyuan magic beads, and the strength in his body was doubled, but also he got Cortina and got unimaginable benefits from Cortina. Otherwise, how can the dragon emit the breath of the upper demon god, and the substantial transformation of the cultivation in the body? It is because of these factors that he dares to take such a risk.

"Huh, humble ancient ants, I must kill you this time... Then your head will be my wine vessel..." Crane's demon body appeared opposite the dragon against the sky. The strong magic power directly attacked the dragon against the sky.

"Jie Jie... Crane, I didn't expect you to arrive first..." Louis Hunt's demon body has also appeared.

"Hmm, Lord's command. We are insurmountable..." Crane was not too surprised by the appearance of Louis Hunt.

"Oh, Field, Ivanov, their breath also appeared..."

"Damn, damn ancient ants, you ruined my good deeds. Now I must kill you on the spot. Only when you turn into a fan can you solve my hatred..." Ivanov appeared and saw the dragon in the field against the sky. The anger rose in an instant. What he and Field did was to get Cortina, but all this was destroyed by the dragon. At this time, Ivanov saw the dragon against the sky, and the magic consciousness instantly locked the dragon against the sky, and roared angrily...

At this time, the unknown monarchs came one by one. However, the dragon has never changed in the face of such a strong enemy. Such indifference made these dark palace monarchs even more angry.

"Hey... It's finally coming. I will definitely accompany you to the end..."

The dragon rebelled against the gods and sensed the dark palace monarch who was about to arrive, with a strange smile on his face...