Ancient War

Chapter 115 Conspiracy Sustment

"No phase, no self, now we have left the 'knife alliance' to become one. I don't know if you have any questions?" The knife is enjoying the endless death with a comfortable face at this time.

However, no one expected that there would be another world in this countless huge peaks and dense forest. The knife is sitting in a pavilion in the deepest part of the jungle. At this time, those sitting below are not only the knife without phase but also the knife without self. There are also dozens of knives with invisible breath like knives.

"Intangible, since we follow you to escape from the 'knife alliance', we are willing to open up a new battlefield with you. When I followed the knife to the sky, although I counted the wolf smoke, I returned to no success every time, and at the same time I lost hundreds of thousands of disciples. However, in the war hundreds of thousands of years ago, nearly one million disciples were lost. At the beginning, we had already decided that we would definitely take the 'knife realm', but we didn't expect it to be so unbearable. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and we have already felt some changes in ancient times, and the desire in our hearts has long been uncontrollable. With our strength, it is understandable to fight against the unification of ancient times. But I didn't expect Dao Xiangtian to be so cowardly. Since we can't satisfy our desire, what if we escape from the 'knife alliance' and become our own? Jie..." The laughter of the knife was so gloomy.

"Intangible, I will definitely follow you. Now the disciples we brought out have long instilled infinite rights and desires in hundreds of thousands of years. That's why these disciples are so willing to follow me, and there are many knife cultivation secrets that I have been waiting for in hundreds of thousands of years. Why don't we build our own swordsman here? Once I wait for my cultivation to be refined, then I can ignite the flame of war. At that time, I will be attracted by desire, and then I will definitely be able to unify the ancient times. What do you think? Hey..." Dao Wuego said.

"Hey hey..." More than a dozen knives similar to the invisible breath of the knife echoed.

These dozen knives are actually specially cultivated during the hundreds of thousands of years in charge of the "knife League". He not only teaches them personally, but also can improve their cultivation. Nowadays, these knives are the same as extreme knives, mainly with the intention of death. It can be said that they are invisible disciples of knives. They have followed the invisible sword for hundreds of thousands of years and have long been the invisible right-hand man of the knife.

The knife has no phase and the knife has no self. Due to the invisible influence of the knife, the cultivation in the body will be more or less affected by the death of the knife in the invisible body of the knife. And as a strong man, how can he not want to look up to all sentient beings and be looked up to by the weak? The hidden desire of the knife seems to be more powerful than the invisible of the knife, but it is afraid of the invisible death of the knife, and it is not as good as the cultivation. Only then are you willing to assist the knife. Moreover, Dao Wuwo is the same. After getting the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra from the knife to the sky, the desire of the "knife alliance" became stronger and stronger. However, several actions of Dao Xiangtian have already aroused the resentment of many masters in the "Dian League". After all, the realization of desire is often only a thin line away. Such a huge gap makes Dao Wu Wu's heart already resentful.

This time, the knife invisibly led the knife without phase and the knife without self to defect from the "knife alliance" together, intending to establish the momentum of the knife at the other end of the free forces. The three of them were not afraid of the knife to the sky, which was really strange.

In fact, it is not how strong the cultivation of three people such as knives and intangibles is. Although there is no progress in the invisible cultivation of these hundreds of thousands of knives, as long as there is a dead intention, the invisible strength of the knife can be increased many times in an instant. Moreover, the knife is phaseless and the knife is selfless, because they are infected by the invisible death intention of the knife, and their bodies also have more or less need for death. Now they are hiding at the other end of the free power, and the death that rises from the ground from time to time has benefited knives and invisibles a lot.

"Ji Jie... How about the knife to the sky? What about Moyou? What can the sword ask? Now my knife invisibly escapes from the 'knife alliance' for the desire and power in my heart. How can the heaven of the ancient strong become so cowardly because of temporary comfort? Killing is the best way to refine real heroes. My knife will definitely lead you to fight against ancient times, and it is our dream to unify the ancient times. Now we have become one of our own, called the 'knife pavilion'. As long as the knife has ambition and desire, he can be accepted as a disciple. Ren Wu drove the expedition to ancient times... Jiejie..." The invisible ambition and desire of the knife were not concealed. Is the knife invisible and controlled by the death knife?

However, the invisible strength of the knife at this time seems to be stronger than the knife to the sky, and the evil and horrible death shrouded the invisible body of the knife. The arrogant laughter and the creepy death make the knife unintentional and infinite fear. They didn't expect that the invisible knife repair would be so strong. However, they do not know the invisible meaning of death. After going to the extreme, death will be his end.

A few days later, another new swordsman in the free forces was established. However, the power of this swordsman is based on power and desire, and everything is intended to plot the whole ancient times. However, this "knife pavilion" with knives is still in a secret state. It seems that the knife is waiting for some time to come.

In the forest where the "Kage" is located, countless ancient fierce beasts have been slaughtered. The knife is greedily absorbing endless death, and at the same time, his cultivation is constantly improving. Dead force covers the whole "knife pavilion"...

"Magic, how can I feel that the 'knife alliance' is different from the past. And their sphere of influence seems to have contracted..." The demons led the demons and others to search on the periphery of the "knife alliance". They found some abnormalities, but they did not dare to enter the sphere of influence of the "knife League". After all, the knife to the sky is still unshakable for them. Therefore, the demons and others did not dare to blindly enter the hinterland with the "knife alliance", and their breath was too evil and bloody. Even if you hide your breath, the smell of blood can't be deliberately avoided...

"Young master, the demon phagy also feels the difference of the 'knife alliance', not only the sphere of influence shrinks sharply. Moreover, it is really abnormal that there is no knife guard around the power..." The demon is also very surprised by the situation of the "knife alliance" at this time. He did not know that the strength of the "knife alliance" has been sharply reduced a lot. However, the cultivation with the knife to the sky is too strong, and the hidden strength of the "knife alliance" makes the demons dare not observe the situation of the "knife alliance" too much. Once you provoke the knife to the sky or other "knife alliance" strong people, I'm afraid the consequences are unimaginable.

"Magic Eater, I will go back to the 'Magic Hall' as soon as possible. Tell your father about the current situation of the 'knife League', and it will be decided by your father. After all, I can't enter the hinterland of the 'knife League' for observation. At that time, the consciousness of Dao Xiangtian was mixed with incomparable anger, and now the sphere of influence of the 'knife alliance' has contracted sharply. There must have been some changes for the insurance period. I'll leave here first. The knife to the sky is not what we can beat..." Demon Ming led the demons and others to break through the air.

"Humph... Moyou, I didn't expect you to send someone to check my 'knife League' so soon. Even if the strength of my 'knife League' is greatly reduced, I will not be afraid of your 'Magic Hall'. And you really underestimate my 'knife alliance'. Why is the breath on demons such as demons so evil and bloody? The knife sensed the movement of the demon and others to the gods. However, for the breath emitted by people in the "Demon Hall" such as the demon, the knife showed a trace of disgust to the sky.

"Moyou, do you really understand some bloody skills? Otherwise, your disciples would not have such a bloody smell. However, the single cultivation is much better than that of our disciples. In just hundreds of thousands of years, the cultivation of your disciples seems to have improved a lot. But don't you know that although such an evil skill can accelerate the speed of improvement of cultivation, the speed of improvement of the realm cannot be directly proportional to the speed of improvement of cultivation. The improvement of cultivation is only temporary. Once you fall into the heart demon, the consequences are absolutely not what you want to see. Do you want to improve the strength of your disciples with such evil skills, and then intend to fight in ancient times? Moyou, you will regret everything you have done..."

Dao Xiangtian actually analyzed so many things from the breath emitted by Mo Ming and others. Although it is not known whether Dao Xiangtian's analysis this time is right or wrong, with his understanding of Moyou, there should not be too many errors in the analysis.

Now the strength of the "knife League" has lost nearly one-third of its combat strength due to the invisible betrayal of the knife. The appearancelessness of the knife and the betrayal of the knifelessness made the knife a little unacceptable to the sky. After all, Dao Xiangtian can recognize the ancient situation and give up his desire this time. I didn't expect that this move would make several masters under the door betray themselves? Is what you did wrong? Dao Xiangtian didn't think so. After all, he was one of the many strong men in ancient times. If you kill arbitrarily because of yourself. When ancient times are in danger again, what kind of situation will everything you did make ancient times?

Why did the 'knife League' shrink its sphere of influence so much? With the style of knife to the sky, he is definitely impossible to do this, and there seems to be much fewer disciples of the 'knife League'? At this time, Long against the sky is constantly searching outside the sphere of influence after the contraction of the "knife League", and he does not know much about some situations of the "knife alliance". Because he didn't want to expose himself too early at this time, he wanted to hide in the dark and watch the development of the situation to find more things.

"How can there be such an evil and bloody smell? Who is it?" After sensing the remaining breath of the demons and others, the dragon's anger was ignited in an instant. This breath actually made the dragon so angry.

In fact, it is no wonder that the dragon will be like this, because this breath is the same as the breath emitted by Nagadek at the beginning. But the remaining breath this time is not as condensed as that emitted by Nagadek. However, this trace of evil and bloody smell also instantly ignited the anger of the dragon against the sky.

"The sphere of influence of the 'knife League' has contracted sharply? Jie Jie... It's so good. I haven't seen it for hundreds of thousands of years. I really want to know how to cut the sky, but I want to see to what extent the knife to the sky has reached now. Although I don't know why the 'Dword League' would be like this, I will soon know everything, Jiejie..." The gloomy and horrible laughter kept coming out.

If the dragon looks at the devil's move against the sky at this time, he will definitely find a strange scene. The Devil's Hall seems to hide this conspiracy...

Elder Moce led thousands of "Magic Hall" elites to leave in an instant. This time, Moce led these 1,000 elites to go deep into the hinterland of the "Dian League". The purpose is to see why the "knife alliance" has changed. And Moyou seems to have fallen into madness, obsessed with desire and yearning for power. It made him start to move.

"In this case, I will go to the 'Magic Hall' to explore and see if I can find anything?" Long against the sky searched on the periphery of the "knife League" for a long time and did not find much. So he got up and went to the "Magic Hall". After all, at this time, he still wants to walk with the ancient times as an ordinary swordsman. Once necessary, he will show his strength.

However, will everything be as simple as the dragon imagined?