Ancient War

Chapter 212 The Method of Killing

In the demon space, on the vast land of the demon clan. A tall and restrained demon god waved the magic wings behind him and flew in the direction of the Xidi Empire. If Sidi, the emperor of the Sidi Empire at this time, would definitely be shocked. Because he did not expect that Ilsagar, who was devoured by him and his soul, would be reborn. Although his breath and eyes were a little different, Ilsaga still reappeared...

The dragon devoured everything about Ilsagar. At this time, Ilsagar is the current dragon against the sky. The reason why the dragon felt a little sad is mainly because Ilsagar's body could not withstand the evil power in his body. Therefore, some restrictions on the strength of the dragon against the sky, but the dragon against the sky has already made all the plans. In the space of the demon clan, although several of the strongest beings of the demon clan did not know where to disappear at this time, and the whole demon clan fell into boundless killing like a fragment. However, all this does not stop the movement of the dragon against the sky. On the contrary, it also helps the dragon's next action against the sky.

"Jie Jie... Sidi, you absolutely can't imagine that my dragon against the sky will be your nemesis. The existence of the empire is such a strong name. My dragon will definitely devour you and build its own empire. Jie Jie..."

At this time, the dragon slowly integrated Ilsagar's appearance with his own appearance. After devouring Ilsagar, the dragon did not cause too much trouble for himself. When he sealed the evil power that Ilsagar's body could not bear, he also forcibly changed his appearance. However, as long as the killing continues, the dragon devours more demons against the sky and can use all their energy for their own use. He can change his breath at will.

The dragon flew against the sky in the direction of the Sidi Empire. At this time, his eyes showed boundless thoughts. After all, on his way to the Sidi Empire, there were countless wolf smoke. Countless limbs and corpses have been randomly discarded, and the unique magic insects in the demon space are constantly devouring their corpses, and there are even many demon gods who have just been swallowed up the essence of the body. There seems to be boundless killing in the whole space of the demon clan, and the method of killing is rampant on the land of the demon clan.

Countless stone pillars have been destroyed. At this time, in the space of the demon clan, only the five empires have huge demon totem poles. Because of continuous killing, the strong among the demon gods have emerged one after another. When the sphere of influence is established, there are only demon gods who submit to other races of the imperial king in the demon space. The demon god totem in their clan will be integrated into the totem pole of the imperial king. The death of other demon gods of various races who do not want to submit to them will be their end. At the same time, the totem poles they believe in will collapse into powder with the total destruction of their people.

Devouring and killing have become the most common phenomena in the demon space. Countless black boulders stand everywhere on the earth of the demon clan, and these boulders have also become a necessary material for the imperial palace to stand. The breath of evil, countless statues of demons and gods. Gray energy chains appear from time to time.

After all, in the demon space, there are countless demons of different races. Although it is also called a demon god, it is the lowest existence. They are the objects of arbitrary slaughter and slaughter. Many weak races are often directly swallowed up or wiped out, because in the eyes of some upper demon gods, they are not even as good as ants...

The Sidi Empire occupies the western border of the demon space. The huge black palace towering into the sky reveals boundless evil. As one of the five empires in the demon space, although they were established for the shortest time, the other four empires did not dare to underestimate the existence of the Sidi Empire. Because Sidi's strength is extremely strong and bloodier than any king of any empire.

When the Sidi Empire rose, he was the head of the empire. Sidi's strong strength together, with its destruction. Hundreds of thousands of demons have been swept away. Hundreds of millions of demon gods were slaughtered and swallowed up. Sidi devoured all the powerful demon gods. Due to the increase of killing, his strength is rapidly improving. This is also an important reason why the other four empires dare not be underestimated, and the thirty-six demon generals under Sidi's strength is comparable to that of the monarch of the Dark Temple. The main reason why Sidi personally bombarded Ilsagar was that Ilsagar was one of Ilben's subordinates, and his people were very powerful. However, only the soul returned to the demon space. In addition, the existence of the strongest demon clan has all disappeared. Only a few of Ilben's subordinates were loyal to him, and the rest were either submissive to other superior demon gods or were bombarded. Ilsagar is one of the few loyal to Ilben.

Sidi took a fancy to this point and forced Ilsagar to submit to him. However, he did not expect Ilsagar to be like this, so in a moment of anger, he directly bombarded Ilsagar's people and swallowed the essence of his body and his soul for his own use. This also shows Sidi's brutality...


At the edge of the Sidi Empire, there was a huge siege under the huge city. Another empire, the Jiuyou Empire, began to drive its subordinates to attack the Sidi Empire. Countless black energy balls, violent evil energy is pouring out. From time to time, there will be large-scale deaths. However, more demons and gods will shout crazily and attack the huge city with strange weapons in their hands.

The Jiuyou Empire was established by the nine strongest Jiuyou demon gods under the demon god Aino. Although Ilburn is recovering in the dark blood pool at this moment. But the other eight Jiuyou demon gods built a powerful Jiuyou empire together. Moreover, the Jiuyou Empire is the earliest empire, and its strength is the most powerful of the five empires. Because of Ilben's final choice, the "key of fate" turned into flying ashes. Aino's hatred for the ancient gods rose again. What's more, it is due to the strength shown by Jidu and others. The demon god Aino disappeared after dissipating several magical knowledge. At the same time, the eight strongest Jiuyou demon gods established the most powerful Jiuyou empire...

"Ji Jie... Atisian, I advise you to belong to the Jiuyou Empire. The foundation of your Sidi Empire is still far behind. My Lord ordered us to come this time to conquer your city on the periphery of the Sidi Empire. I appreciate your strength. If you obey my lord, with your strength and my introduction, I will definitely let you be a vanguard general under my lord. Otherwise, I don't mind devouring you... Jie..."

does not hide its murderousness and arrogance. The extremely strong existence, the armor covered on the body, is engraved with the runes of countless demon clans, and the tyrannical breath ravaged the battlefield below from time to time. The huge unicorn above the head exudes a gloomy and terrible color from time to time, the huge hammer-shaped weapon on the claws, and the top of the hammer seems to have deep traces of magic blood. Such a gesture adds a trace of toughness and ferocity.

"Humph... Celios, you really underestimate the Xidi Empire. The reason why our Sidi Empire was able to become one of the five empires so quickly is not only based on its strong style, but also because our Lord Sidi is based on his strong strength, adhering to the law of killing, submission or death. Only in such a short time can we build such a powerful empire with the momentum of destruction. Don't think that the foundation of the Sidi Empire is unstable. I, Atisian, will never let you take half a step into our Xidi Empire. Jie Jie..."

The strong breath is not weaker than the demon god known as Cyreus. Tens of millions of demons on the battlefield are constantly fighting. Strong demon energy collision, from time to time, relatively weak low-level demon gods will turn into flying ash. On the huge wall, countless corpses fell. A strong sense of death permeated the whole battlefield. In this way, we can see the cruelty of the killing.

"Ji Jie..."

The huge halberd swallows horrible colors from time to time. Strong fighting spirit condenses from time to time. On the side of the Sidi Empire, an extremely tall demon god waved the magic wings behind him, and the fangs at the corners of his mouth burst out, and countless strange and horrible runes appeared on pieces of scale armor. Unexpectedly, it is directly reflected in the body, and there is no defense armor on the demon body. Is the power of the demon god who became Atisian so strong?

On the huge battlefield, a melee is unfolding at this time. However, countless gray-black energy chains appeared on the battlefield, and the subordinates killed by the two sides seem to have the final residual value. Countless energy chains are only pulled by the strong men of the Sidi Empire...

"Damn... To attack, we must attack this city at all costs..."

The tyrannical sound resounded throughout the battlefield. The extremely strong magic power rose in an instant. At the same time, a strange color suddenly flashed on the huge warhammer. The violent magic power mixed with boundless combat power turned into a huge training and instantly bombarded the battlefield. At the same time, due to the injection of the power of evil, the warhammer instantly appeared the warhammer energy formed by the power of black evil. Huge pressure enveloped the whole battlefield.


Hundreds of thousands of followers guarding the Sidi Empire were bombarded into ashes by a drill-like blow.

"Ji Jie... Atisian, you actually support the war and want to absorb the energy of the war dead, which is really delusional. I will let you know what is really strong..."

The huge warhammer energy body, with boundless magic power, the power of black evil is full of terrible destruction, instantly bombarded into the huge city. It turned out that the purpose of Sereus was to bring down a breakthrough in the wall guarding the city. In this way, his subordinates can capture this city...

"Sereus, how dare you do this..."