Ancient War

Chapter 222 Expanding the Territory

"Jie Jie... Although you have followed Adonia for many years, in order to become the upper demon god in the future. I will never let go of this opportunity easily. My Lord has such a strong courage. It seems that LeBron's strength is also obtained through killing and devouring. In this case, I must become a stronger existence than them and ascend to the altar of the upper demon god earlier..."

Adonia led thousands of troops behind him to go deep into his sphere of influence. A lot of killing and devouring began, accompanied by bursts of screams. Countless gray-black energy chains gushed out and began to pour towards certain strong men. Billions of departments may be cut by more than half. However, more strong people can appear, which is also one of the laws of the law of the demon clan. After all, only the strong can retain the space of the demon clan, and the strength of strength can decide everything, if you are willing to be cannon fodder. In the end, only death is the end of oneself...

"There is another more important reason why LeBron asked Adonia to be the leader of your legion. It's because he can judge the situation, so this is still your lack. But as a general under my command, I will never treat you badly.

The dragon sensed LeBron's desire for strength and knew how difficult the upper demon god was for Adonia and Leblanc. His appearance brings them the hope of becoming the upper demon god, so as long as they can see hope and improve their strength, they will definitely become loyal subordinates.

"Great Majesty Atisian, LeBron is very grateful for your love for me. I submit to your command and take the brunt of expanding your territory..."

LeBron is very grateful for the dragon's attention to him, because the longer he follows the dragon against the sky, the more he can find out. As long as he unswervingly follows the dragon against the sky, he will definitely become the place of the upper demon god in the future. Strength and power will always be with him.

"Ah, uh, wow..."

Thousands of followers led by Adonia are slaughtering and devouring cannon fodder under their command. Countless gray-black energy chains appeared and poured into the bodies of Adogia and thousands of people under his command in a vortex. Because Adonia personally took the lead in slaughtering his cannon fodder-level subordinates, many relatively strong demon gods have also joined the slaughter and devouring. The battle for extraordinary power improvement unfolded in an instant, and the gray-black energy chain contains the essence of countless energy. Many demons that have just devoured some weak demons and instantly become part of the strength of other advanced demon gods.

"Ji Jie... The great Lord Atisian, I, Adonia, will follow you for the rest of my life. Your appearance made me see the hope that I could never reach before."

With the passage of time, Adonia's strength became stronger and stronger, and the gray energy chain kept pouring into Adonia's demon body. The essence of the low-level demon god turned into a pure demonic power and became part of Adonia's strength improvement. With the improvement of his strength, Adonia seemed to see the hope of becoming the upper demon god. The appearance of the dragon against the sky triggered the most fanatical desire in his heart.

"Jie Jie..."

Long has been paying attention to the situation in Adonia, and he has no doubt about Adonia's loyalty. Because of the existence of Adonia and LeBron, for the improvement of strength and the expansion of desire, no one can give up the existence of the superior.


The dark sky is thunderous. Outside the huge palace, the dragon's tall body suspended in the void. The magic wings behind him kept waving, and the strong breath of the upper demon god swept across the whole sphere of influence. The dragon swept away hundreds of millions of followers under his command, and the flame of tyrannical and strong desire kept rising. This time, after the return of the dragon to the dragon against the sky, the existence of senior demon gods under the dragon against the sky and beyond the senior demon gods has exceeded 10 million. Killing and devouring are indeed the only laws for demons to improve their strength, so the dragon's plan against the sky is about to begin.

"Jie Jie... Sidi, I'm afraid you can't imagine that the Sidi empire you built will be in the wind and rain when you sweep away Ilben's command. No matter how powerful you are, my dragon will also destroy your Xidi empire. The Dark Temple Empire will replace it. Since I have accumulated such a strong strength, the strength of my subordinates has also met my requirements. The next step is to expand the territory and directly overthrow the Sidi Empire..."

Long looked at the hundreds of millions of followers in front of him, who were more or less baptized by killing. It is no longer comparable to the level of cannon fodder, so that the dragon can lead all his subordinates to start his next plan. As long as he ignites the most powerful desire in his heart, he can make his plan go smoothly...

"Ji Jie... My subordinates, since you have all surrendered to me. Then I will give you something you didn't think of before. In the space of our demon clan, you used to be at the level of cannon fodder. But after you follow me, I will raise your strength to the limit, and it is not unreachable to become a superior demon god. But you must follow me to expand your territory and build your own empire. When I lead you to sweep all the weaknesses of the Sidi Empire, the Dark Temple Empire will be looked up to by the other four empires, and the whole demon land will be at the foot of the Dark Temple Empire..."

The breath of the dragon's powerful upper demon god is mixed with words. The power of tyrannical evil directly made hundreds of millions led by Adonia and Leblanc begin to shout crazily. Because when they submit to the dragon against the sky, they have realized that their strength and desire will become a reality one by one. The words of the dragon against the sky completely ignited the desire in their hearts, shouting crazily, and the desire was rising infinitely.

"Your Majesty Artisian, we will follow you to build our own dark temple empire, and we will become the supreme place of the demon clan... the dark temple... the dark temple..."

The subordinates began to keep shouting. After all, the longing for strength and desire makes them more and more crazy.

"Yes, I will lead you to build your own dark empire..."

The dragon was very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates, and after the magic swept the whole sphere of influence. There was a strange light in his eyes, because the prelude to the destruction of the Sidi Empire was about to begin.

"Adonia, I order you to lead millions of senior demons to attack the sphere of influence of Alstom under Sidi. There are only two requirements, submission and killing. Strong suppression. I want to flatten the sphere of influence of the 27 generals under Sidi in a short time. I want him to know that only I can be the king of the demon clan..."

The first step in establishing a dark temple empire began by the dragon against the sky. Killing and melee are about to begin, and the Dark Temple Empire is about to appear in front of the other four empires, but even so, no other empire dares to provoke him easily. After all, Long against the sky can accumulate such a strong strength in a short time that neither side dares to provoke him easily. After all, the existence of tens of millions of high-level demon gods is a strength that cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the four empires will never easily provoke the dragons before their attitude is unclear...

"Huh, is it possible that there are strong people under Sidi's command? Such a powerful upper demon god is absolutely impossible to submit to Sidi's command. Who the hell is it? Such strength is not weaker than Sidi's. Jiejie... Xi Diwu wants to see how you deal with it. I'm afraid that a fire in the backyard will be inevitable. He seems to be more courageous than you..."

In the deepest part of the Jiuyou Empire, the huge palace towered high in the clouds. The powerful and deterrent demonic power emitted by obsidian made countless low-level demon gods kneel down. The strongest person of the Jiuyou Empire sensed what happened in the sphere of influence of the Sidi Empire. After all, the dragon was so crazy that he conquered Adonia and ordered to improve the strength of his subordinates by killing and devouring. Such a crazy performance shocked him. However, he didn't know what the dragon's plan was. He just unilaterally believed that the dragon's against the sky would be Sidi's biggest confidant, but when the dragon against the sky passed through continuous killing and conquest, he waved the Jiuyou Empire. He is realizing that everything is wrong.

"Great Majesty Atisian, Adonia will never let you down..."

Behind Adonia, there are millions of senior demon gods, heading towards the sphere of influence of Alstom, a general under the command of Sidi, which is the closest to the Dragon's sphere of influence. This time, the dragon against the sky is to conquer and occupy all the peripheral forces of the Sidi Empire in an instant. Let Sidi only shrink in the center of the empire's sphere of influence. At that time, the dragon will attack from all directions at the same time, so that the Sidi Empire can finally be destroyed. However, the dragon's strength against the sky is very appreciated. If it can devour Xidi, then the cultivation of the dragon against the sky will be substantially improved...

"Ji Jie..."

The laughter of the dragon against the sky resounded through the land of the demon clan.

"Alstone, Iadonia came by the order of His Majesty Atisian. All you can do is submit, otherwise the killing will be your end..."

After killing and devouring, Adonia's strength has already improved by leaps and bounds. At this time, he waved two pairs of magic wings behind him, and his tall body showed a fierce breath from time to time. Such a strong existence, the sense of tyrannical oppression directly hit Alston's entire sphere of influence, and the powerful magic knowledge gushed out directly. The thunder sounded in an instant...

"Adoya, you are too arrogant. Have you betrayed His Majesty Sidi? What did Atisian do? How dare he be so rampant. Since I dare to provoke His Majesty's dignity, I, Alsstone, let you know at this moment that His Majesty Sidi's dignity can never be provoked..."

The angry voice appeared in an instant, as if Alston was very contemptuous of Adonia. However, when he appeared in front of Adonia, surprise appeared in his eyes...