Ancient War

Chapter 251 Killing God

The dragon sacrificed its strong cultivation against the sky, and countless energy halberd formed a huge blade, roaring at the location of Augustine and the "Ten Prophets". The tyrannical combat power made Augustine crumble in the whirlpool of energy.

Eight million messengers of light, after entering the lost battlefield. The dragon fought against the sky and killed them all with the power of one person. When the light melts into the darkness, death will be inevitable. In the lost battlefield, the power of dark faith was used to the extreme by the dragon. Countless lightning bolts bombarded the Light Messenger Army over the lost battlefield, and the energy halberd turned into the shape of a death sickle, constantly harvesting the life of the Light Messenger. However, there have been countless changes in the lost battlefield. However, the only thing Augustine and others outside can feel is the tyrannical power, constantly colliding and destroying, as if they are harvesting countless lives.

"The hateful Nanoga, I represent the light and will give you the final judgment. Do you think you can fight against us? Well, I will let you pay the price."

At this time, Augustine relied on the holy power of the "Ten Prophets" and the infinite power of faith. Force the strongest killing move. Terrible attacks are about to appear, and the sacred power of terror forms a huge energy light curtain in front of him. Countless divine unique energy blessing runes appeared. With the continuous singing of the "Ten Prophets", the sacred power became stronger and stronger. Huge energy beams appeared one by one, forming an unparalleled defense in front of Augustine and the others. As the god of light war, he condensed the strongest barrier of God at this moment. Beyond the previous energy range, the extremely strong defense and strong attack power actually achieved a perfect fusion in a moment...

The black blade roared at Augustine. The extremely powerful energy instantly collided with the barrier of God.

"Rumble... click..."

The energy of darkness and light collided, and a huge beam of energy appeared on the earth and the sky in an instant. Countless powerful and unshakable energies are constantly raging, and the lost battlefield is out of sight, and there is no vitality. At this moment, the two energies collided and melted with each other. On the surface of God's barrier, there is an energy light column like a huge column in the sky. The confrontation between sacred and darkness is extremely anxious at this moment. The dragon resisted Augustine and the "Ten Prophets" alone. But from the scene, it didn't fall behind at all.

Tens of millions of messengers of light have all died in battle at this moment.

"What, how can the strength of Nanoga be stronger than when he died in the war? How can this be? His power can suppress Augustine, who can use the power of faith. At the beginning, he was bombarded by me. At this moment, even if his divine status was intact, he could not reach such a level. Damn, when the door of the seal was opened, not only did Erebos have the divine status again, but also Nanoga was not only reborn, but also the divine status was so strong. But I don't believe how long Nanoga can last with the support of the power of infinite faith..."

Salnagar has been following the whole war. For the dragon to independently fight against eleven strong gods, there is also a bright god of war. However, the whole battle situation did not meet his ideal requirements, and the dragon's strength made him slowly become cautious from the beginning.

"It seems that it is not easy to defeat Nanoga in this battle, but Augustine and the 'Ten Prophets' should not disappoint me. And there is infinite power of faith behind it. If Augustine can't defeat Namega, then there is no need for him to stay in the Protos. The whole Protoss is my only one..."

While Sarnaga's consciousness sensed the whole war situation, his eyes showed boundless fierceness. It can be seen that in the whole Protoss, if there is no use value in Sarnaga's eyes, it is the object that can be discarded and discarded at will.

Protos was in his palace at this time, always paying attention to the situation on the whole battlefield. The main reason why he can be so nervous is that the stronger the nanoga is, the more worried he is. If Erebus leads Namega to successfully defeat Sarnagar, his final fate will be miserable. And in Erebus's eyes, he has long been the place of the traitor and can't get any forgiveness at all.

"The strength of Nanoga has reached such a level. Has his deity reached another new level? Such a powerful dark god of war, Augustine, the god of light war who first ascended to the throne, can't be compared with him at all. However, as the main god of light, Brother Sarnagar has dominated the Protoss for hundreds of millions of years, and the power of faith accumulated by light has reached an incomparable height. I hope Brother Sarnagar can directly kill Erebus and Namega or seal it again. Otherwise, my end is really unimaginable..."

Protos, the second god, seems to be praying at this moment. If the dragon is here, he will definitely scoff at it. Because he, who is also a god king, will pray that if it spreads, he will not let other strong people laugh.

"The infinite punishment of the judgment of the gods..."

Augustine and the "Ten Prophets" in the barrier of God condensed into the strongest killing move at this time. Forced by the god of light god of war, Augustine emitted a dazzling white light all over his body. However, in the face of such a strong blow from the dragon, Augustine has already felt the infinite murderous intention and fighting spirit contained in the huge blade. At this moment, he urged his strength to the extreme. The holy divine light and strong divine power actually appeared a trace of blood at this moment. The violent pressure rose to the extreme in an instant, and the combat power and killing spirit reached their peak in an instant. Strong attacks are also intended to destroy the world...


The power of darkness and light seems to reach the extreme, and the instantaneous collision. The terrible energy fluctuations have destroyed all the vitality of the square circle. The energy chain of countless faiths has been smashed. The dark power in the lost battlefield kept pouring into the dragon's body in an extremely horrible way. The blade condensed by countless energy halberd is now constantly bombarding the barriers of God with the momentum of destruction.

"Well, in this case, Augustine, as my subordinate, you can't become an existence beyond me at any time..."

The dragon's eyes flashed. The halberd waved in his hand constantly urged the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra to fuse the power of darkness, intending to bombard the most terrible power of killing gods.


The dark halberd actually shot a halberd. The power of darkness has risen to the point of terror, and its strength is no longer comparable at this moment.

"God of War's halberd breaks the sky..."

The dragon against the sky combines the dark power with the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra, and now wields an attack that no one can imagine. The extremely powerful energy intends to devour everything. The halberd went straight to the sky of the Protoss, and the terrible fighting power made Augustine's bodies tremble.

"Oh, when did the strength of Nanoga reach such a terrible level? I just gave him a broken god, and it is impossible for the senior god to reach such a level. What the hell is going on? Seeing that he is so majestic, there seems to be something hidden behind him. Anyway, wait until he fights Augustine. After all, he is still a trump card in my hand at this time. Such a performance of Nanoga will definitely shock Sarnagar..."

When Erebus sensed the strength of the dragon against the sky, there seemed to be something more in his eyes. After all, sometimes it's not a good thing to be too strong...

"This is not the strength of Nanoga at all. How can he be so strong? Damn, it seems that Augustine doesn't have to count on it. Damn rubbish, it's a waste of a god..."

After sensing the dragon's strength, Sarnagar has understood the situation of the whole battlefield. Augustine and the "Ten Prophets" can't compete with the dragon at all. Counting the divine consciousness from the "Temples", the other end of the Protossic space seems to be a little abnormal. The combination of holiness and evil, horror and holiness. Several of the most evil gods under Sarnaga's command are about to appear...


The battle situation is still in full swing, and the horrible energy is constantly colliding and tearing.


God's barrier finally could not withstand such a strong attack, and the defense body formed by the energy beam began to show signs of fragmentation. At this time, there was boundless fear in the eyes of Augustine and the "Ten Prophets". Because with the shuttle of the energy halberd, the energy chain of the power of faith has been smashed one by one. Augustine no longer has the power of faith to support him to maintain his strong defense.

"Oh... I am the god of war of the Protoss, and you can never defeat me. Ah..."

Augustine, as the god of light war, fell into a crazy barrier at this time because he could not defeat the dark god of war dragon against the sky.

"Well, Augustine will explain to you what the real God of War is. The survival of the fittest can only be called the god of war by killing the gods. If it hadn't been for killing, Sarnagar would not have become the master of the Protoss. Such a sad guy is pitiful and ridiculous. I'll surpass you..."

The halberd stimulates energy again, and the dark power of terror condenses into substance. The violent attack forcibly broke through the barriers of God, and the dark energy swallowed up Augustine and the "Ten Prophets" in an instant.


Above the sky of the Protoss, countless black Thunderbolts appeared in an instant, all bombarding Augustine and others. Augustine, who had just ascended the throne, instantly disappeared, and the "Ten Prophets" also turned into powder and disappeared in front of the lost battlefield.


A dark golden light ball appeared, and Augustine's god was completely obtained by the dragon against the sky.


The dragon's body melted into the darkness again. On the periphery of the lost battlefield, only the signs of the war remain, and there is no vitality. Sarnaga's two lost battlefields have been buried here, together with the "Ten Prophets" of the God of War and the Protoss, after losing hundreds of millions of arbitrators and tens of millions of messengers of light. Such a huge loss has brought Sarnagar's tolerance to a critical point.


After the war, a wisp of dark golden soul power rushed in the direction of the "temples". Although Augustine's body was smashed again, his soul was still preserved. However, even if he returned to the "Temples", he ended up with annihilation, because Sarnagar had not allowed him to fail again.

"Huh, it's a waste of my divine dignity..."

Salnaga's cold voice came from the "Temples".

The dragon in the lost battlefield is against the sky. At this moment, in his palace, he is devouring the divine trait he just got...