Ancient War

Chapter 272 New Journey

The dark temple empire of the demon clan space. At this time, except for the tens of millions brought by the dragon and Agares, all the rest died in this fierce war of attrition. However, all of this returned to loneliness, and the dragon led his troops to start a new prelude to hegemony from the unknown dark hall.

"I will double what you have done. If it weren't for the fear of Ilben's appearance, how could I be afraid of you? However, I will keep in mind this hatred. Even if I fight against the supreme seven demon gods, I will rush forward without hesitation even if I die in battle. Wait for the ants to wait. When my dragon appears again against the sky, I will definitely let you know. In ancient times, violations were absolutely not allowed, and you will pay for everything you have done at the cost of blood.

The dragon endured the pain in his heart and led Agares to open up their own sphere of influence in the unknown dark hall. However, their sudden entry also attracted the attention of the original strong in the unknown dark hall. As the king of the Dark Hall, more than a dozen strong men have magical knowledge to pay attention to them at this moment, because their appearance makes these original unknown strongmen in the Dark Hall feel a little dangerous.

At the beginning, the dragon stirred up the whole unknown dark hall, and four dark temple monarchs turned into flying ashes, and Cortina also sealed herself. Although under the attention of killing the demon god, there are four new strong men in the whole unknown dark hall, replacing several dark temple monarchs who died in battle. However, in addition to competing for the sphere of influence, they directly provoked each other. After all, with the acquiescence of killing the demon god, they have already started to kill each other, devouring and killing at the same time. Only with the improvement of strength can you gain a firm foothold in the unknown dark hall, otherwise, death will be a matter of sooner or later.

"Brother Agares, although we led some of our powerful subordinates and the tyrannical army to station here at the same time. But because of the original strong man in the unknown dark hall, we will not easily stand firm. Therefore, in the current situation, I think we should clarify the surrounding environment and situation while building the palace and make all the preparations. After all, although our subordinates are strong, they can't compare with their large-scale legions.

Long has sensed the difference from the unknown dark hall, because now in the whole unknown dark hall, all the situation can't be the same as when he fled. Although there are few evil forces wandering in the space corridor, mountain-like bones and heavy death can be seen everywhere. In this way, it can be seen that many things in the unknown dark hall are unpredictable, so the dragon against the sky first settles his strength.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've been released into the newly reborn demon god. Why was it so powerful that it was placed in this time? What the hell is going on? Moreover, as soon as these demon gods entered the unknown dark hall, they actually built a huge palace, which is really abominable. There are no new demon gods who dare to build their own power when they enter the unknown dark hall. However, even if you are strong, other dark temple monarchs will never allow you to do this. Although I am the strongest in the unknown dark hall, isn't it better to watch them compete with each other... Jie Jie..."

In the huge palace, Crane's magic observes everything in the whole unknown dark hall. Because when the dragons against the sky forcibly entered the unknown dark hall, dozens of powerful magic knowledge appeared one after another. And these demons are also hostile to each other. In fact, when the dragon went against the sky and returned to the unknown dark hall and returned to ancient times. During this period, the situation in the unknown dark hall has changed dramatically. After replacing their place, the four new dark temple monarchs began to constantly kill and devour. In order to quickly improve their strength and complete the order to kill the demon god, after a short period of peace, the melee began between ten dark temple monarchs. In order to improve their own strength again, they killed and devoured until now. The main reason why they didn't provoke Cortina was because of Cortina's own reasons. And they won't provoke her easily...

"Is he really here? Come and look for me? After a long time, he finally appeared again. Although you are an ancient human, you are in two completely different positions from me. But I already belong to you and have your children. When you left me without saying goodbye, I chose to seal myself after a fruitless search. Because even if there is antagonism between you and me, the child is innocent. Now that you appear again, is it for me?

Cortina woke up from the seal again, and the breath of the dragon against the sky was so clearly visible. When the dragon appeared in the demon space against the sky, she felt something. Now that the dragon has entered the unknown dark hall, his feelings for him are becoming clearer and clearer.

"Well, when will there be such a group of strong men in such a huge unknown dark hall? However, these senior demon gods are nothing in my eyes. The two leaders are okay. If they can join my sphere of influence, I'm afraid they can sweep away all the other dark temple monarchs, open Cortina's seal and get her. In this way, I can become the master of the unknown dark hall..."

After Louis Hunt sensed what happened in the unknown dark hall at this moment, the breath of tyranny rose in an instant. If the dragon alone sneaks into the unknown dark hall, it can be completely unconscious. However, the dragon against the sky and Agares led tens of millions of strong demons, so how can they not attract the attention of the strong in the unknown dark hall?


Several demons attacked the dragons and their place against the sky. However, due to the location of Agares and the tyrannical legion, the breath of the upper demon god made these demons instantly retreat and disappear after sweeping.

"Well, you can't stand it so soon. I thought you could hold on, although I don't know what happened here during the period of my departure. But you couldn't stop me from leaving here, but now you still can't stop me from building my own strength in the unknown dark hall. My dragon is bound to turn the whole demon clan upside down, even if I die..."

After sensing the breath of more than a dozen dark monarchs, a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. Outside the unknown dark hall, all their clans and the forces they established were destroyed. Now he wants to rise again in the unknown dark hall, and the difficulty can be imagined. However, the perseverance in the dragon's anti-sky eyes has made a decision to kill.

"Damn, all the departments of the Dark Temple Empire have been bombarded. Why has Artisian and Agarez not appeared so far? Can't they disappear?"

Irben's magic knowledge swept the whole dark temple empire, but there was no breath of the dragon against the sky and Agares. At the same time, the magic also appeared immediately. Solomon, Osiris and Asura all showed doubts in their eyes, because hundreds of millions of troops of the entire Dark Temple Empire were slaughtered. However, as the master of the empire, the king did not appear to resist them when his empire was about to be subverted and destroyed. This is also one of the reasons why they were surprised by the masters of the four empires.

"If you dig three feet, you have to find the whereabouts of Artisian and Agares. I don't believe that they can all disappear. With the personality of Agares, his tyrannical army will never allow such a failure..."

As soon as Ilben's order was issued, all the subordinates of the Jiuyou Empire, including Wallif and Ilben, kept bombarding all the spheres of influence of the entire Dark Temple Empire. At the same time, the masters of the other three empires also began to launch extremely powerful attacks. The purpose is to find out where the dragon is against the sky and where Agarez is.


The explosion sounded over the demon clan, but all this was useless. Because at this time, they were already in the unknown dark hall. Facing all the unknown things in the unknown dark hall, they began their new journey...