Ancient War

Chapter 284 Demon Madness

Agares and tens of millions of subordinates are now on the table like bargaining chips. At this time, all the rest of Crane's palace appeared except Cortina. These dark temple monarchs have already regarded Agares as the meat on the cutting board that can be slaughtered and divided. But I'm afraid it will bring them an extremely painful price in the end.

"Kline, you called us here with the will of the Lord, not just to solve the matter of Agares, is it? If you can't subdue so many senior demon gods under his command, if you swallow them up, you will greatly improve your strength. But if you don't make any statement this time, are you kidding me..."

Mourinho's gloomy eyes are firmly staring at Crane at this moment. It is likely that if Crane had not given him a joint explanation, he would have burst into anger. In fact, everything is very clear, just for the sake of more or less benefit. If the dark palace monarchs present do not get the benefits they deserve, I'm afraid they will turn against each other. However, under the premise of killing the demon god's order, in the end, as long as the benefits can be said, these dark temple monarchs will definitely hold together and fight against Agares. Their purpose is actually very clear, killing and devouring. Or kill Agares and other departments directly, or devours them to improve their strength.

"Humph, isn't it a waste of time? Crane, although you said that in order to complete the Lord's orders and tasks, you want us to attack Agares together. But you should know, how should we divide the benefits if we send troops together? Although there have never been many subordinates of Agares, he has been a strong man of the demon clan for countless years. If he can be swallowed up, his strength will be greatly improved. Even if we jointly bombard him, what should we do with his tens of millions of years? Even if they submit to us, even if there is a division, right?

Louis Hunt is also staring angrily at this moment, and his strong breath is extremely swollen, as if he intends to threaten Crane. However, at this time, several brothers of Richardson and Anthony also seemed to have a lot of complaints. After all, they all want to get more benefits from this war, but the strength of the dark monarchs is almost the same. Therefore, they are all deadlocked for the sake of interests. Eleven dark temple monarchs are making a lot of noise for their interests. At this moment, the dragon is chasing the sometimes clear and sometimes unpredictable blood meaning.


At this moment, the dragon turned into Field again and wandered in the unknown dark hall. There are countless large and unknown dark hall corridors. Although Anthony died at this moment, their sphere of influence is still extremely large.

"Why can't you feel it? Sometimes if there is nothing, the time is clearly visible. What the hell is going on? Why didn't I tell me that there was blood in the demon clan when I was separated? If there is such an accident in the unknown dark hall. Then everything goes naturally. Since I didn't tell you, it has nothing to do with me. The reason why I want to know is to see what kind of conspiracy the demon clan is playing.

I can't find the exact location for many days. The main reason is that although Cortina sensed the breath of the dragon against the sky, she felt some dangers due to the sudden appearance of a strong man in the unknown dark hall. So she sealed herself again, but it won't be long before the child she gave birth, and this child also has a dragon's blood. However, all this is unknown to the dragon.

"In this case, I still wander around to see if I can find anything. This feeling is kind and familiar, but everything about the demon clan has nothing to do with me. Even if it is my own flesh and blood, it is nothing more than the humble place of the demon clan, as long as it does not belong to the ancient people and belongs to the ancient people. Everything can be sacrificed for ancient times. As long as it can ensure that ancient times stand in space and will not be invaded by foreigners, everything can be abandoned..."

At this time, there was a trace of cruelty in the dragon's eyes. After all, he worked hard to enter the demon space. The purpose is to make the ancient "God and Demon War" tens of millions of years later from being attacked by the gods and demons and oppressed by the gods and demons. In hundreds of millions of years, the ancient people have suffered so much that everything is indelible. So no matter what, as long as he can preserve the ancient times, he will do it no matter what method.

"Okay, Brother Crane, since the division of interests is so equal. In comparison, no one will complain much. But what about the reborn Field? And Cortina, who has been self-sealing. You should know that Field was the monarch of the Dark Temple at that time. Although I don't know why he was able to come back to life, he is likely to be a great variable..."

Smith is very concerned about Field's appearance. Because they seemed to have collusion at the beginning, but Field was killed with one blow. How can Field not surprise many monarchs when he reproduces the unknown dark hall this time?

"Field, it shouldn't be a mess for us. Although I don't know why he was reborn, one thing is absolutely certain, that is, it is likely that his death was arranged by the Lord. Now the Lord may have to do something for him to resurrect him. All this has nothing to do with us. As long as we determine how to solve the matter of Agarez immediately, the division of interests is appropriate now. Cortina has been sealing herself, so her share also belongs to our brothers. Now their brothers have returned to their sphere of influence and are ready to send troops immediately. In order to get more benefits from the Lord, this battle must be strongly suppressed and defeated the enemy with one blow..."

As soon as Crane's words came out, ten dark palace monarchs disappeared into his palace one after another. At this moment, after quarreling and division, they finally divided the immediate interests. As long as they send troops to Agares together, after the end of the war, all interests will be divided into eleven, and then their interests will be divided equally.


At this moment, the unknown dark hall began to constantly ** up, and the evil energy, which was originally free, also began to slowly condense at this moment. The twelve dark kings are ready for everything at this moment. The fierce and tyrannical evil energy also became stronger again with their appearance. Because they have combined the scene of Anthony's death and prepared for everything.

"Hmm, how dare you come to provoke my dark empire so much. Then I, Agares, will not be afraid of you. At this moment, the evil energy is several times stronger than at the beginning. I will definitely let you know the power of my dark palace empire in this battle. In the unknown dark hall, it is the dominant empire of the dark hall.

Due to repeated attacks, Agares has become really angry at this moment. Eleven dark kings sent troops at the same time. How could he not let him know such a big move? However, after they entered the unknown dark hall, including the upcoming battle, they were attacked three times in such a short time. At this point, no one can restrain the anger in his heart. Agares is furious at this moment.

"Adoya, LeBron, Davis. At this moment, I want to accept you and tens of millions of senior demons as members of the tyrannical army and let you know how to apply demon energy to the extreme of tyranny. Soon we will face a battle that is more cruel than the four empires. If you want to leave a place for yourself in the unknown dark hall, you don't want to suffer slavery. I can only lead you back to the tyrannical army. I don't know that there are dozens of powerful breaths in the dark palace. At this moment, they are all sent troops to attack us, and soon they will come to the door. In order to protect ourselves, let them see the supreme power of the tyrannical army..."

Agares's powerful magic knowledge came out at this moment, covering the whole sphere of influence. Then countless magical knowledge came out, and an extremely tyrannical breath appeared immediately. Above the sphere of influence, the strong breath actually condensed into substance, and the madness appeared, integrating the strength of all the members of the tyrannical army. This time, the eyes of the strong man in the whole unknown dark hall changed...