Ancient War

Chapter 286 Pluto swallows the sky

"Cock, rumble..."

Assuming the blow of all the members of the tyrannical legion, the unshakable force roared at the coalition of the twelve dark temple monarchs. At this moment, the strength shown by Agares leading the tyrannical legion has frightened Crane and other dark monarchs.

The energy that cannot be shaken by horror condenses a huge demon god's head. The devil's head opened his mouth wide, as if to devour all life.

"Damn, in that case. Eleven of our brothers joined forces to resist..."

As soon as Crane's words came out, the eleven dark temple monarchs madly stimulated their own strength, and the same strong evil energy kept condensing. They occupy eleven different positions, and then look at the lower part of their command behind them, which is also condensed together at this moment, and the gray energy chain is constantly injected into each autonomous body. An energy chain also appeared in eleven directions, running them into a whole. The violent evil energy gathered together crazily. The strongest blow of the eleven dark temple monarchs is about to appear.

"The eleventh Pluto of the Dark Temple..."

Eleven dark palace monarchs gathered the energy and unity of many subordinates, and did not give in any concessions in the face of the terrorist attack of the tyrannical Legion of Agares.

"Well, Agarez, although you are extremely tough. But the gathering of the king of the dark palace and the attack of the elite troops in the unknown dark hall will definitely make you pay the price you deserve. How dare you call yourself the Dark Hall Empire? Since you have the ambition to unify the unknown Dark Hall, you will have to pay for it..."

Eleven dark monarchs are roaring crazily at this moment. Because of the arrogance of Agares, while they feel the threat, the hatred and anger in their hearts rose to the extreme. Because they are the masters of the dark palace and do not know how to let a so-called outsider provoke their status and majesty.


It's like a huge explosion. The two powerful energies collided with each other, and the energy burst out shocked the whole unknown dark hall, and then the space was torn apart. In the huge palace that killed the demon god, a crack appeared again after the ancient space passage was originally collapsed by the dragon. At the same time, a huge energy vortex also appeared. After the collision of energy and the unshakable force collided with the presence of death, a space black hole appeared in the whole unknown dark hall.


The space black hole is devouring everything crazily, and the huge suction makes the unknown dark hall seem to endanger everyone. However, the suppressed energy in the space black hole burst out again in an instant. The horrible energy wave then appeared, shining with the light of death. Taking the energy collision explosion point as the center, it scattered and impacted in an instant. In the face of such a situation, Agares unexpectedly led all the members of the tyrannical army and retreated by as much in an instant. In fact, it's not that the tyrannical legion can't resist such a violent shock wave. Mainly because of a battle in which there is such a disparity in the number of troops. Only by preserving your own strength as much as possible can you narrowly win in this battle. If you waste your strength, I'm afraid you will only end up losing...

Eleven dark temple monarchs are facing such a violent energy shock wave at this moment. Although they can dodge, their subordinates can't quickly avoid. For a while, there were countless screams, and the black blood of the limbs was scattered.

"Ah, uh, wow..."

Where the energy wave passed, nearly hundreds of millions of them were killed under the command of the eleven dark temple monarchs, and then they turned into flying ashes and disappeared.

"Damn, I didn't expect them to be so strong. Is the legendary secret true? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Agares must die. I must find a way to kill him, otherwise there will be no place for me in the unknown dark palace..."

Although Crane knows some of the secrets of the demon clan, he is not sure whether this is true or not. And from the current situation, although some traces can be seen in the performance of Agares, it is impossible to be sure that what is said in the secret is true.

Billions of troops were killed by energy fluctuations. In contrast, Agares and others, the tyrannical legion did not lose anything in this round. From this alone, it can be seen how big the gap in strength between the two sides is.

"Agares, I will never let you go..."


Louis Hunt pushed the "magic change" to the peak at this time. The devil's body has been raised several feet. Rasper and Richardson also came up with the strongest killing move. There are also several remaining dark temple monarchs, who occupy their own positions and have their own weapons in their hands. The strong breath and the violent magic power are unparallable for a moment.

"Since you are so lifeless, I, Agarez, will never show mercy at this moment..."

Agares can no longer hold back his anger in the face of such a situation. Originally, he had been suppressing his anger in his heart. How could he think of the majesty of these dark kings who provoked him again and again? How can this not make him angry? Moreover, it can be seen from the situation of the monarchs of the dark palace sending troops that the elite of the billion unknown dark hall under the leadership of eleven dark temple monarchs, such a strong posture is nothing more than trying to kill all the remaining parts of the dark temple empire in one fell swoop, and they mocked Agares so much and gave the most tyrannical side of his heart. The bottom is stimulated. At this moment, Agares will burst into the strongest combat power.

"The tyrannical power of the tyrannical legion..."

50 million members of the tyrannical legion condensed all their strength into one. Countless energy chains gathered together, and the unshakeable energy reappeared. In the face of the huge drop in the number of troops, they still did not show a trace of fear, but burst out stronger combat power. As soon as such an attack came out, a huge demon shadow appeared, and a huge dragon-shaped halberd appeared in the hands of the demon god shadow.


The loud lightning in the unknown dark hall. However, at this time, the eleven dark temple monarchs, in the face of such a crazy attack, occupied their own position in an instant, and a huge whirlpool of evil energy appeared on the battlefield. Hundreds of millions of people behind them are also trying their best to stimulate their own strength at this moment, because this battle will die without death. Only by doing their best can they protect themselves, and they didn't expect that the fighting power of Agares and the tyrannical army would be so horrible...

While a crazy battle broke out in the unknown dark hall, in the depths of the unknown dark hall, the dragon led millions of ancient people to sweep the sphere of influence of the monarchs of the dark hall one by one.

" Miso..."

Countless swords are constantly harvesting the lives of demon gods in the unknown dark hall. At this moment, Xing Chi waved the long sword in his hand and madly urged his own cultivation. The hot sword light kept bursting out, as if venting the anger in his heart.

"Well, you humble place, I absolutely can't let you invade ancient times, the suffering of tens of millions of slaves, and I will ask you back one by one..."

At this moment, Xing Chi's eyes burst into boundless murderous intent, and countless swords burst out, intending to kill all demons and gods. The whole unknown dark hall is already like a battlefield of killing. The ancient people, who had been suppressed for millions of years, finally, under the leadership of the dragon against the sky, completely burst out the evil in their hearts and crazy killing, so that the anger in their hearts could be slowly calmed down.


The huge shadow of the demon god is waving the dragon-shaped halberd in his hand at this moment. With the presence of death, the strongest combat power broke out crazily. The unshakeable energy and magic power made the eleven dark monarchs a little scared.

"The Pluto of the Dark Temple's Demon Power swallows the sky..."

Such a crazy attack on the face of the monarchs of the dark temple could not hide their own strength. The violent energy was transported at the same time, and a huge attack like the reappearance of death immediately appeared.


"No, my palace was smashed? What the hell is going on? Does Agares still have hidden strength in the unknown dark palace?

Mourinho's eyes have shown boundless apprehens at this moment.

Two huge energies collided again, and a spark-like light burst out in the dark and unknown hall. However, all this contains extremely horrible lethality...