Ancient War

Chapter 325 "Knife League" to the sky

"Against the sky, did the Red Emperor really pass away? Why don't our divine consciousness detect any signs? At the beginning, after the four of us fought against the gods and demons, they dispersed and entered the ancient world. The four ancient holy places were also named after our entry. Although we were all hit hard at the beginning, did the Red Emperor really overdraw all his lives by sealing the Jidu clan? Why don't I feel the power of the holy beast Xuanwu?

Yan Lion and Jian Wen used their heavenly emperor-level divine knowledge at the same time to find the traces of the Red Emperor, but did not feel any signs. However, Long's words made them feel very stressed. Another reason why they did not feel the holy beast Xuanwu is that they did not use their holy power. After all, the connection between the holy beasts is still closely related.

"The holy beast Xuanwu is constantly in line with the knife to the sky. Once the knife to the sky reaches a perfect fit with the holy beast Xuanwu, he will directly replace the Red Emperor and become the heavenly emperor who takes over the Qingming of the west. It seems that in ancient times, only four emperors of heaven could exist. As long as there is a clan who have the opportunity to become emperors of heaven, there will inevitably be an emperor of heaven to be replaced. After all, the four holy beasts are holy beasts. They will choose the strong emperor who can dominate and use their holy power. This time, the Red Emperor died in battle. Of course, the holy beast Xuanwu was looking for a strong man who could dominate and drive his holy power throughout the ancient times. However, the knife to the sky was the object he saw. As long as this knife to the sky reached a perfect fit with him, he could become one of the ancient emperors.

What the dragon did not expect was that in such a short period of time, three heavenly emperors among the four heavenly emperors had appeared. Although Dao Xiangtian had not been promoted to the throne this time, it was possible to see the progress of his fit with the holy beast Xuanwu, and it would not be long before he would take over the Qingming in the west. Become one of the ancient emperors and protect the ancient side. This is also a great psychological comfort for the dragon against the sky. When I return and the dragon returns to the sky, I can feel the power of the stars of the universe to become the true god of the guardian side.

"Brother Du'er, it seems that Xiang Tian can finally become the emperor's place. However, the greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. When Xiang Tian becomes the strong man of the Emperor of Heaven, I can tell him all the strength of the 'Sword League', as well as the ten masters who could compete with Jidu at the beginning, who have recently woken up from hidden cultivation from time to time. It seems that there is really no time in ancient times. I don't know how many troops the gods and demons will gather this time. Although all the four emperors appeared in a perfect posture this time, there is no guarantee whether they can defeat the gods and demons, so this time it depends on how much help the ten masters will give to heaven..."

The extreme industry is in the deepest part of the "knife League", and several of them are discussing together this time. After all, in ancient times, it would have been attacked by the war of gods and demons for more than three million years. This knife will soon be promoted to heaven and achieve a perfect fit with the holy beast Xuanwu. However, the pressure faced by ancient times in this 'God and Demon War' must not be underestimated, and with the army of the gods and demons, they will definitely use the strength of the whole clan and annex the ancient times. In order to preserve the ancient times, not only the top places in ancient times, but also are under extremely strong pressure. The hidden strength of the other forces is also constantly appearing. At the beginning, the ten swordsman who helped Dao Xiangtian establish a "knife alliance" were also ready to appear to help Dao Xiangtian and ancient times because they would encounter the "war between gods and demons" in ancient times.

"Ji Ye's younger brother, since the establishment of the 'Sword League', ten masters have been hidden and have not been born. Now tens of millions of years, they are finally ready to appear to protect the ancient times because they are facing life and death again. I hope that the master can give Xiangtian some help. After all, the overall strength of the ancient plane is still extremely small for the gods and demons. After all, once the gods and demons invade, it will definitely be the pressure of a billion army. At that time, I'm afraid that ancient times will be more and less lucky. This time, everything will appear and talk to the sky.

Du Er immediately said. After all, although their ten masters have been training here since the establishment of the "knife League". But the overall strength of their ten can be regarded as strong men at the level of pseudo-heaven. Because their cultivation is not enough for the four emperors of heaven to compete with them, but they can touch the edge of the emperor of heaven. However, they also made countless contributions to the ancient times during the first "God and Demon War". This is why they are so crazy to practice, because they didn't know that they had to communicate and fit with the holy beast to become the emperor of heaven. If they didn't achieve perfect communication, they couldn't become the real emperor of heaven at all. However, even the pseudo-emperor-level strongman can never be resisted by the general strong men of the gods and demons, even some middle and low-level gods of the Protos, as well as the kings of the demon clan, such as several empires. None of them can compare with it. This is also one of the greatest help in ancient times.

"Everything will wait for the return to heaven, brothers. Master, they have already been one of the dead in ancient times. This ancient times is at the time of life and death, and they will never sit idly by. Moreover, since the strong men of the gods and demons want to enslave the ancients, they will not leave any room for the ancients at all. Therefore, the ten masters will not sit idly by this time. Xiangtian became a strong man at the level of Emperor of Heaven, which is something that they have already put together to promote the performance. They have already known what their fate will be for the 'God-Demon War' three million years later?


The roar of the holy beast Xuanwu resounded throughout the ancient times, and countless visions appeared over the blue and dark places in the west. The strong man at the level of the Heavenly Emperor appeared again, and the knife finally reached a perfect fit with the holy beast Xuanwu, replacing the Red Emperor.

"I have finally become a strong man at the level of the emperor, and this time I can finally devote my efforts to the ancient times. I really didn't expect that I would take over everything for the Red Emperor. Although I don't know why this is the case, I will never let go of the ants of the gods and demons..."

Dao Xiangtian finally became a strong man at the level of Emperor through his own efforts. Since then, three heavenly emperors have appeared in ancient times, but only the cold emperor has never appeared.

"Brother Xiang Tian, congratulations on finally becoming the emperor of heaven. We have been waiting for you again for a long time. Your achievements today will definitely give the ancients a glimmer of hope of winning in the future.

The dragon against the sky and the fire and the sword asked. Looking at the knife that became the emperor of heaven to the sky, his heart was confident for a moment. Dao Xiangtian became one of the four emperors. In such a short time, three strong emperors appeared one after another in ancient times, which could prevent the three of them from being full of confidence. Although they may not be able to absolutely defeat the strong men of the gods and demons, at least now they have an extra layer of strength and their chances of winning have begun to increase.

"Thank you, brothers. My knife to heaven can become one of the emperors of heaven. Thanks to you, the anti-sky brother, if it weren't for the six-character motto you spread, I wouldn't have become one of the four heavenly emperors in such a short time. It was because of these six-character motto that I felt the holy power of the holy beast Xuanwu, and after I felt the power of the holy beast, my cultivation began to improve rapidly. So I can achieve such an achievement in the shortest time. I have a clear conscience even if I die in the battle for the sake of ancient times. Life should be a hero, and death should also be a ghost hero. Dao Xiangtian died for the ancient world and did not regret it. For the sake of ancient Wu, he can give up everything..."

Dao Xiangtian knows that the greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. But his heart has already given up together. In this "God and Demon War", he, together with the other three heavenly emperors and dragons against the sky, led the ancient sentient beings to fight against the invasion of the gods and demons. He wants to announce to the world that the leader of the "Sword League" will lead all his disciples and the strong people in the hidden world to shed their blood for the ancient times during the "God and Demon War".

"It's just the cold emperor..."