Ancient War

Chapter 388 War raging

"Jie Jie... Damn ancient ants, don't imagine that you can resist the army of our demon clan in this war. I don't believe that you can have enough strength to resist the invasion of the gods and demons. At most, there is only the power of war. If you only have the strength you show now, then you can wait. When our demon army suppresses the border, that is, when you wait for the destruction of ancient times..."

The vanguard troops of the demon clan were killed as soon as they appeared. However, Aino, the demon god who is far away in the demon space, is not only not angry at all, but also very satisfied with it, because the dead are worthless existences, and their death will open the horn of a large-scale attack for the demon clan. As long as it can bring pressure to the ancients and crazily weaken the power of the ancients, the grasp of the whole battlefield will be under the control of the demon clan. Aino, the demon god, believes that as long as the space transmission channel is stable and can withstand the entry of the army, the ancient times will disappear in the ravages of war, and all resistance will be extinguished in an instant.

"We should pay some price for the forced start of the war. Don't worry, my brothers, the demon clan will definitely take the lead in this war. Even the Protoss can't stop us. Because they will always follow our buttocks. When we occupy ancient times, even if we share the ancient interests with them, they can't occupy half of the interests, because the demon section is going to expand again. In nearly billions of years, the followers of the beliefs of the Protos have been increasing, which has scattered the universe. In many space planes, as soon as we come out, the expansion of the demon clan cannot be stopped by any race. The Protoss will also be trampled on the soles of our feet..."

Aino, the demon god, seems to be confident about the whole war. It seems that ancient times are in his bag, and the Protos can't stop them. However, the demon god Aino was so confident that he ignored all sentient beings in ancient times. Even if he had a family of purgatory demon gods, if he wanted to directly pass through the demon army and annex the whole ancient times, it was probably imaginary. I'm afraid that all sentient beings will not easily give up the obsession of occupation, and their wholeheartedness is the ancient obsession, and the energy beyond imagination will burst out in wartime.

"My brother, the Protoss, also sent troops. The strength of the pros arbitrator seems to be much stronger than that of the demon army. It seems that the gods are going to compete with our demons in this war. It seems that in the face of huge interests, the Protoss will not easily let go of this opportunity. Although it is said that it is an agreement to share the interests of ancient times after occupying the ancient times, it seems that the Protoss are unwilling to follow us like this, and always feel that there is a conspiracy in the god King Salnaga. In this regard, it is believed that under such circumstances, the demon clan will send strong men to enter and mix some strong men into the cannon fodder, which can at least shock the ancient and the Protoss. Let them know that our demon clan will only send some cannon fodder..."

The eyes of the fear demon god were full of boundless evil. Looking at the huge magic cannon around him, his self-confidence kept rising. What can increase the joint attack of their eight strongest demon gods several times. Even if the god king Sarnaga and the other three masters of the god clan jointly resist, they may not be able to resist the joint attack of the strongest demon gods. The extremely powerful attack has exceeded the cognition between ancient times and the three gods and demons. This is also one of the things that the demons rely on.

"It doesn't matter, brothers, let the Protoss and the ancient ants fight with each other, so that we can see what the strength between the Protoss and the ancients is. However, don't forget to continue to send cannon fodder into ancient times and pour in crazily. Even if the space channel is not stable, don't care about the loss. Everything must be done regardless of the consequences. If we always care about losses, I'm afraid that our demon clan will not reach the current situation. When it was carried out with the Protos, it was not the same. In the end, it was the compromise first compromise proposed by the Protos. This time, the army of the demon clan must not make any pause, don't care about any loss, attack and attack, show the resolute determination of our demon clan to the ancient and the ants of the Protoss, and absolutely overwhelm them in momentum..."

There is a trace of play in the eyes of the demon god Aino. In his eyes, no matter how much the loss is, it doesn't matter. Since its birth, the demon clan has been known for its explosive reproduction and crazy expansion. At the same time, their ugliness and evil also frightened many weak races in the universe. When the Protoss fought, it was because it could not bear the damage of the demons, and finally compromised. Now, after hundreds of millions of years of reproduction and development, and driven by huge interests, the huge war machine shows its crazy side. Countless new demon gods were born, but they soon threw themselves into the battlefield. Although it is only cannon fodder-like place, when hundreds of millions of troops are thrown into the battlefield every time, it is always possible to give it to the other party. It brings incomparable shock, which can not only destroy the other party both mentally and physically. Otherwise, the demon clan would not be in the current situation, but the huge demon clan space still cannot fill the ambition of the demon clan.


In ancient times, many strong men were waiting, because suddenly appeared in the eyes of light golden energy, and suddenly there was a strong breath of a strong god. The strong breath attracted the ancient wind and thunder, and a bloodthirsty breath was added to an evil breath. Although it was wrapped by the holy power of the Protoss, there was always a sense of killing.

"I didn't expect that the demon clan was still sending a cannon fodder-level army, and the Protoss began to exclude the strong. This breath is the same as the pressure brought by the Protoss when they entered ancient times for the second time. They are so crazy that it seems that the Protoss are more eager than the Demons. Now to eliminate such a strong man, it seems that the gods have more tricks than the demons. However, there is no worry. After all, the powerful people who hit the god king at the beginning also disappeared. They could not change the fate of all sentient beings in ancient times. Even if they were extremely strong, they could not escape the fate of death in the end. Ancient times would not be easily changed. Because all sentient beings had the intention to die for a long time, which made the storm more violent. I'd like to see what the gods and demons will come out..."

Yan Zhan waved the long knife in his hand, and millions of knives behind him burst into boundless burning in an instant. At this moment, they are ready to wait for the strong of the Protoss to appear and give them the strongest blow, thus taking them off guard.

The arbitrators of the Protos front have been slaughtered, followed by the strong in the 100,000 "Tower of Faith" and their strong posture. Although they are also followed by countless arbitrators, their strength is not as strong as expected, mainly because the space transmission channel is unstable. The strength of the 100,000 strong in the "Tower of Faith" was lost to a certain extent, which also relieved a lot of pressure on many strong people in ancient times. However, the strength of the demon army that swarmed from time to time is constantly improving.

"My brothers, let us give these arrogant ants a devastating blow and let them know that even if they are crazy, I can still be proud and independent in ancient times. They want them to be their own spring and autumn as they did in ancient times and hundreds of millions of years ago. Go to the big dream. This time, there is only an unyielding war spirit to welcome them. If you want to annex the ancient times, just step on our corpses. Give me a hard beating..."

Millions of Nanming's fire knives are neat and uniform, and the hot long knife in their hands is waved. "Flying the Blade" was promoted to the extreme in an instant. What a powerful existence is the master of the universe, the skills handed down by Taishang's ancestors. When millions of Nanming's fire knives hit the strongest blow, the whole ancient Qingming changed color. The huge and terrible pressure is more than half of the strength imagined. The hot fire burns the space. Where the knife passes, the temperature of the space reaches the extreme that can melt anything. Such a powerful blow made the strong man in the 100,000 "Tower of Faith" who had just appeared evaporate and disappear before he could react. At this moment, Yan Zhan's eyes are full of bloodthirsty. Indeed, this bloodthirsty meaning has always been suppressed in his heart, and the power that has erupted now can be imagined.

"Okay, kill these ants of the Protoss fiercely and let these damn beings know. It was not so hot in ancient times..."

The attack of Yan Zhan and millions of Nanming's fire knives shows its divine power. Let the ancient sentient beings present cheer one after another. Such a bombardment of gods and demons gave rise to a sense of soundness in the hearts of all sentient beings in ancient times. Nearly hundreds of millions of years, when did ancient times have such a strong performance? At the time of the first war, the whole ancient capital was in a situation of being suppressed. However, now, the fighting power of ancient sentient beings at such a time of life and death has given ancient sentient beings hope. This is a kind of hope to preserve the hope of ancient times. With the support of this glimmer of hope, every round of attack of ancient sentient beings has become stronger.

However, the pressure of all sentient beings in ancient times was gradually increasing, because some strong men began to appear in the army of demons. The demon army, which had been compressed at the exit of the energy eye and could not occupy the ancient chassis, began to slowly expand the occupied chassis with the help of the sudden emergence of the strong. This is not something that ancient sentient beings can't resist, because the masters of the demon clan began to send some strong men integrated by the whole "Nether Blood Pool". These strong demon clan are actually the predecessors of the purgatory demon god.

"Ji Jie... Damn ancient ants. When Usphitus appeared, you knelt down. I can still give you a pleasure, otherwise I will make your life more painful than death..."

The horrible and strange demon body, four huge magic arms, and a pair of huge and horrible wings appeared behind the demon body. Such a powerful existence suddenly appeared, and the horrible demon spirit enveloped the whole battlefield in an instant.

Although Spentas is only the predecessor of the Purgatory Demon God, his appearance can also influence a certain occupation. Moreover, his appearance also made the Protoss arbitrators who appeared in ancient times begin to tremble. I'm afraid that Spentus' strength is one of the strongest among the Purgatory Demons, otherwise the Protos would not have performed like this.

"Huh, isn't it? I'd like to have a look. How on earth should all sentient beings kneel down in front of your ugly existence? It's nothing more than a beast, what are you afraid of..."

The sword appeared in front of Spentus, and the huge knife was constantly rising. The power of the broken void shrouded his body. Facing the sudden strong man, Taicang, one of the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven, stood in the front.