Ancient War

Chapter 390 The anger of the two families

The arrogant and strong posture is suspended in the ancient void. His attack on Spentes has brought a great shock to the army of the gods and demons. Although Spentus is not the strongest of the demon clan, as a member of the purgatory demon god, his strength is not much, but it disappeared. His death has always paid attention to the masters of the gods and demons in the ancient battlefield. While realizing that the ancient problem is not simple, it also aroused their tyranny, because in their cognition, ancients could not resist their iron hooves at all.

"Brother Sarnagar, the performance of the ancient ants is really eye-catching. Just now, I noticed that the strong man in the 100,000 'Tower of Faith' was killed by millions of ancient swords. Such a situation did not happen at all hundreds of millions of years ago. Moreover, the strong man who claimed to kill the god in ancient times was able to kill the strongest man at the level of purgatory demon god that our god thought was the most difficult at the beginning. In this way, it seems impossible to have a smooth sailing in this battle. For the strong in hundreds of thousands of 'towers of faith', their strength will decline so much in ancient times?

Beast godbia and Erepos have been paying attention to the war situation in ancient times. Although the performance of all sentient beings in ancient times was extremely strong, they also noticed that the strength of their generals was different from the past, and their strength had declined a lot. Otherwise, with their strength like the second god king, they will not be easily bombarded. After entering ancient times, their strength is only the same as senior arbitrators or senior light messengers, which makes them a little confused. Not only that, but also the strength of the army of the Protoss also declined when it entered ancient times. They can't exert their previous combat strength at all, which is also one of the reasons for their doubts.

"Damn ancient ants, Protos will not let you go. At the beginning of the first war, I did not play to my fullest. This time, I must let you know how strong the majesty of the Protos is. The moment Protos came to ancient times, it will be the beginning of ancient extinction. I want to revenge and let you ants know how death is written..."

Protos can now be said to be the fifth strongest existence of the Protoss. His only flaw is that he can no longer use the powerful and continuous power of faith. At this time, he has been paying attention to the development of the war situation in ancient times. The 100,000 strong people in the "Tower of Faith" and the protoss army that kept pouring into the ancient times have been suffering from slaughter. A bloodthirsty desire keeps rising. Just as the lords of the four gods were discussing what to do in the "Temples", Protos' crazy roar appeared in the "Temples".

Protos may be a choice, but it's not the right time yet. Protos, shut up. As the second god king, you should know your value. Now is not the time for you to behave. When our brothers analyze the specific reasons, it's not too late to summon..."

After hearing the roar of Protos, his eyes lit up but dimmed in an instant. After all, there is no analysis of the reason for the decline in strength now. I'm afraid that if you take the liberty to enter ancient times, you won't get the desired effect and let Protos die in battle. It's really not worth it. That's why he scolded Protos to shut up. After hearing his angry rebuke, Protos closed his mouth with an extremely unwilling look in his eyes. But the bloodthirsty desire in his eyes kept rising. Sarnagar has always seen this.

"Brother Protos, please bear with it for a moment. When you will reflect the value, the glory of the Protoss will also rest on you. But now we will send you into ancient times after analyzing the specific reasons. However, once you are ordered to enter ancient times, you must let the ancient ants know what is the strongest and the army of the Protoss is invincible. And you will sweep through the eight wildernesses as the commander of the Protoss in ancient times..."

After Sarnaga's words, Protos had no more words. Just waiting aside, in turn, the four masters of the Protoss began to analyze the specific reasons. Powerful divine power comes from the "canles". After entering the space transmission channel with their own divine power, they will see if they can find any reason. But they are too much of a fuss.

The main reason why the strength of the army of the Protoss will be weakened is that the space transmission channel is forcibly opened by the demons by sacrificing, and the energy in the space channel is unstable. This is why the strength of the army and strong men of the Protoss will decline a lot when they enter ancient times. If the space transmission channel wants to be stable, it must rely on a swarming army to fill the instability of the space with declining strength and death. As long as the saturation of space energy is reached, the problem will be solved.

After observing the problems with the four masters of the Protoss with their powerful divine power. It keeps driving the army of arbitrators into the space transmission channel. As long as the energy is saturated and installs him, the transmission channel will be stabilized and the Protos army will have no scruples.

Protos obeyed the order and waited for the billionaire protoss army to enter. You are leading the strong in the remaining five million 'tower of faith' into ancient times. Be sure to remember not to let go of any ancient ants, show the supreme glory of the Protos with the strongest posture, and let the ants of the demon clan know that the Protoss will not easily give up the interests of ancient times. Remember that the ancients must pay the price, because their disregard and arrogance have made me feel that the majesty of the Protos has been provoked. , they must be martyred for the majesty of the Protoss, and their death is inevitable..."

The four masters of the Protoss do not care about the ancient strong. Because in their cognition, the ancients had suffered great losses during the First World War. Nowadays, even if there is a little strength, it can't resist the army of the Protoss, and now the demon clan is crazier than the Protoss. The way the demon clan fights regardless of any consequences really shocks the Protos, but all this does not dispel the idea of the four masters of the Protoss. Anything can be done in front of interests.

The last order of the god king Sarnaga was filled with boundless anger, because he had always believed that the ancient ants could bring such a great loss to the Protoss, which he could not tolerate, because he also had to accumulate energy to start a war between interests with the demon clan. The performance of ancient times forced him to change his plan, which he could not tolerate.

"It's really hateful. I didn't expect to kill the general under my command like this. The ancient ants were really looking for death. I can't let them go. Now if the energy in the space transmission channel is not unstable, I will definitely send an army of purgatory demons to let you damn ancient ants suffer endless destruction in an instant.

Aino, the demon god, is furious, because they can't believe this fact at all because of the strongest of their eight demon clans. At the beginning, the Purgatory Demon God clan was based on the performance of the confrontation and invasion of the Protoss in ancient times, and it was impossible to be simply bombarded like this. So Spenter's death brought them not only shock, but also stimulated their hearts. The strength shown by Taicang made them think that Taicang was just burning their own souls. Spentus's failure was a momentary carelessness. However, Spentus was killed with a blow, and the super strength shown by Taicang made them furious, and the killing of the demon god actually roared directly.

"Damn ancient ants are so ignorant. And dare to claim that the ancient killing god, I kill the demon god is the real god, and you are just an ant-like humble place. I want you to die without a burial place. Let you live in endless horror forever..."

Killing the demon god actually condensed the energy of the whole body at this moment, and the demon god Aino and others did not stop killing the demon god. After all, we must teach an ancient lesson. From the beginning of the war to now. Hundreds of millions of demons have entered ancient times, but only the news of death in battle has been harvested. Although they are just cannon fodder, the demon clan did not occupy any place in ancient times. Originally, he wanted Spentus to lead the demon army and stand on his feet in ancient times. Unexpectedly, there was such a strong man in ancient times, and Spentus died on the spot. In this way, not only did the morale of ancient times be greatly encouraged, but on the contrary, the momentum of the whole demon clan fell directly to the lowest point, so how can we not let several of the strongest demon clan be angry?

"Rumble... click..."

Just as Taican's consciousness was observing the whole battlefield, a gray-black lightning suddenly came from the energy eyes. With an unshakable supreme magic power that roared at his place in an instant, Taicang faced a sudden attack and was directly hit without any response. Taicang's body retreated in an instant, and the blood kept spilling on the ancient land.

Yan Zhan and Jiye saw the sudden situation and rushed to the direction of Taicang's violent retreat in an instant. After killing the arbitrator in front of him, the sky also broke through the air. At this time, Taicang was still hit hard by this sudden attack, and now he has no power to fight again for a while. The atmosphere of Taicang is extremely dim.

"Well, the damn ancient ants dare to claim to be the ancient killing god. How can I allow such a humble human like you to provoke my majesty by killing demons? You killed the general of our demon clan and dared to provoke my supreme dignity. This blow is a lesson for you. When I come to ancient times, you will receive something more painful than death..."

The sound of killing demons resounded throughout ancient times. This blue breath actually faded again. If Taicang's cultivation has not been improved, or the killing of the demon god has not only recovered to 60% of its strength, and the space transmission channel has weakened the energy of killing the demon god a lot, I'm afraid that Taicang has already been smashed to pieces.


The golden light came into Taicang's body, and the three of them were helping Taicang recover temporarily. After all, they may not be able to retreat from this sudden and fierce attack. On the current battlefield, the offensive of the gods and demons seems to be stronger. Taicang's experience and the contempt and arrogant words of killing the demon god have greatly improved the morale of the demon army. The Protoss deliberately compete with the demon clan and also began to become crazy.

For a while, ancient sentient beings also began to have casualties...