Bounty World

Chapter 17 Brothel Recruitment (It's not easy to get up early!)

Bounty hunters are a strange group that never like to gather together to act. In their professional experience, although group combat can maximize the strength of the battle, there are also drawbacks of benefit division. If they encounter a demon elixir of very good quality, how to distribute the final results equally becomes a problem.

Therefore, bounty hunters have been walking alone in Xihua Mountain for thousands of years. They fight alone by chance in the forest, but they will never nod for help or even go together.

Self-righte, this has become the unspoken rule of the industry.

For thousands of years, some people have challenged this rule. They have created glory because of the establishment of an interest group in a short period of time, but they will soon be eliminated. On the one hand, because those scattered lonely bounty hunters outside their interests can't stand huge interest groups threatening their livelihoods, and the more important reason is that various powerful mercenaries that have been passed down in Qinchuan mainland for thousands of years cannot tolerate the existence of groups as powerful as them.

The Bounty Chamber of Commerce is in an awkward position. It is like a puppet institution, inserted between the mercenary corps and the bounty hunters. Occasionally maintains the self-esteem and power of the bounty hunters, but more money to help the mercenary corps and prevent bounty hunters from becoming more united and powerful.

Of course, any unlogical rule, its challenger will eventually appear, but it will not be so fanfare. Outside the Bounty Chamber of Commerce, two young people set up a huge sail with the words "The Bounty Guild Recruits Hunters" on it. Min Chan was obviously very satisfied with his calligraphy, but no one officially joined the club one morning. Bounty hunters are very ** with the word union, afraid of being cheated of money and being bullioned by a certain group. They stay away from it in accordance with the principle that they have nothing to do with themselves.

Wang Jiaoer looked at the two little boy from afar in the attic and shook his head and said, "So swaggering, so brainless, alas! It's a little disappointing!"

Xu Ge sent the pre-written admission announcements to the hunters one by one. Most hunters threw the announcement on the ground without looking at it.

Xu Ge looked at the lazy Min Chan, shook his head and said, "Look at your laziness. Where did the energy last night go? I'm afraid that even one person can't be recruited for such a recruitment.

Min Chan said leisurely, "Did you hear it clearly last night? Why don't I arrange it for you tonight?"

Xu Ge said, "I don't have the human face and beast heart like you! Helping others toss... The ghost is crying and howling!"

Min Chan said, "Haha, it's not a ghost crying and howling, but a desire to vent. Only women know the fun. Also, I didn't expect to recruit people like this. For so many years, bounty hunters have been used to living alone. Of course, it is impossible to encircle them with an unknown guild.

Xu Ge said, "So what are we doing now?"

Min Chan said mysteriously, "It's publicity! Let many bounty hunters know the organization of the guild first, so that they can prepare for the subsequent attack one by one and recruit a large number of them.

Xu Ge thought for a moment and said, "It's really reasonable. In order to better promote our guild to the majority of bounty hunters, it's up to you to do the publicity work."

Min Chan said puzzled, "What about you?"

Xu Ge said, "Take a break! Prepare for one by one!"

The night brings not only darkness, red lights and green lights, singing and dancing, shining and dressing up the most prosperous east street in Moxing Town.

At the beginning of the lantern, a large number of bounty hunters, drug dealers and mercenaries will gather here.

There are important elements to relax, such as food, women and wine. Bounty hunters with a large amount of imperial coins like to get drunk and dream of life and death, and like to waste a lot of energy on soft bodies and yellow soup in their loneliness.

Hongluan Tower, the largest golden cave in Moxing Town, exudes this mysterious atmosphere.

The provocative crazy words can be clearly heard from the adjacent streets. Occasionally, several gorgeous women with exposed clothes come to solicit customers outside the door. At this time, the drunk without money put down the inferior wine bags in his hand, opened his eyes and scanned these *, trying to engrave these * scenes into his mind.

The largest gold-selling cave is also a gathering place for bounty hunters, where lonely bounty hunters can talk to intimate *, or vent, or abuse, and a large amount of imperial coins flow out of their hands. They are not distressed at all, because they know that money is only useful in the Yang world, and tomorrow they may lie alone under the claws of powerful monsters. They need to make these bloody imperial coins disappear from their hands as soon as possible to force themselves on another dangerous journey.

* They carefully deal with all kinds of bounty hunters and try their best to satisfy their various hobbies. Occasionally, some people can't stand some huge pain and make a cry for mercy. At this time, the mother will quickly come forward to accompany these noble guests.

Forgetting pain will always be based on the pain of others. In this way, bounty hunters squander their wealth in exchange for spiritual belonging.

Two young bounty hunters sat in the hall. It's not that they can't spend in the elegant room, but because they want to find a breakthrough as soon as possible and find the first batch of bounty hunters to join the club in the open vision of this red building.

One of the young people, a thick teenager, seemed to find a target, stood up and walked to a mercenary in the hall.

The mercenary had almost drunk. He put his whole right hand on his chest and kneaded it wantonly. He only felt that the woman around him seemed to be out of breath, but he did not feel a dark energy coming from his waist. His left hand couldn't help pouring a bowl of wine into the bounty hunter behind him.

"Boom!" The bounty hunter burst out in anger and threw the mercenary out with a heavy iron fist.

This is a bounty hunter in the realm of a first-class master. He is gradually entering a state of dying because of the superb skills between the lips of the woman beside him. At this critical moment, a basin of cold wine hit down from the forehead, and the words suddenly softened.

Falling from the cliff into the trough is likely to last forever. What could be more angry than this!

It's unbearable!

The mercenary who was beaten away broke his mouth and teeth. He didn't feel pain because he was drunk, but cursed vaguely: "You, you M!"

The mercenaries who came with him reacted quickly. While sticking to the hard words, most people quickly pulled out their weapons and prepared to avenge their injured partners. "Teach the damn bounty hunter in front of you a good lesson." |

"30 people beat one person, you are really bullied as a bounty hunter!" An obscene voice came from a corner.

"Yes, yes, M, I've had enough to kill these hired dogs together!" Another obscene voice responded to each other from another corner.

"Bang!" Before a drunken mercenary could open his eyes, he was smashed by a huge fist.

shaking his head, he stood up quickly and cut at an innocent bounty hunter nearby with his weapon.

"Don't, don't! I watch the play, no, my customer, no, I'm here to spend, oh!"

The bounty hunter was stagled in the thigh by the mercenary.

"Spicy next door!" The bounty hunter who was cut down resisted the pain, picked up his weapon and stabbed the blind mercenary.


For a while, the golden cave mixed with powder and alcohol turned into a flesh-and-blood slaughter ground.

The throns of Hongluan Building dare not move. Although they often experience disturbances and fights, they have never seen chaos of this scale. The bloodthirsty mercenaries got into a group of red-eyed bounty hunters. * they didn't care about putting on their clothes, shaking their round breasts and desperately hiding in the dark.

The window of the elegant room in the attic box opened, and a handsome man smiled and said, "Let them make trouble about the Hongluan Building today. The two little brothers are really interesting. One is behind the scenes and the other is fanning the flames. In silence, our red Luan Tower has lost at least 100,000 imperial coins tonight. However, from the current situation, the result may still be worth it.

The start lasted for more than an hour, and the bounty hunters gained an absolute advantage because of their strong fighting ability. Only a few veterans were still counterattacking cunningly.

"Brother, are you also a member of the Bounty Guild?" The rough young man helped the blood-filled bounty hunter.

"The bounty guild is the one recruiting at the Chamber of Commerce this morning?"

The young man nodded sincerely and said, "Yes, as soon as we joined the meeting today, the guild took us to fight with the mercenaries. It's really cool!"

The bleeding bounty hunter felt a little warm at this moment and said, "There are often guilds under the banner to recruit membership fees. I thought it was a lie. I didn't expect that your guild could really be organized.

The rough young man despised and said, "Our guild doesn't charge money, we just want to gather everyone's strength!"

At this time, another beautiful bounty hunter came over and punched the young man gently and said, "Today is really good. Tomorrow we are planning to continue to fight those merries."

The burly young man echoed, "Yes, we have to have some skills tomorrow, otherwise, the brothers will be hurt too much today. By the way, this is a friend I just met who wants to join our bounty guild!"

The bleeding bounty hunter stashed: "..... No...ah... Yes, I want to join the club now.


In this way, the two young people began to appease and fool them. That night, they fooled 20 or 30 people into joining the bounty guild.

Spending money, making trouble, venting the fire, is there anything more free than this in the world?

Just as they were about to leave, a rough voice sounded from behind, "Brother, I want to join the club!"

After listening to this, the two looked back happily and suddenly stood in front of them with fleshy faces and rude clothes.