Bounty World

Chapter 23 Assassination of the weak (this chapter is very satisfactory

Although it is daytime, Xihua Mountain gives people a feeling of coldness. Five mercenaries curl up in a hidden place and carefully observe the movements around them. At this moment, they are not only afraid of legendary monsters, but also of the demon-like teenager. They don't know where to jump out and send them into the Yellow Spring.

Of course, at the most nervous time, there will also be a lifeless person, one of the five mercenaries, a big swordsman, maliciously squeezed his arm to the chest of a female mercenary.

Although the female mercenary was wrapped in armor, there was still a tight elasticity coming from his elbow, and a warm current hit his crotch. He shook his mind as if he was not on the edge of hell, but was about to enter heaven.

The female mercenary's face turned red. What can she say at this moment? This obscene mercenary partner usually specializes in doing dirty things, and when this big enemy is present, it is really speechless to think about the happiness of the lower body.

The obscene mercenary did not resist when he saw the female mercenary, and the elbow movement began to become bigger. With the more and more real touch, he felt a sense of expansion spreading.

It's really cool to do such an obscene thing at a nervous and dangerous moment.

"I C you M!" The female mercenary finally couldn't help throwing her palm and slapping the obscene mercenary.

And there were strange changes on the mercenary's face, ** laughter, pain, death!

A white bone spear penetrated his growing mouth from behind.

I don't know when the demon-like Xu Ge circled behind their group of five and took the lead in killing the distracting mercenary.

The blood light appeared briefly and then disappeared, as if it had never happened. Four mercenaries looked at the partner who had been stabbed from behind with their mouths stunned.

The violated female mercenary is entangled, feeling horrible, angry, relieved, or admiring?


The five-person group has been honed for a long time. Although they do not have outstanding fighting ability, they cooperate with each other very tacitly.

The shield hand did not hide in the dark place, standing in front of the most open, defending the only forest road that could be entered. The swordsman and spearman lurged on the edge of the rock closest to the shield hand to clear the threat behind the shield hand. The female horde and archer stood on a huge tree at the commanding heights and controlled as far away as possible. The sneak attack, because they are backed by natural hills, their defenses are impeccable, unless their opponents fly down from the sky.

After a long time, the female magician and archer were a little tired. It seemed that the demon teenager did not mean to let them die.

The female horde is not beautiful, but she treats people gently, and the archer is not unrestrained, but she has been secretly in love with the female horde for many years. He fought side by side with the female forensics countless times, but the archer wanted to confess to her for the first time.


Huh? What's wrong with Hart?

"Actually, I have been secretly in love with you for a long time."


"Well, really, can you marry me?"




A scream and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded from the rear. The shield hand, swordsman and spearman turned around one after another. The archer's neck was pierced, and his face seemed to have a surprised expression.

The law called Itlan couldn't believe what happened. He seemed to be still immersed in the joy of being proposed, and seemed to be stunned by the sudden death.

In her mind, she only remembered that a red light flew out of the waterfall in the mountains and jumped on the tree. The demon teenager used the blood-stained bone spear to make his future husband die quickly.

Cursing, crying and madness, just leave it to the four partners who accompany each other day and night.


Xu Ge doesn't know how sinful, obscene or pathetic the person he just killed is. He only knows that if he wants to live, he can only keep looking for the biggest loophole of the other party and consume the other party's combat power as much as possible.

He saw clearly the disgusting little movements of the obscene mercenary, but he had no intention of justice. He clearly saw the pure confession of the submissive archer to the female legalist, but he did not mean to make these two people last forever.

This is the war, or after he successfully escapes, he will deeply blame himself for his sins, but it is definitely not now. This is the innate killer temperament that dominates everything.

If the leader of the God-killing Pavilion is called the "roadless" Mr. Bai, one of the six paths, and sees that this teenager who has never experienced any killer training makes such an accurate battle plan, he will definitely want to include him under his command.

One advantage of assassination is that it can nourish the spirit in the dark. The wound on Xu Ge's body has healed because of the talent of the red thunder body. One disadvantage of the assassination is to always ensure a high degree of concentration. Xu Ge consumed a lot of energy in five or six hours.

Although the Blood Wolf Mercenary Regiment is not the most powerful mercenary regiment in Moxing Town, it can at least be sent to the top three, which is many times stronger than those second-rate and third-rate small groups, and the 100th regiment is the best among them. They once crossed the infinite desert, crossed the Chuanma Strait, and went to unknown islands, but in this Xihua Mountain, for some reason they were so calm and were overwhelmed by the fear brought by a person.

Guhe led the master-level elite mercenary team and began to gather those scattered mercenary groups. What made him sad was that the number of deaths of veterans who had accompanied him day and night and fought side by side was increasing sharply.

"What a crazy boy!" Gu He cursed resentfully.

"It was because you just let these brothers disperse that you gave him a chance!" The spearman lying on the stretcher has shown a strong antipathy to the ancient river since he woke up. If he hadn't insisted on chasing this boy, his best "comrade" would not have died.

The spearman is always in a low mood, and it is difficult for him to accept the reality.

Guhe shook his big hand angrily, put the spear under the stretcher, and scolded, "Do you dare to question my order?"

The spearman who struggled to get up from the ground cried like a shrew at this moment: "You still have returned my "Duan Bishan". If it weren't for you, Bishan would not have died and would not have left me."

Gu He looked at the spearman's strange hysteria, as if he remembered his role-playing with the dead mercenary Duan Bishan in the bed. He fought a cold war all over his body and pushed the spearman away: "You**, bitch, it's not worth it. Bah, disgusting!"

"That boy must die, Guhe must die!" The spearman swore in his heart that this was a stick to love.


Xu Ge was still fighting, and he walked through several scattered groups and killed the most lax warriors of the other side. The huge consumption has made him unable to bear it.

He remembered that his mother said to himself before she died, to be an ordinary person, even if others bully him, don't fight. Sure enough, his mother's worries are very reasonable. He is only 15 years old, and he still has a lot of fun to enjoy, so he has to die.

At this moment, Wang Jiaoer's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind, which was as naughty and strange as an elf.

"I don't know how Miss Wang is now." Xu Ge is ready to find the next unlucky guy!

"I found that boy!"

Just as Xu Ge was about to run to the next ambush point, a long feather arrow flew from a distance and found himself accurately. The most powerful archer of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps found Xu Ge from the commanding heights in the distance and quickly aimed, shooting a shocking Hong!

Because of the long distance, this arrow is not as horrible as expected. Xu Ge's body spiraled, trembled and dodged the arrow. At this time, the leading troops of the division-level mercenary regiment that besieged him had caught up.

The double-edged hand has fought with Xu Ge once. He knew that Xu Ge's skills were strange and did not directly fight against him. The sinister moves kept drawing out of his hand, which made Xu Ge feel very difficult.

Guhe released all his anger on the one-handed hammer, and the huge wind blew Xu Ge's hair upright.

But Xu Ge still showed tenacious will. He did not want to be killed easily, although there were two scars on his body at the moment of the fight.

The devil's blood made mortals crazy. Gu He laughed and wiped the enemy's blood on his face. A one-handed hammer was like a falling meteorite, hammering towards Xu Ge like a broken bamboo.

Xu Ge has been unavoidable, because the two master-level mercenaries behind him are ready to go, and the double-edged hand has not given him any chance to escape at all. He made a tough decision!

"Bang!" The one-handed hammer sounded as if it had hit a huge drum. Xu Ge felt that the hard ribs were smashed and a mouthful of blood overflowed from his mouth.

Guhe's eyes widened, as if he wanted to see the tragic death of the enemy, but a stream of blood blurred his right eye. He put down the one-handed hammer and touched his right eye. "No, I don't want to be a one-eyed dragon. I hate one-eyed dragons the most!"

He looked back at the spearman lying on the stretcher in the distance. The spearman smiled with contemptuous eyes, making him feel humiliated! He wanted to turn around and teach the spearman a lesson, but he found that he could not master his movements. He touched the back of his head along his bright forehead, and a bone spear penetrated his head.

"I'm not willing to die. I just became the captain of the Hundred People's Regiment!"

The burly body fell and twitched, which made the mercenaries stunned.

And the unknown demon teenager lay on the ground and could not feel life, but no one wanted to confirm his death.