Bounty World

Chapter 27 Restrictions

The emergence of any group is not a simple addition of numbers, which requires a game of various forces. Behind the success of the bounty guild is the background of more gold and power transactions.

Chairman Hong, who received 10 million imperial coins for bribes, convened an important meeting of the top ten mercenary regiments of the Moxing Town Mercenary Association. During the meeting, General Manager Xia distributed 20,000 imperial dollars for each regimental in accordance with the requirements of President Hong, and at the same time properly arranged all the daily clothing, food, housing and transportation of these leaders.

After a sugar-coated shell, President Hong took out the Restricted Development Regulations of the Bounty Hunter Association (Temporary) drafted by the Bounty Chamber of Commerce for discussion. As a result, everyone unanimously agreed to the restrictions on development in President Hong's hands.

The part of the regulations is as follows:

First, the limit of the number of bounty guilds must be under 1,000.

Second, the scope of the bounty guild is not allowed to exceed the hunting of monsters.

Third, the Bounty Guild is not allowed to participate in any direct transactions related to the elixir.

Fourth, the Bounty Guild needs to provide ten high-quality legendary demon elixirs to the government's second reserve army (mercenary guild) free of charge every year.

Fifth, all members of the Bounty Guild are not allowed to use animal equipment automatically in Moxing Town.


"M, this is a completely unequal treaty!" Lei Kuo patted the table, looked at the whole foot-thick text of the restrictive development regulations, and said angrily.

Min Chan smiled easily and said, "It seems to be unequal, but in fact, it has helped us a lot. At least the existence of our guild is legal now, which is something that many bounty hunters dared not think of before. Moreover, in our current situation, it is enough to recruit 1,000 people.

Lei Kuo thought for a moment and said, "Now we have collected about 2,300 hunters. Do we want to clear a batch?"

Min Chan nodded and said, "Yes, any organization should have a system of survival of the fittest. Although our number is limited to less than 1,000, similar to the number of large mercenaries, we can win in terms of the quality of people. In terms of the combat ability of individual soldiers, bounty hunters are obviously much stronger than mercenaries. Now that there is another selection among more than 2,000 people, I think I can definitely pick out the best hunters and build the most powerful guild.

Leikuo pondered for a moment and suddenly said cheerfully, "This is the only way now. In addition, the Bounty Chamber of Commerce actually limited the treaties that restrict our business, and Miss Wang did not seem to be fascinated by our vice president.

Min Chan smiled and said, "If we are easily confused by love, do we still dare to cling to her?"

Lei Kuo said, "I feel that Wang Jiaoer has planned too much. At present, it seems that we have not helped her more than increase the supply of demon elixir."

Min Chan said, "Wang Jiaoer is a born businessman. Really good businessmen are good at fishing big fish on long lines and burying the hooks and long lines deep enough to make people unable to see anything.

A streamlining movement was launched in the Bounty Guild. Although the bounty hunters cultivated a good friendship during a short period of time, it did not affect each other's competition, exclusion and fighting each other in the process of the streamlining movement.

One bounty hunter after another dragged their tired bodies out of the bounty chamber. They may have been depressed in failure, or strengthened their confidence in failure.

Survival is cruel, an organization with potential, and there is no need to be responsible for those vulnerable hunters. Hunters should take the initiative to shoulder their responsibilities, so this large-scale streamlining campaign, from another perspective, makes the once lonely bounty hunters stronger.

The female hunter opposite the male hunter is the lover who has accompanied her day and night these days. Unfortunately, they have become the opponent in this selection army.

The female hunter did not believe this was the truth and was a little trance, so it was very difficult at the beginning of the battle and under the pressure of the male hunter.

There are 100,000 apologies in the male hunter's heart that he wants to say to the female hunter, but he needs to stick to reality at this moment, although he has gained an extremely warm feeling in this woman, and this warmth can never be bought from those who have bought it. But he had to firmly believe in becoming his winner in this battle.

The female hunter was hit with pain. This pain reminded her of the gentleness of the male hunter in **, which is also painful, but it is so bloody in another battlefield.

Finally, the female hunter summoned up her courage to challenge the heartless man. A bright light came from her bone sword, and the great energy made the male hunter take a few steps back.

It turns out that female hunters have always been better than themselves, but they always pretend to be weak in front of themselves.

"In order to save face, don't let others say that your woman is better than yourself?" The male hunter seemed to be humiliated. After swallowing a breath, he rushed forward and began to attack the female hunter crazily.

But the calm female hunter has far surpassed his strength.

One sword, two swords, three swords, the female hunter's swordsmanship is natural, has reached the level of a first-class master, and blood begins to overflow on the other party. The male hunter was a little distracted. He seemed to remember the little blood flowers that fell from the female hunter in the bed that day. "Oh!" The female hunter fought back with a double attack, stabbed his arm and let his weapon fall. The huge pain came from the male hunter, and he could no longer continue to attack.

He began to cry with regret, but the hunter didn't want to look back.

The battlefield is fierce. Battles between lovers and brothers happen from time to time, but they have to face it. This is life.

They need to find their former ideals in a sufficiently realistic situation. The muddle-headed bounty hunters need to gather and become stronger.

"The days we used to live were too sad. We walked alone in the Xihua Mountains and fought against those powerful and perverted monsters. There were scars. We licked alone, had grief, and we tasted it alone. But today, we can forget everything before. We need to change our identity to live, not only for ourselves, but also for others.

"Just now, you may have hurt your closest friends and lovers. I don't want to grieve for you here, because in the future battlefield, we will face more than just those emotionless monsters. Selection is painful, but it is also necessary. If it is not selected, we can't know which of you have strong strength to support the waist of other hunters and make your partners rest assured to hand over the rear to others. We don't need cowardly people who can accept failure. We only accept people who dare to challenge and succeed."

"We need to reconnect with our comrades-in-arms. They are not emotionally good to you, but the best comrades-in-arms. Although he has a bad temper and treats people rudely, he dares to take responsibility, blood and strength on the battlefield. Such a person is the best comrade-in-arms. In the heart of the bounty hunter, you should hold a big flag to live for yourself, for your partner, and for strength!"


The Bounty Guild was finally really established, with an army of 1,000 people, divided into four regiments. The regimental leaders are Lei Kuo, Min Chan, Tianjiu and Xu Ge, who is still recovering. Each regiment has 250 people, of which 50 are a team and 10 are a small team. The captain of each team has more than three master-level bounty hunters. This luxurious configuration is rare even in powerful mercenaries. More importantly, bounty hunters have more powerful fighting abilities,

"Fixed salary is paid according to the level. Ordinary team members are 10,000 imperial coins per month, core team members are 15,000 imperial coins per month, and the captain is 20,000 imperial coins per month. At the end of the year, rewards will be distributed according to the annual performance."

"The captain level and above are divided according to quarterly dividends, with a base of 100,000 imperial coins, multiplied by the coefficient of failure according to the task completion rate." Min Chan informed the members of the bounty guild of the reward system.

"At the same time, we should set up a reasonable supervision system and adhere to the all-round transparency of finance, personnel and operation. The four regiments will take turns to become the supervision group of the Bounty Guild, and report various violations of laws and disciplines in the current quarter every quarter. We should resolutely crack down on members who seriously violate discipline."

After a month, the bounty guild was finally fully established, during which the core members held countless overnight meetings. Founding members such as Tongshi and Li Yao cursed Min Chan in private, but actively joined the establishment of the whole guild.

The significance of the successful establishment of the Bounty Guild lies not only in its legalization, but also in the emergence of something new in its organizational structure. For example, the reward system of team members effectively stimulates the bounty hunters to maximize the development of the whole guild, as well as a supervision system, which ensures that the operation of the bounty guild will be healthy for a long time.

"Talent, talent!" Lin Jinhe, the demonic imperial emperor, took the news from Xichuan County and praised happily.

"I didn't expect to have such an excellent son. The structural system he proposed is at least 100 years ahead of the current system of our empire. Do you say that?" Lin Jinhe looked at the middle-aged man under the case.

The middle-aged man smiled flatteringly: "According to the supervision of the Chamber of Commerce during this period, Min Chan is a young man with strong potential."

Lin Jinhe smiled and said, "Wang Wan, are you a little nervous? The owner of the Zheng family actually has such a powerful grandson. Will he settle accounts with you after he is full?"

Wang Wan smiled timidly and said, "Of course, we are not afraid. Our Wang family is determined to stand beside Your Highness, and the Zheng family has always maintained an unclean relationship with Xiding. The Zheng family is treason, and our Wang family is patriotic!"

Lin Jinhe smiled gracefully and said, "Yes, there are two kinds of people in the world. I like them the most. One is a chivalrous man like Mo Yixin, with no pleasure and hatred, and no flaw in personality. The other is, just like Wang Wan, who can follow the trend and see the general trend clearly, so that the world can make the world transition smoothly and cause less trouble, haha."