Bounty World

Chapter 32 Dora's Escort

Light and electricity crossed in space, and the team of elite hunters who had fled looked at the electric beam from afar, full of worries.

"M, why hasn't the main group come yet? We have been here for seven or eight hours, and the monsters have killed 80 or 90. If they don't come, Vice President Xiang will definitely die." Chen Shuanglang was depressed because he had launched two secondary spells before. Now he is lying on a stretcher and being carried by several members, but his mouth is still energetic and cursed angrily.

After fleeing in the dark, the hunters looked very haggard.

"I want to go back to save the vice president!" Li Tianxiao is also having a hard time. Although he can still move, the material used as a trap on his body has been completely consumed. That is to say, he is now rushing to the rear, which is no different from looking for death.

"You just stay. Now go back, I guess the vice president has died clean. M, this guy is really a psychopath." Tong style barely has combat strength. Although he definitely cares about Xu Ge more than anyone present, he has to take on the retreat of the whole elite team. It is impossible to think about things as big as Li Tianxiao and others.

"If Vice President can come back, I will definitely introduce him to a beautiful girl. That Wang Jiaoer is a P, but she has a beautiful face, a bad temper and a thin figure." Chen Shuanglang said angrily.

"You won't introduce your sister to him, will you? She has a good figure and has meat everywhere. In **, you can definitely suffoze Vice President Xiang to death." Li Tianxiao was very dissatisfied with Chen Shuanglang's suggestion.

The child said, "Don't talk much. I'm afraid you won't die fast enough. There's only a tone left, and you still put so much P. Why hasn't the messenger come back two hours ago? M won't he be annihilated, will he?

"Unfortunate, no one here has the ability to seek support in such a short time."

"The person with that strength has just blocked the tide of beasts with Vice President Xiang!"

"I believe that Yin Yu will bring good news in time. And our vice president will not die. He is a man who can do miracles. It is rare to see such serious and confident childlike rough face.


A huge storm lasted for half an hour in the middle of the battle, which bought time for the team of elite hunters to escape. As the storm slowly subsided, Xu Ge, who had entered a semi-coma, floated in the sky, and Dora stood directly above his body.

The group of monsters blocked by the storm showed a trace of uneasiness in the face of the petite monster. They looked at it angrily and roared, but did not dare to approach it. Because there is a lightning power grid around Dora, and if a monster who is not afraid of death comes forward, it will be electrocuted into a mummified corpse.

However, the lightning power grid does not seem to last for a long time. With the collision of monsters, its power has weakened a lot.

At this time, Dora's head gradually formed a black hole-like crack, a feeling of space gap, revealing a breath of fear from the crack.


The cracks become bigger and smaller at a high speed!

Four large legendary monsters appeared around Dora, forming a defense circle like a god of war.

The giant legendary monster shows unparalleled pressure. This is almost comparable to mythical monsters. They roared angrily at the monsters around them, as if cursing them, just because they were too disrespectful to Dora.

However, there are nearly 40 legendary monsters in the field, and the four monsters that seem to be reinforcements came from the cracks. Although they look extremely powerful, they can't suppress the anger of the opposite beasts at all.

"Oh!" An ice demon couldn't resist the strong pressure of the giant monster and dared to rush to the bird giant beast in the north. The birds and beasts seemed to disdain this level of attack, flashing the huge meat wings, and the strong strength made the offensive route of the ice demon crooked.

Fowl monsters don't seem to want to kill the ice demons and don't chase them. But the ice demon was obviously angry and even forgot its fear. A huge ice crystal spit out of its mouth and shot at the birds.

The ice crystal hit the body of the bird monster and produced a certain effect. The feeling of paralysis came from its wings, making it feel uncomfortable.

It can no longer be described as anger. The bird-like monster raised its claws like a big sword, turned over and split into the ice demon. Like the crystal fragmentation, the ice demon with low defense was torn into pieces in an instant.

In the brain of monsters, the strong man is the king.

The ice demon, which represents the average strength, can't support it in front of birds and monsters for a while, which makes them feel scared.

But to the extreme of fear, the nature of the monster will be fully manifested, and then it will attack hysterically. This is just like when people are desperate, they are desperate to fight back and try to find the last life-saving straw.

The disgusting battle began, and the monsters desperately rushed to four huge legendary monsters, blocking the whole battlefield beyond breathing.

At the same time, whenever a monster is swept away by a giant beast, the other monster must plug the whole gap and attack with all sharp parts.

The whole sky seems to have changed color at this moment, and its cruel and bloodthirsty nature is fully displayed on the body of the monster. If there are hunters watching the battle now, I will never want to step into the depths of Xihua Mountain in my life.

lasted for about half an hour. Because of their low defense, the birds and giant beasts made a whine and fell from the air. At this time, those ant-like monsters rushed up one after another and bit the birds to pieces.

There are no internal organs, no skin, only hard and hard bones.


Seeing the death of his companion, the tiger beast made an angry voice, and the monster on its body was stunned by the sound. Tiger monsters did not give these monsters any chance with their powerful minions, and forcibly tore up a few, but the group of monsters was too large, and several monsters swarmed up and rushed them to the ground.

The horse monster, which is four or five times larger than the unicorn, gradually leaned more. It knew that the situation on the field was not optimistic, so sending Dora and the human he protected from the battlefield is what it wants to do most now.

A flash of lightning shot away from the unicorn, slowing down the attacks of the monsters around.

At this time, the lizard-like beast broke away from the monster and rushed to the giant unicorn desperately to help it block the attack of the monsters around it.

Because of excessive force, the huge tail was torn short by three or five monsters, but it only hissed and waved its claws to help the giant unicorn clear the way to escape.

Seizing this short moment, the white giant unicorn picked up Duola and Xu Ge and flew away in the distance. The remaining two giant beasts struggled hard and blocked the direction of the monster group chasing.

The giant unicorn interpreted the meaning of speed vividly and ran out of the depths of Xihua Mountain in about an hour.

Looking that many people have fallen asleep because of fatigue, the giant unicorn hissed lovingly, and then turned around and rushed to the direction of the battlefield.

Two or three hours ago, Dora's giant beast guards were torn to pieces by the swarming monsters.

The world of monsters is like this, the law of the jungle, but when the weak are strong enough, they will tear the strong to pieces.

But when the monster group ate the last giant beast, a team of nearly 1,000 bounty hunters stood in front of them.

The suspenseless battle began, and more than 30 legendary monsters began to tremble. They had never seen so many powerful bounty hunters.

Without direct contact, in front of the powerful firepower, all the legendary monsters fell down and died one by one.

The hunters did not tear them up like their peers, not because of pity, but to skin them.

"100 people followed Captain Tong to clean up the battlefield, and 200 people looked for the vice president to see people alive and corpses." Without waiting for Lei Kuo to speak, Min Chan said anxiously.

"Find people quickly from the members of the eight groups, take the team as a unit, and pay attention to safety!" Lei Kuo gave orders rudely to Min Chan and had no other opinions.