Bounty World

Chapter 39 Guild Fighting

Yin Yu rarely saw Vice Chairman Shao frown so solemnly. The faint handsomeness overflowed from the shallow wrinkles on his forehead, which made people feel both worried and respected.

In Yin Yu's mind, Min Chan and Xu Ge are both surprising little guys. For Xu Ge, she almost lost the self-esteem of women. No one in the bounty guild knows that the 30-year-old maid fell in love with the 16-year-old vice president. For Min Chan, she almost followed crazily. On the one hand, it was due to the second sustenance of Xu Ge's feelings, and on the other hand, it was also because Min Chan's seemingly weak but extremely powerful endowment shocked her.

Yin Yu continued to report: "After successfully putting the original eight groups into the hands of Ge Xiuniang, Chairman Lei has recently begun a major reform. Elders like Tong-style have also been excluded to the second line. It seems that the organizational structure of the first and the third pair will be proposed in the near future."

Min Chan patted the table and said, "This is my miscalculation. I didn't expect that Lei Kuo not only hooked up with the Bounty Chamber of Commerce, but also got involved with the employment guild. Because of the deterrence of the employment union, I can't act rashly.

Yin Yu proposed: "The more this form develops like this, the more likely it is that the bounty guild will be slowly be eaten away, and the split plan is imperative."

Min Chan shook his head and said, "Now the split has undoubtedly found an excuse for Lei Kuo. He has long known that we are secretly working to prevent us from splitting out. Recently, I checked the hunters of Ge Xiuniang's group, and most of them have tens of thousands of imperial coins in their accounts. Obviously, with the financial resources of the Bounty Chamber of Commerce, Lei Kuo began to buy the old hunters who led to the eight men.

Yin Yu only felt chaos, and she didn't know what was wrong with the Bounty Guild. She just felt a feeling of deterioration and drifted away in Zheng's old house.

Min Chan got up and said, "There is only one way now!" That is to propose to the government to increase the upper limit of the entire bounty guild. Under this condition, I will talk to Lei Kuo about the leading framework.

"What are the benefits of doing this?" Yin Yu asked.

Min Chan laughed and said, "If the upper limit of the Bounty Guild is successfully approved, then the group I lead can expand the number. In the case of the same base, carefully select excellent talents and overcome the numerical advantage of the other party through elite tactics.

Yin Yu nodded and suddenly realized.

Min Chan said, "If every hunter in our group can beat four opponents, even if they are three times our number, how can they be our opponents?"


"What is Shao Yi talking to you about the leadership framework of "one principal and three mates" to increase the personnel limit of the whole bounty guild?" Wang Wan looked at Lei Kuo inconceivably.

Leikuo pushed the woman in his arms, turned his mind a few times, and finally gritted his teeth and attached it to Wang Wan's ear. "He also proposed that if the leadership framework of one head and three deputy are successfully established, then the four regiments of the Bounty Guild will implement the "Group Divided Interest Law", that is to say, each regiment can lead. Under the decision, implement the rights and interests of selling demon elixir.

Wang Wan twisted the pink nipple of the woman next to him and said with a low smile, "Does the whole kid want to separate and treat the bounty guild?"

Lei Kuo said: "Although this is not a good proposal from the perspective of overall unity, it is also an excellent opportunity to kick Shao out of the bounty system from another perspective."

Wang Wan buried his face in the woman's breasts and breasts. He looked up and smiled grimly and said, "That's right, the lifeblood of the whole bounty world is in my hands. If I don't sell him a demon elixir, let's see how he can support the members of the group."

"What about raising the upper limit?" Lei Kuo brought the fat woman to his side again. The woman looked angry, but her body seemed to enjoy it. Under Lei Kuo's pick, she whispered a little scary.

Wang Wan patted the white buttocks of the woman beside him, seemed to be responding to the whole question, and smiled, "It's no problem for me to hook up, but you have to go to the fat man of the mercenary to discuss the specific matters. Anyway, the last 10 million was still paid by our bounty chamber.

Lei Kuo sniffed rudely and smiled, "Recently, the hunters of the Bounty Guild, I'm afraid they have spent more than 10 million yuan in half a week in your red Luan Tower."

Wang Wan said, "It's hard to make money. You know, although women are not consumables, they are fragile. When did your men come here and not torture the girl into a human form? The most annoying thing is to let me spend a week to rest?"

Lei Kuo laughed and said, "Well, after this restructuring is successful, I will give a dead order. How about the members of my three regiment to come to the Red Luan Tower to pick up girls and not allow you to nod your top cards? Haha."

Wang Wan said, "Well, you hunters sleep, and you mercenaries sleep. Let's just refresh your hunters' lower body."

Leikuo said, "That's of course. Who can afford that money except us?"


"Banana, open the door!" Wang Wan sent Lei Kuo away and came to his daughter's boudoir to discuss something with her. Because Wang Jiaoer was born to do business, Wang Wan has taken care of her family's business for a long time, so she wants Wang Jiaoer to give herself some advice when she encounters anything important.

"Dad, I'm sleepy. If there is anything important, just tell me tomorrow." Although Wang Jiaoer's voice is still beautiful and pleasant, it is a little sad to listen to it carefully.

With a sigh, Wang Wan left his daughter's room. He knew that his daughter had been silent since she knew that the boy named Xiang Ba had disappeared.

He also loved, hated and hurt, but finally gave up. Born in this big family, it is not their happiness. Because of the reality, they need to give up many things, such as so-called love, friendship and even family affection. Because countless people in the whole family are waiting for them to send wealth.

Wang Jiaoer's face was full of tears. Her heart was so painful that she held the clothes she wore when she hugged Xu Ge tightly that day and had sunk to the edge of sadness.

There may be a little smell and smell on his clothes, but Wang Jiaoer still can't feel the strong boulder in her heart. She cried in a low voice, not wanting Linger, who was waiting next door, to hear it.

"At this moment, as long as he is alive, even if he can't be the young lady of the Wang family, he will always go with him."