Bounty World

Chapter 184 The gloom outside the wind (poor heart

At night, Wang Xin was as fearless as ever. He began to run around Shaanxi Yuancheng without those fox friends in Xichuan County, but he still had a lot of fun.

I booked a box, in which three or four beautiful fireworks women were invited, all half** bodies, to enjoy themselves.

swallowed a grape, and Wang Xin sterned and was very satisfied. For him, it seems that he will never get tired of this kind of life. Without women, wine and delicious food, he will feel uncomfortable. Although Li Sizhi helped him prepare a luxurious room in the house, he felt that such an environment was still the most suitable for him.

The romantic, he brought himself a business card. Speaking of the first prodigal son in the world today, who doesn't know the eldest son of the Xichuan royal family? Parents with a little money will teach their children and say, "Don't work hard. Don't learn from Mr. Wang's Peach Blossom. He looks like a good man, but in fact, his heart is rotten to the bone."

Wang Xin never seemed to care about these words. On the contrary, every time he heard such words, he felt more and more at ease. People always have to live in different worlds. Everyone is an upright person. What's the point of such a world? Therefore, since Wang Xin became sensible, he vowed that he would walk into the world in a different way and then change the world.

"Prince Wang, someone is looking for it outside." The mother reported carefully outside the box. Wang Xin is full of super VIPs in the land of fireworks. He can't be offended, otherwise he will be against a lot of imperial coins.

Wang Xin's beautiful eyes turned and smiled, "Let him in."

After a while, a handsome boy came in.

"Ha ha, it's not good for a girl to come to a brothel. And if it were still Tang in Eastern Shaanxi County, it would be even more excessive. Wang Xin glanced at the woman dressed as a man in front of him, but his hands were as restless as ever. He rubbed the woman lying on his lap and made her breathless.

The handsome boy was undoubtedly Tang Xiu. She looked at Wang Xin's dirty movements with a heavy face and said, "Is the prince of the Wang family really so unbearable? Can't we wait for us to negotiate and then do these third-rate things?

Wang Xin smiled and pushed the half** person on his leg again and said, "I didn't expect Miss Tang Xiu to be not only talented, but also had a strong mouth. This has eliminated most of my desire. Come on, what do you want to do with me today?"

Although Wang Xin still smiled so*** at this moment, there was an indescribable temperament in his eyes. This feeling is a bit like Xu Ge and Min Chan, which is called self-confidence.

"You must have guessed something. I want you to help me destroy Min Chan!" Tang Xiu's beautiful face became a little scary in an instant. The word "destruction" is a little scary to say from such a weak woman.

Wang Xin sneered and said, "Look at the jealousy in your eyes for Min Chan. Although I don't know why, it's a little interesting for a woman to be jealous of a man. At this time, Wang Xin had no appearance of Mr. Peach Blossom. His eyes not only showed shrewd, but also showed the power to see through people's hearts.

The prince of the big family has a ever-changing personality, but he is not as deep as Wang Xin. In the eyes of everyone in the world, he is a hooligan, cowardly and only knows how to enjoy gentle and romantic dungry. This is because no one understands him, and it is precisely because no one understands him that he is happy to play this role.

Tang Xiu knew that the man in front of him had strong strength. Wang Xin, a doddy, has acquired most of the brothels in Qinchuan mainland without a sound. Perhaps even Wang Wan, the owner of the Wang family, did not know that Wang Xin's income in one day had far exceeded that of the whole family.

Wang Xin is walking in the underworld. In the whole underground world of Qinchuan mainland, except for the sixteen rudders of Tiannan, there is no one who can match it. This is strength, and it is also the effect of his years of camouflage and wandering in flowers.

"Do you know the unspoken rules?" Wang Xin said with a bad smile.

Tang Xiu has abandoned himself in the past few days and led Wang Xin through his own admirer, or a master of flowers. Of course, she knows the unspoken rules, "As long as you help me do this, I am willing to dedicate my body to you."

Wang Xin smiled evilly and said, "I'm not the kind of person who likes to eat false cakes. I'm not so stupid to make a promise that I won't necessarily fulfill for your future. Yes, from the surface, Wang Xin is a playboy, but inside, he is a businessman. How can a businessman touch something that has no interest?

After saying that, he stood up, and the soft lying thing under him seemed to be unable to raise his head. Tang Xiu also thought of this step for a long time without any withdrawal. He half knelt down and put his mouth up. Although it was the first time, Tang Xiu had also seen the acting skills of the Li family's performance team, and carefully sucked the thing in his mouth at this moment. In an instant, the soft thing began to expand and harden, and suddenly stuffed his mouth.

"Hm!" Tang Xiu felt that he couldn't breathe and wanted to spit out the huge thing with a little fishy smell. At this time, Wang Xin seemed to have become another person. There was no usual timid whisper. He grabbed Tang Xiu's bun and cruelly sent his ** thing to Tang Xiu's mouth.

Tang Xiu felt that the thing was stuffed directly into his throat, and a dry nausea sound came from his throat.

But she tried her best to endure in order to get rid of Min Chan, who took her lover.

Wang Xin felt happy, and only at this time did he feel the pleasure in his heart.

The beautiful beauty is constantly sucking, and her saliva has wet her body. However, he still felt a little dissatisfied. He accelerated his speed, pulled away at a high speed, and stuffed it in, so that he could feel his real existence.

One day, those who look down on me in the world will submit to me.

Wang Xin finally pulled out what was under him, and Tang Xiu's saliva and tears had covered his whole face. The other women in the box have left knowingly, and they all know that Wang Xin doesn't like to do that in the eyes of others.

Tang Xiu let out a painful pain, and a feeling of tearing himself from the position of the heart. Wang Xin entered her.

This is not only a physical pain, but also a feeling of heartbreak. She felt that the beautiful woman in front of her turned into a demon and pushed herself away from Li Sizhi step by step.

But I have come to this point, and I have simply become the devil.

Tang Xiu sandwiched under his body, and Wang Xin suddenly felt a burst of numbness penetrating his whole body.

"Haha!" With the cooperation, Wang Xin began to get excited and freely kneaded Tang Xiu's full and delicate chest. At the same time, he kept moving under his body, pushing Tang Xiu to the peak in an instant.

Tears, tears of jealousy, tears of anger, tears of corruption, between panting and howling, separated from their own eye glands and dripping into the pink body.