Bounty World

Chapter 227 Fisherman's Profit

The quail and the clam competed for profit. When the demon and the Sichuan horse organized a war, the wolf group began to gain benefits. Although there are some other rangers on this ancient battlefield, the emergence of the third emerging force can completely occupy those treasures lost due to the great vitality of the Sichuan and Malaysian organization.

In the ancient battlefield, demons can drive monsters to fight, but there are also some areas where monsters can't be driven by demons, so these places have become key areas of competition. Because there are many people organized by Chuanma, these areas have always been well guarded. Now Chuanma has organized ten teams, which is greatly damaged. These locations have also become the key places occupied by the wild wolf group.

Xu Ge and others were personally taken on the road by Mochou, followed by Ren Yixin and Gu Lan. Their team was the most powerful and the difficulties they faced were also the most difficult. All of them remained in a very serious state. The girls behind Gu Lan came to the battlefield and restrained their initial laughter and became qualified female warriors.

The illusion of the ancient battlefield is still as illusory, and the phenomenon of beauty and evil comes from time to time in the air, but people have not encountered any difficulties under the leadership of Mochou. They have confidence in Mochou and know that no matter how big the difficulties ahead will become easier. Such a strong leader has undoubtedly brought great confidence to this battle.

After walking for about dozens of miles, everyone slowly slowed down in a sinkhole.

"This is the largest gathering place of monsters in the ancient battlefield today, which has been occupied by the Sichuan horse organization. Pay attention to several caves on the top of the mountain, where the most powerful soldiers are ambushed. Now the biggest problem we face is how to break through the surveillance of those people. Don't worry.

Xu Ge thought for a moment and suggested, "The current situation looks a little difficult, but in fact it is very simple. As long as those guards and monitors are eliminated, it will be fine."

Mochou shook his head and said, "It's easier said than done. We only know that there are people in the cave, but we don't know how many caves there are. As long as one person finds our traces, it will inevitably lead to the Chuanma organization to send a large number of people here to reinforce."

Min Chan said, "There is only one way, that is, to send a small number of people to attract their attention and make them mistakenly think that they are just scattered rangers who have broken into here, so as not to disturb the big shots of the Chuanma organization, and you can also take the opportunity to enter the demon area."

Mo Chou meditated for a moment and said, "This is also a good way now, but who will do these baits?" Mochou looked at the soldiers around him. The powerful and experienced old soldiers had been transferred to other areas. Although Ren Yixin was strong, it was so obscene that it was reassuring. Gu Lan was also quite powerful, but after all, she was a female streamer and could not let her take risks.

Xu Ge and Zhao Min looked at each other and said, "The two of us can go."

Mochou looked at Xu Ge and Zhao Min deeply. To be honest, he was still a little hesitant. Xu Ge and Zhao Min are both young people with potential. As long as they are carefully polished and cultivated, they must be master warriors like Guo Jia. But now that they have just entered this ancient battlefield, if they want to take on such an important responsibility, there seems to be A little bit of seedlings helped.

Xu Ge was a little hesitant when he saw Mochou and explained, "Don't worry, regimental Mo, if we can't come out, you can send two more people up then."

Mochou sighed that the newborn cow was not afraid of the tiger and said, "Well, I'll give you an hour to clean up all the caves around the sinkhole. If you can't succeed, withdraw quickly. Don't fight hard." The difference between the wild wolf group and the Chuanma organization is here. The wild wolf group attaches more importance to the lives of soldiers, while the Chuanma organization attaches great importance to the so-called righteousness, that is to say, for the last goal, any sacrifice of anyone's life is not worth it.

Xu Ge and Zhao Min jumped out of the hiding place briskly. The sinkhole was full of sand and stone, and there was no shade to cover their whereabouts. The two seemed to have known this situation for a long time. When they jumped out of the enemy's vision, they moved forward at high speed, ready to catch those guards and surveillance soldiers off guard.

When Xu Ge and Zhao Min felt very smooth, a sharp roar cut through the sky and broke through layers of barriers, as if to ask the intruder not to take another step forward. Rui Xiao surprised Xu Ge and Zhao Min with a strong deterrent, but they rushed to one of the caves at high speed with stronger beliefs.

There is a man sitting in the cave, ** with his upper body, and under him is a witch who has been stripped a little messy. The man does not seem to have enough pleasure as before, and he is very disgusted with the intruder in front of him.

"Brothers, kill the two fools in front of you quickly. What a bastard, destroying my interest." After saying that, the half-naked man began to swim on the witch under his body. Although he was a little reluctant, the witch began to call delicately under the man's hands, and he could see a crystal ** slowly flowing down on the inside of his thighs.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be very good-looking, but it's enough **/sang. I like such a witch." Without saying anything, the half-naked man changed the posture of the witch, rubbed his tongue against the witch's leg, followed the crystal**, and sucked all the way up. The witch seemed to be electrocuted and began to tremble all over.

"Woman, I haven't done anything to you yet. Why are you reacting so much?" The semi-naked man is a little strange. He still puts one hand in the arms of the witch and kneads wantonly, but the witch's transitional reaction has made him a little strange.

The other hand reached into the flowers and felt the delicate and humid warm area. The half-naked man suddenly felt a tingling pain penetrating his heart. The black-blooded sperm spear, black, with a murderous spirit and terrible pressure, sent the ** man in front of him to the world of bliss and sorrow.

The half-naked man couldn't close his eyes. He couldn't have thought that the two men in front of him would come so quickly, and the men he sent seemed to be killed face to face.

Xu Ge and Zhao Min's strength has reached an incredible state. Originally, they could deal with the masters in the middle level of myth at the peak of the legend. Now once they break through the myth, their strength has soared. Even they themselves do not believe that their strength has soared after a short rest of a few days.

The half-naked man knelt on the ground and was directly poked into a cold heart. In fact, the demon girl in front of her had already seen the two people killing all the way. Like a demon-like god of war, she had already scared her. So just now, the half-naked man's self-righteed means made the witch very excited, but she was confused, and the ** in the half-naked man's mouth was not a good wine but a little coquettish/flavored miscellaneous liquid.

Getting used to all kinds of death methods, Xu Ge did not feel any opinion because of the despicable death methods of semi-naked men. They just quickly jumped into another cave and prepared for another assault.

The second cave was carefully prepared and was not washed down in an instant. On the contrary, Xu Ge and Zhao Min took a lot of effort to kill everyone.

"This won't work. I don't know how many such caves there are now. If we go down recklessly, I'm afraid that we won't be killed by the enemy, but will be exhausted by ourselves." Xu Ge sighed secretly and pulled out the black-blooded spear from the last enemy.

Zhao Min unexpectedly did not express any emotion, such as "What is this cave? I, Mr. Zhao, can handle it all by myself." Instead, he began to grope around the surrounding walls, "Haha, I knew that there was actually a secret path between this cave and the cave."

Zhao Min patted a brick. Because of the right force, the brick sank in, and the whole cave quacked, "Haha, if we rush in from their back now, we must be able to kill all of them."

Xu Ge laughed and said, "It's mostly because of you."

The two rushed in along the inner road. For a moment, the whole sinkhole or beast began to be lively, and the defenders who had not been challenged for nearly a hundred years were disturbed by two young people.