Bounty World

Chapter 237 Battle Disk

The battle skill plate is sent to them. Although all the combat skills need to be exchanged, this simple device can roughly judge the value of the monsters they have killed. This is not in the Chuanma organization. It was accidentally obtained in a battle with demons in the early stage of the wolf group.

There is only one battle skill plate. According to Zhao Min's personality, of course, he took it in his hands. The so-called "treasure with heroes" Xu Ge looked at the war skill plate shining while muttering demonic words, obviously broadcasting the data of war achievements.

In addition to some strange words that can't be seen, there are also general official documents of Qin Chuan and Yama, which is obviously a calibration after many experiments.

"There are more than 200,000 achievements, and if they are divided equally on everyone, there will be 40,000 to 50,000." Yin Lihua glanced at the scale, then entered the core of the battlefield to clean the battlefield and carefully identify the remains of those monsters that could be exchanged for battle achievements.

Xu Ge shook his head. Although he had a lot of achievements, he was far away from his goal. He never forgot that he entered the ancient battlefield to find a way to rescue him. Although he could only rush out of this ancient seal after he achieved a certain degree of combat achievements, but if he didn't even find a way, how could he feel at ease? Go?

Min Chan looked at Xu Ge and sighed in his heart. As a brother, of course, he knew what Xu Ge was thinking and comforted him: "We have to start doing things separately, not only to prepare for rushing out of the ancient battlefield in the future, but also to find ways to save Cui Ranran."

Xu Ge looked at Min Chan with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will cheer up. After all, time is too tight. We can't waste time on depression."

Xu Ge said the heart of everyone in the field. What is a monster and what is danger? As a warrior, what he fears most is not the external danger, but the strong sense of urgency of time. Everyone in the field is the elite of Qinchuan and Malaysia mainland elites, and they have always been constantly making goals and plans for themselves. Success is a process, and countless subtle breakthroughs finally come together. In this process, everyone is their own master. Only when the master is diligent enough can the final result be made.

Zhao Min clenched his fists and said, "There is no time to sigh. Let's go down quickly. The girl is in the middle, and I walk in the front. Well, Xu Ge is at the end."

Zhao Min looked at any of his obscene heart without saying a word and said, "You are a martial arts break. If you want to follow me, if I die, it will be your turn."

Whone's mouth squirmed twice, but he still sat down and decided.

In this way, six people maintained a neat formation and rushed deep at a high speed. The situation was not as simple as before. When I was halfway, the battle skill plate suddenly began to growl.

"Stop!" Min Chan shouted that this situation was very unusual. Along the way, they did not find a monster at all, which was extremely smooth. Now when they encounter the battle disk, they are constantly tweeting, indicating that there must be a large group of people nearby slaughtering monsters, which led to a reaction to the battle disk.

"The sound of the battle disk is so loud that it must have shocked the enemy on the opposite side. Let's rush straight to make a quick conclusion." Xu Gedao. This is also the best way. You can't escape. It's better to face it and make the most correct and rapid response.

Six people nodded at the same time and rushed into the battlefield like a fast-running dragon, but the scene in front of them was so shocking that they could hardly close their mouths. What kind of human hell is this?


At the Chuanma base, Bian Yu lay in the convalescent room with most of the injured first team to rest. Next to him stood a magnificent old man, Zhang Yi, the first elder of the Chuanma organization today.

"Have you seen the wolf group occupy the Tiankeng beast domain with your own eyes?" Zhang Yi looked at Bian Yu seriously. Under the pressure of this tone, no one would tell a lie.

Bian Yu was tired all the way. At this time, he still got up forcibly, saluted like Zhang Yi and said respectfully, "Yes, my lord, we are sure that more than half of the strength of the wolf group is stationed there!"

Zhang Yi closed his eyes and thought for a moment, "You're wrong. It's not more than half of your strength. Based on the current time, everyone should be there. This time, the wild wolf group was also a victory. They adopted a multi-point confusing method and finally obtained the Tiankeng beast domain, but it was not a good thing for them.

Bian Yu said, "Please teach me!"

Zhang Yi looked at the smart man who regarded him as his heir and smiled and said, "How can the Tiankeng Beast Domain, as our largest natural battlefield, be so vulnerable? They may be able to easily kill all the peripheral guardians, but they will not expect that there are countless of our warriors under the Tiankeng Beast Domain. . Their behavior is just to help us guard the door.

Zhang Yi is right. In front of Xu Ge and others, hundreds of Sichuan horse warriors are hunting monsters, and the battle disk is turning over at a high speed.

"I thought that there might be Sichuan horse warriors in it, but I didn't expect that there would be so many?" Min Chan was also shocked.

One's obscene little eyes turned and smiled, "Why don't we hang out with them? They beat them, we beat us and get what we need."

Min Chan shook his head and said, "Did you see the sign hanging on them? It's the number plate of the Chuanma organization. I, Xu Ge, Zhao Min and Yin Lihua have, but you two don't have.

The Chuanma organization made this number plate in response to this situation. Everyone in the Chuanma organization is required to bring the same thing as this dog tag, otherwise it violates the organization's discipline.

Xu Ge said, "The only way now is to break them one by one." Under such circumstances, avoidance can no longer achieve good results, and they can only find another way to make the whole battle more controllable.

Gu Lan said, "If you want to break it one by one, I have a good way."

Min Chan said, "What's the temptation?"

Gu Lan covered her mouth and said, "That's right!" Although everyone unanimously objected that it was too unrighteous for the five big men to make a girl stand up, they finally decided to destroy the powerful enemy in front of them in such a way under Gu Lan's explanation.

Hundreds of fighters from Sichuan and Horse organizations! That's not a small number, and in the process, it is likely that powerful monsters will appear at any time. Therefore, they not only face many enemies, but also miscellaneous, careful, and more decisive.

The knight with two swords was struggling to kill a python in front of him. From time to time, a large number of fishy ** appeared above the poison core. He was unaware that he only knew that he would kill the python as soon as possible. Killing this python and getting its demon elixir can get at least nearly 100,000 combat achievements. For this huge combat achievement, he has been fighting here for more than ten hours. Since eating some dry food yesterday, he has been fighting with the powerful guy in front of him.

He is used to the stench from the python's mouth. Although the smell is pungent, anyone will be numb in this harsh environment.

The two swords split, and there was a burst of explosion around. The python seemed to be beginning to defeat the strong human in front of him, and a dragon horn that had transformed at one end was split by the two swords. The chivalrous man was a little excited. After all, this was the first time he had hit the python in front of him. Although the dragonfly horn had not yet taken shape, it was a good material for exercising weapons. Because of excitement, it worked harder. The python constantly retreated because of the powerful and hysterical attack of the other party. The poisonous saliva in its mouth has dried up and can't emit a trace. Now it can only rely on the scarred python scales on its body to carry the attack of the chivalrous man.

"Wo!" A red light floated by and shook the chivalrous man's eyes. Who dared to be so bold and shameless to break into his own territory? Could it be that he saw that the python was on the verge of death, so he wanted to take a share?

Just as the chivalrous man was angry, the red light stood still, but it was a beautiful character. Her white and fat skin emitted a holy light. At this moment, the chivalrous man could only give up his dream of pursuing the truth of martial arts and dedicate his soul to the beautiful woman in front of him.