Bounty World

Chapter 335 Pain and Gain 1

Chu Tiange stood majestically on the scene, and the warriors of the Ama Temple began to fight with the Blue Blood Demon Sect with him as the center. Of course, the strength of the Blue Blood Demon Sect is far more than that, but most of the strength in Xihua Mountain today is just the strength of Zixiaotang. Although the four blood of Shenwu was brave, it was abolished by Chu Tiange as soon as it came up. Although the cooperation between the three bloods is equally strong, it can never give Chu Tiange a fatal blow.

Tang Ran appeared without deterrence. Although the previous excessive consumption damaged his strength, he was quite relaxed in the face of those ordinary mythical warriors on the field. In a few moves, he opened a blood road between everyone. His goal is very simple. He must get a strange treasure.

Huh? Tang Ran was not only very strange. Although he knew that there were still masters lurking in the field, he did not expect that there were two people, both of whom were women.

"The Seven Emperors of Shuiyun?" Tang Ran held the ink sword and made a judgment from the breath of Shuiyun. The slightly older woman opposite was as cold as frost, with a faint cold breath all over her body, as if she could freeze the whole world.

And another woman, he can't see the door, but his whole body exudes the spirit of immortality above the myth.

Shui Yun laughed softly and said, "Why don't you let us go if you raise your hand today? I think this will also be good for the Temple of Yama." Shuiyun's simple words have hit the point. Although the Yama Temple has an advantage in the scene, the main reason is that Tang Ran, the spiritual pillar, is probably not a wise move to fight with Shuiyun.

Tang Ran sneered and said, "Ha ha, it is said that the seven emperors of Shuiyun are the immortal female heroes. Today, they really live up to their reputation. This fisherman's profit is really good."

Tang Ran has begun to move while talking. For such mythical figures, of course, they will not have a word that weaken the momentum, but will have scruples, but will be more firmly believed.

Mo Jian is no longer so arrogant and arrogant, but like the dust in the wind, slow and silent. Shuiyun rubbed her hands, and several golden lights had flown out, straight to Tang Ran's face.

If Mr. Bai's hidden weapon is born out of nothing, then the golden needle of water rhyme is born without, and the golden light flashes, but it does not bring a trace of sharpness. If you don't have to see it with the naked eye, but experience it with your heart, you will never regard the golden needle flying in front of you as a super lethal weapon. However, Tang Ran will not be so stupid. He still looks very strong in front of this move that ordinary warriors regard as a dark corner.

In the process of driving the ink sword, it also formed a great attraction. Under the huge involvement, the golden needle could only reach Tang Ran's face, but it could no longer fly and fell on the ground.

Shui Yun did not use her fiery and pure personal fighting skills, because she knew that Tang Ran occupied the heel in the Asian continent with close swordsmanship. The earliest nickname of Tang Ran was Ama Sword God, and a sword in his hand can kill the world. Therefore, Qian Wumu is willing to pester Ren Heng, who has become a mortal god, and is only willing to use his bloody puppet to delay Tang Ran.

The seven emperors of Shuiyun are also now taking a long-range attack. The golden needle in his arms is like a firefly flying all over the sky, and the nebula is densely shrouded in Tang Ran.

Tang Ran is not in a hurry, because he has some understanding of the tactics of the seven emperors of Shuiyun and is fully aware of his physical condition. Because he took a lot of drugs, Tang Ran felt numb, let alone whether he could return to the peak after this battle. However, on the battlefield, the final use is to save lives, and I won't think about future things for the time being.

Tang Ran emptied the distracting thoughts in his mind and hummed, but saw Mo Jian change again. This change was no longer magnificent, but extremely low-key. Without a sound, Mo Jian began to circle. Shuiyun was extremely shocked, because two strange monsters jumped out of the circling eye.

This monster climbed on Tang Ran's body and began to bite Tang Ran's meat, while the other one quickly attacked Shuiyun, and her powerful power made her feel weak for the first time in her life.

Dark Transformation! The seven emperors of Shuiyun only heard this spell in the legend. It came from the ancient black witchcraft of the Ama Temple thousands of years ago and attacked the enemy by sucking the blood of the legal person. The crazy drug opened its mouth, and Shui Yun had no choice but to wave the knife in her hand, but this mysterious power was too mysterious to destroy it at all.

The whole person begins to change, and the meridians in the body begin to run at a high speed. A large amount of true qi flows efficiently through the meridians and transforms into essence.

Wh! The small knife emits a strong light, which makes people unable to see, and there is also cold power in the light!

The power of the sky fire is extremely hot, and the cooling of this light is even more horrible. Under the influence of this force, Zhou Wei's air appeared a condensation channel. And when the drug encountered this strange cold force, it began to stagnate.

However, Tang Ran's power is obviously not limited to these. Tang Ran, who was eaten most of his body, seemed a little horrible. The minced meat stuck to his body and seemed to fall off a bone at any time, and the bloody smell kept evaporated from his body. And the medicine that sucked his flesh and blood became huge because it was full of mythical power.

It seems that the Seven Emperors of Shuiyun did not have played with Tang Ran for too long, but in a short time, she felt that she consumed too much power. Compared with the six myths, the seven emperors of Shuiyun are still weaker. If they meet Chu Tiange, there may be a chance to win, but Tang Ran opposite is too horrible to be like a human at all.

Another monster finally flew out of Tang Ran's body and opened his mouth. Shuiyun could only condense the cold force again, and the frozen aura between heaven and earth began to spread, and all the martial artists couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Xu Ge had a bad feeling and said to Yuaner, "Go and help Aunt Shuiyun. I feel that she is not Tang Ran's opponent."

Yuan Yuaner nodded and was ready to play with the jade sword, but found that the monster had swallowed the water rhyme.

When Xu Ge was angry, the situation on the field changed again. The monster seemed to be eroded from the inside by the cold force and slowly frozen into crisp slag, and Shui Yun knelt down on the ground with a pale face, obviously no power to fight again.

"Run!" Yuan Yuaner quickly jumped to Shuiyun's side and grabbed Shuiyun on her shoulder. At this time, a cold breath came from Shuiyun's body, making her tremble all over. However, Xianyuan instantly spread all over his body, canceling out this power.

While Xu Ge on the other side held the treasure chest in his arms, and at the same time, he grabbed Mo Yixin with one hand and began to run to the east of Xihua Mountain.

Tang Ran seemed to be exhausted, and the flesh and blood on his body began to breed slowly. "The strange treasure will always look for predestined people, but it seems that this battle for the strange treasure is not related to my Ama Temple."

Tang Ran looked at the ink sword in his hand. In the battle of God, the alien treasure chose him and Ren Heng, so Yama and Qin Chuan fought against each other and balanced. Now the strange treasure has been taken away by the young man. Could it be that the world will be unified and the power will be condensed.

Maybe I think too much.

Chu Tiange saw that Tang Ran was seriously injured, but he was unwilling to fight with Shenwu again. Several dodged to protect Tang Ran.

"Let's go!" Tang Ran said weakly that excessive consumption had made him unable to speak loudly.

Chu Tiange knew that Tang Ran's decision was absolutely correct, and a strange voice sounded in his mouth, suggesting that everyone would retreat.

"Master, foreign treasure, shall we chase or not?" Long Xue Yueshan looked at the powerless money and was worried about asking for instructions.

Qian Wuhen closed his eyes, "Did Xu Ge take it away?"

"Yes, suzerain."

Qian Wuqi exhaled and said, "The foreign treasure is originally the right thing. My Bixue Sect does not force it, but we must prevent the Ama Temple and the Dharma Sect from obtaining it. In addition, whoever gets it will be ignored."

Qian Ziyan looked at her father distracted.

Qian Wuqi said lightly, "Are you strange? Why did I spread the idea of Xu Ge's blood and sunny day and didn't include him into the blue blood sect?"

Qian Ziyan nodded.

Qian Wuhen sighed, "That boy, I have been paying attention to him for many years. What will he do if I want him to do anything?"