Bounty World

Chapter 353 Traveling with Nephew

The scenery is great all the way, and the singing birds are not singing pleasantly among the trees. There is no yellow sand road, only the fragrance of flowers. Xu Ge looked at the little guy on his back and seemed to feel touched another world.

"Little guy, how's your mother?" Xu Ge looked at the little guy happily. In addition to being similar to Min Chan, he could see the shadow of Yanluo between his eyebrows.

"My mother is not good, my mother is bad, she doesn't want me anymore." It seems that Xu Ge asked about the little guy's sadness in a word, but he was out of control and cried.

Xu Ge has never experienced such a battle. For a moment, he was at a loss and had to coax him, "Little guy, don't cry. I'll buy you candy later."

Hearing this, the little guy choked and blinked his big eyes, "Really? It's the puppy who lied to me."

Xu Ge shook his head silently. He is not in a hurry to return to Longyuan City now. Instead, he wants to go to see Min Chan in Junlin New Town, where Qinchuan's old king is located, and let him see his son. He doesn't expect Min Chan to change his past idea when he sees this little guy, but he still wants to try it.

After so many years, after Min Chan left the Bounty Guild, he had nothing to do with it. Instead, he sometimes used some tricks to separate the relationship between the four counties. Xu Ge knows Min Chan's character. This guy looks extremely cunning, but because he once said that he would not show mercy on the battlefield, he could no longer regard him as a companion.

Absolutely not!

"How long will it take to have sugar!" Under the childish voice of Min Nian, Xu Ge stepped up his pace. It was between Tianyuan City and Junlin New City, and the distance was also far away, but at the speed of Xu Ge, he only walked to the city for half a day.

Xu Ge was a little surprised. Although he had never arrived at Junlin New Town, he was shocked by the prosperity of the city after entering the city. However, he knew the reason in an instant. Min Chan was not an ordinary person. No matter where he arrived, money, freedom and some fantastic management methods arrived here.

The most important reason why Lin Jinhe has not publicly broken up with Min Chan for so many years is that with the help of Min Chan, they have built a new city in six years, but this new city is more prosperous than the previous Qinchuan emperor Tianyuan. Although the main road in the city has arrived in the afternoon, the number of people in the market has not decreased at all. Countless merchants are selling their belongings, while some juggling people show their skills on the street, and everything seems very energetic.

Like the boy on his shoulder, Xu Ge looked at everything a little strangely. After so many years, he lived in the infinite desert. Although his mind was much mature, his vision was still old. He knew how much energy Min Chan had given to Junlin New City to make it bloom like this.

"Little guy, what else do you want to eat?" Xu Ge looked at Min missing on his shoulder, nibbling a bone made with some strange secret method with relish, and asked happily.

Min Nian said, "I want to eat there!"

Xu Ge looked in the direction of Min's finger, but saw an extremely tall building lying in front of them, and he could faintly see the four words "Shentian Food House" written under the building!

"You really know how to choose a place." Xu Ge pinched Min's missing calf and laughed. Xu Ge met this boy and loved him even more after knowing that he was the son of Min Chan and Yanluo. From the interruption of Min's thoughts, he learned that in fact, this Tiannan bounty hunter wanted to send Min's thoughts to Longyuan City in Xichuan, where he was located. Xu Ge knew what Yanluo wanted to do. Maybe Yanluo was happy to see Min's missing, but it was also a kind of suffering. After all, after Min Chan left Yanluo, he was too irresponsible and decisive. Yanluo sent Min's thoughts to Xu Ge, believing that with his relationship with Min Chan, he could definitely better greet Min's thoughts, and Yanluo also took the opportunity to readjust his mentality and life.

Poor woman. Xu Ge sighed, but he didn't blindly blame his good friends. Years of meditation in the infinite desert let him know that Min Chan will never give up his former friendship and the results of his hard work because of power. A bigger world may have appeared in his heart, which requires him to work hard at all costs and abandon countless emotions.

In three or two steps, Xu Ge had come to the door of the towering restaurant, but saw two girls with exposed clothes standing at the door, wearing only transparent and light clothes all over their bodies, and the secret parts could be faintly seen. They were about 28 years old, but they were full of faint amorous feelings.

Xu Ge sighed that this king's new city was really amazing. He covered Min's eyes and entered the hall again and again.

This is a very magnificent high-rise building. After entering, I felt suddenly cheerful. The servant walked away, handsome and said, "What kind of service does the guest officer need?"

Xu Ge was surprised and said, "Is there any other choice for this restaurant to eat?"

The little man smiled and said, "It seems that you are the new king. Our towering restaurant is actually a world with comprehensive functions. In addition to eating here, you also have many other entertainment projects, such as the opera hall, music hall and so on. However, before that, we need to review your identity.

The little man looked at Xu Ge carefully, his face was wide and showed a restrained momentum all over his body. He was dressed as a bounty hunter, but the material was made of the best gold and cotton brocade. And the little child on Xu Ge's body is even more extraordinary. His clothes are Tiannan Yunjin, and his shoes are dragon and tiger boots. The little man is good at observing words and colors. Such a figure is obviously suitable for the standards of the towering restaurant.

Xu Ge smiled, took out three tickets from his arms and said, "Are these enough for identity verification?"

The young man saw that it was actually three million imperial coins and sighed, "Of course, these are enough for identity review. I don't know if you want to join the membership. Today, our house is starting an auction banquet. If you pay a certain amount of money, you can join."

"Auction banquet?" Xu Ge is a little strange, but this is a new term.

The little one smiled and said, "Anyone who is eligible to participate in the auction will get a rich banquet in a small room. Of course, this private room will be absolutely secret, so that you can enjoy absolute safety in the process of auctioning treasures."

"Oh?" Xu Ge has guessed the general meaning of this auction banquet, but he has a little interest. People are curious, especially after living in the infinite desert for so many years, Xu Ge has the impulse to try new things.

said, "We are divided into primary customers, intermediate customers and senior customers according to the membership funds. The membership deposit is 1 million, 10 million and 100 million respectively. I don't know how much capital you want to inject?"

Xu Ge smiled and said, "Let's inject 10 million yuan into me." Xu Ge sighed a little. Fortunately, he didn't change his clothes before the looting. If he changed to the groom's suit, he was afraid he was just a poor boy now. Just as he was about to use up all the cash he had, Xu Ge seemed to remember something important.

"Wait!" Xu Ge paused for a moment and said, "Please help me see how much money is in this crystal card." This card was given to him by Shui Yun before he died and told him that there was a lot of money in it. As long as he died, he would change the identity of the owner and let him protect himself. He has always wondered how much money is in it. Today, this towering restaurant obviously has a very strong strength, and there must be a relevant card inspection system. He also wants to know how much wealth there is in it.

The little one looked at the crystal card. Although it looked a little shabby, it was a very high-level card, so he led Xu Ge to the card inspection table.

"Sigh!" There was a flash of light on the automatic card inspection table, and the little boy sighed, "I'm sorry, there is something wrong with our card inspection table today. Please go to the back and have a rest."

This is the first time to use the card verification platform. It is said that there is a quite complex process inside this card verification platform, which contains your personal identity information and information.

After a while, two old men in exquisite gowns came from behind, walked to Xu Ge and bowed respectfully to Xu Ge, "Young master, welcome to the towering food restaurant."