shang qing tian xia

Chapter 017 Introduction of Mountain Springs

"Irrigation?" Emperor Chu Tian smiled and asked, "Why do you want to pour water?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "To cool the rice, the temperature this summer is relatively hot, so we need to try to restore these rice to the normal temperature it can adapt to."

"However, there are so many rice fields, and there is no river nearby. So many fields need to be watered. How can we water these rice? If water is transported from somewhere else, how much manpower will it take!" Xiaoyao Wang Chu Tiancheng frowned.

When Nangong Bingyu was about to continue talking, a beautiful girl in pink clothes came from afar in the field. She came straight to Nangong Bingyu and called happily, "Miss! Miss!"

Nangong Bingyu looked at the voice, and a joking smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. It seemed that the news of the drizzle was not late. Unexpectedly, did she know that she was out of the palace today?

As soon as the drizzle saw Nangong Bingyu, he didn't care that there were others beside him. The drizzle didn't want to stop. He held his nervous hands straight up and rubbed her with her temples. A drizzle aggrieved tone came to his ears, and crying came out, "Miss! I haven't seen you for days! I miss you so much!"

Nangong Bingyu stretched out her hand, gently patted her on the shoulder, and whispered, "Good rain, don't cry!" There are still a lot of people watching!"

The next moment, the drizzle pushed her away, and her cheeks turned red because of the rapid run just now. She stared at Nangong Bingyu with red eyes and said angrily, "Huh! They didn't cry! Miss will make fun of me! I won't pay attention to Miss anymore!"

Qingfeng looked at the drizzle without three hundred taels of silver here, and was made her smile.

Nang Gong Bingyu smiled helplessly. The girl drizzle is always that kind of straightforward. She can't hide anything from her mind. Obviously, she was worried that she was going to die, and she just comforted her and asked her not to make a fool of herself in front of everyone. Unexpectedly, this girl said she would ignore her?

Chu Tiancheng once saw the drizzle and breeze in the tea garden of Nangong's house. When he fixed his eyes, he also recognized the drizzle of peach-red clothes this time and suddenly said, "Mother, this should also be your maidservant, right?"

Nangong Bingyu shook her head, "No."


Chu Tian smiled and raised his eyebrows. How could it be? The little girl named Drizzle just called her Miss, and the red eyes caused by excitement. At this time, the missing and worry for Nangong Bingyu in her eyes will not be deceptive.

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "Whether it's the drizzle or the breeze I entered the palace, they are all my playmates since I was a child. In the eyes of others, they are my personal slaves. However, in my heart, their status is higher than anyone else, and they are also the ones I can hand over my back without worrying that they will betray me.

"Deliver your back?"

Chu Tian repeated her words with a smile, looked at the two beautiful maidservants beside her, and suddenly envied her. She had a stunning posture that the world did not have, but she was not arrogant because of excessive beauty, let alone the air of a master. Such an approachable and gentle temperament always reveals her intelligence in her conversation from time to time.

As soon as he was born, although he was a prince, he also carried too much. One of his actions and a random decision will always affect the lives of tens of millions of people. One sentence can kill many people and make many people live because of one sentence, but who knows the cold pain of heights? Others only see the brilliance and majesty of being an emperor, but not the loneliness and loneliness behind the emperor.

Qingfeng looked at the emperor who was looking at the young lady in a staringly and suddenly said, "Miss, we are the person who is willing to protect her life."

"Who dares to bully Miss? I have to fight with him!"

The drizzle really lifted her sleeves and waved her delicate pink fist.

Hearing this, the ghost dream, Chu Tianxiao and Chu Tiancheng who were present were stunned and looked at Nangong Bingyu. And this move of drizzle finally succeeded in making Nangong Bingyu laugh, and the pleasant laughter sounded in this field.

After laughing, Nangong Bingyu turned the topic back to business, "Drizzle, where do you prepare the topographic map here?"

The drizzle quickly replied, "I have already drawn it and put it in the house in front of me. Because the picture is a little big, I didn't bring it here. Miss, do you want to go and have a look now?


Nangong Bingyu nodded to the drizzle, then turned to look at Chu Tianxiao and said softly, "Your Majesty, please move to the small bamboo house built by Nangong's family."

Chu Tianxiao didn't say anything, and his face was so deep that people couldn't see what he was thinking. He just nodded and motioned her to lead the way.

Nangong Bingyu let the drizzle lead the way, while she walked and stopped in the back. From time to time, she looked at the mountain that was not too far away and thought about something.

Everyone followed the drizzle to the hut. In fact, it is not a hut. Simple stones are built on the outer wall, and several large bamboo houses are built inside.

At this time, many farmers gathered here outside the stone wall, and some are old, some are young, and some are young. Their faces are full of hope, and they are holding tools for work in their hands. As soon as they see the appearance of Nangong Bingyu, they all fucked and surrounded them, and a posture shocked everyone.

And Chu Tiancheng quickly stood in front of the emperor and protected the emperor behind him, as vigilant as facing a big enemy, thinking that the people wanted to commit chaos!

However, the direction surrounded by those farmers went to the Nangong Bingyu, which was unprotected at the end, completely leaving the emperor and the prince aside. It can be said that they turned a blind eye to the well-dressed emperor and the prince.

But you can't blame these simple farmers. How many of them have seen these royal families in their lives!

And they only saw Nangong Bingyu in their eyes. In addition, the person they are eager to see now is Nangong Bingyu, and no one has seen the emperor, so naturally they will not kneel to them. They rush up and go straight to Nangong Bingyu.

Dozens of farmers have surrounded Nangong Bingyu, and the masses complained loudly and said, "Miss! You have to save the rice we planted this year!"

Seeing that the crowd was surrounded, Qingfeng quickly stretched out his hand in front to protect the young lady and said anxiously, "Everyone has something to say slowly. Don't hurt the young lady!"

After hearing Qingfeng's words, the eager people stopped moving forward one after another, and one of the elderly uncles stopped, looked at Nangong Bingyu, who had not yet stood on his feet, and complained, "Miss, everyone is finally looking forward to you! In the past, the young lady taught us how to make rice produce more food, but this year we have tried our best to grow rice according to the knowledge you have taught before, but this year's rice has an empty valley. What should we do? If there is no harvest in spring ploughing, how can we live in winter!"

As he spoke, the old man's cloudy eyes slipped down the old tears.

Seeing this scene, Chu Tianxiao's heart seemed to be choked by something. These farmers with worried faces were all the people of the Dajing Dynasty. Since he ascended the throne, the weather has been fine.

However, this year, an empty valley unexpectedly appeared, and all of them were natural disasters. Although he was the son of heaven, he did not have the ability to change God's will. He felt sorry for what happened, but he didn't know what to say to comfort the farmers.

Nangong Bingyu was surrounded by farmers at first, and Qingfeng couldn't help but retreat freely because she was protecting her in front. As a result, when she retreated, a stone was there, causing her staggering and her whole body to fall back, and she was about to sit on the ground.

I don't know when she has been following the ghost dream behind her, but she quickly reached out to hold her falling body. After casting a grateful look at the ghost dream, she turned her head at the farmers and said sincerely, "Uncle Liu, don't be sad. I came this time because of rice. There is a problem. However, I hope everyone can believe me and cooperate with my arrangement, so that everyone's rice will not be really grainless.

As soon as she finished her words, the old man named Uncle Liu was overjoyed and couldn't wipe the tears on his face. He asked excitedly, "Miss! Do you mean that you have a way to save these rice?

Nangong Bingyu gave him a positive smile, "Hmm. However, I still say that if you believe me, I will guarantee that everyone's rice will not be grainless.

"We will definitely believe in Miss! As long as the lady says let us go east, we will never go west!" Uncle Liu quickly clarified his position. However, surprisingly, his answer was echoed by everyone.

"Yes! Miss, whatever you want!"

"Miss, if it weren't for the idea you have given us in recent years, you will always come to the field and tell us what you need to pay attention to in every spring or autumn season. Each of your suggestions has increased our grain production and made our whole village live a slightly richer life! Miss, you have worked hard for us over the years. How can we not believe you?

"Yes, yes!"

Nangong Bingyu smiled at everyone, "I have seen everyone's support for the Nangong family over the years, and I also thank you very sincerely. However, for what happened this time, I need to take a closer look at the topographic map around here before I can arrange a specific implementation plan for you, so why don't you go back to rest and come back to the bamboo house tomorrow to find me?

Uncle Liu seemed to be the leader of this group. As soon as he heard Nangong Bingyu's promise, he quickly nodded, wiped away the tears on his face, and said to the people in the same village around him, "Have you heard it? The young lady asked us to go back to rest first and get through this difficult time with us tomorrow! So we must have a good rest tonight, work hard tomorrow, and do what the young lady ordered. Does everyone understand?

"I understand! Got it!"

Everyone said in one voice.

"Then let's all break up and come back tomorrow."

"Miss, let's all go back first." Everyone simply said goodbye to Nangong Bingyu, and she nodded to everyone, "Okay, everyone should have a good rest. Maybe everyone will do something harder tomorrow."

"Good. OK."

Everyone gathers quickly and disperses quickly.

When everyone dispersed, Qingfeng patted his chest and looked frightened. He took a long breath, "Miss, they finally dispersed. I was just scared to death. I thought they were going to be bad for the young lady!"

Hearing the words, Nangong Bingyu smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "I was also shocked. How did I know it was just an empty valley that would cause such a great panic?"

Gimeng looked at the Nangong Bingyu with her back, but raised a strange feeling. Because of the fragrance on her body, he had not approached her before, but also deliberately approached her. He just felt that she had an inexplicable power that would attract him to unconsciously approach her and approach her.

However, just when she was about to fall to the ground, after he helped her up, the memory many years ago seemed to be in front of her, because the little girl with a phoenix tattoo under her collarbone would also have a faint and unique fragrance.

And this noble concubine named Nangong Bingyu also smells like the little girl back then. Will she be the same as her?

Gemon stood behind Nangong Bingyu with a thoughtful expression, but no one noticed it.

Chu Tianxiao glanced at Nangong Bingyu. Just now, the farmers' trust in her was completely from the bottom of his heart, and he also saw that there would be inexplicable respect in the eyes of those people. Where did this respect come from?

For the secretive eyes cast by the emperor and the prince, Nangong Bingyu said nothing, but strode into the bamboo house in the stone wall.

When you walk into the room, the decoration is not luxurious. Bypassing the green bamboo screen at the entrance, it is the garden table, chairs, and press the table.

Right opposite the platform, there is a huge window, which almost occupies the whole wall. Looking out of the window, there is actually a huge lake with a panoramic view of the green lake.

Everything here is so elegant. Although the house is simple, it makes people unable to move their eyes.

As soon as Nangong Bingyu stepped in, the drizzle had prepared tea and handed it to her, with mischievous eyes. She could see clearly what had just happened, "Miss, were you shocked just now?"

Nang Gong Bingyu gave her angrily, "How dare you ask these farmers to come here?"

When the drizzle heard it, the lady already knew it and quickly explained, "Miss, there's nothing I can do. They always ask me what to do, and you didn't appear in the field, and I don't know what you can do. So as soon as I knew that you were out of the palace today, I informed them to come over so that they could feel at ease.

"Your Majesty, please use tea."

Qingfeng's words broke Chu Tianxiao's stunned, and then he came to his senses and took the cup of tea from Qingfeng's hand.

Chu Tianxiao lost his mind, and ghost dreams were included in his eyes. Although his handsomeness was not as good as the emperor, there was an indescribable dust, a few less evil breaths, and a little more scholar's literary quality. He slowly drank the tea just handed over by the breeze and found that these teas were actually newly picked spring tea this year. The Nangong family is really rich, and this tea is hard to find.

When Nangong Bingyu came all the way, he also felt thirsty. He took a sip, put the teacup aside, and walked to the big rice paper on the table.

This is a topographic map of this neighborhood, which she asked the girl to draw, in order to see how to save such a large area of rice. After all, it is not modern here. Modern times can also apply fertilizer to these rice, but where does this Dajing Dynasty come from?

Therefore, everything can only try its best to minimize the damage of this empty valley disaster from natural and existing conditions.

Look at the picture, there is still one kilometer away from here, and there is still a road into the valley, and there are mountains and springs in the valley. It will be relatively easy to introduce these mountain springs into the fields, but this requires a large project, the direction of the water flow needs to be changed, and it also requires a lot of manpower.

After thinking about it, he has come up with a solution. Next, it is not a matter for him to worry about. He said all his views and said what the emperor Chu Tianxiao wanted to do. Now what the emperor has to do is to send out his army to help the waterway and smoothly introduce the water into the field.

Chu Tiancheng frowned, "If we do this, how long will it take for the water to reach the field?" And how many fields and such a huge project will take a long time.

"If the prince and the emperor do their best to help these farmers, then 20 days or a month."

"Are you sure?"

"Hmm. And during this period, my Nangong family will also dispatched all the familymen to come here to help. In addition, the farmers here will also contribute to help, so it must be completed within 20 days. After thinking for a moment, Nangong Bingyu slowly promised and looked back at Qingfeng, "Qingfeng, go and call all the men here in Nangong. Let them arrive tonight, and they also need to bring some hard tools.

"Yes, I'll do it immediately." After saying that, the figure of the breeze has disappeared into the bamboo house.

The bamboo house became quiet and everyone thought about it.

Chu Tianxiao looked at the departing breeze with a thoughtful face and felt a steady and restrained inner breath, like lightning's agile speed. Unexpectedly, the maid who had been beside Nangong Bingyu, was actually a hidden master, and his martial arts was by no means under the inner guard in the emperor! Such a person is actually willing to live under others, and he is also such a weak woman who is dissatisfied with Double Ten.

Seeing Qingfeng's respectful attitude towards her, she should be sincerely convinced. Looking at Nangong Bingyu again, she leisurely picked up the cool tea and drank it.