shang qing tian xia

Chapter 042 Poisoned [2]


Qingfeng called the young lady in panic, but no matter how panicked she was, there was no way to wake her up. I reached out and felt the young lady's breath. Fortunately, she still had a little breath, at least not cold!

Qingfeng had no choice but to send a red fireworks signal out of the window because of the sudden poisoning of the young lady. Now she urgently needs her sister to help. Now that the young lady is poisoned and unconscious, what should she do?

Moreover, she couldn't think of what to do. As she walked around the house, there was a fresh fragrance from her nose that made her feel dizzy. Following the strange fragrance, she looked up at the place where the fragrance emanated. Unexpectedly, there was a pot of green jade-like plants in the room, and when she looked at the potted plant , the panic in the breeze's eyes, because the shape is so similar to what the ghost doctor once said - dragon leaf grass.

How can such a rare thing be in the lady's room?

Qingfeng wanted to continue to think about it, but she found that the internal strength in her body had been lost, and her consciousness was getting more and more blurred. Finally, she didn't know everything.

When it came to dinner, Chu Tianxiao didn't know why. He always felt that he was being held by something in his heart and felt that something was going to happen, and Nangong Bingyu still hasn't come to apologize to him so far! This guy is so abominable! How can you turn a blind eye to him like this!

He suppressed the anger in his heart and sent the bodyguards around him to find Nangong Bingyu. Anyway, he asked her to refuse him any more tonight!

But after the bodyguard invited him, he came back and rushed in and shouted, "Your Majesty, it's not a big deal! The noble concubine and the maidservant around her were poisoned to death!"


The news was as amazing as a bolt from the blue. Everyone who ate in the hall was so shocked that they couldn't even hold the green chopsticks and looked at the angry emperor in the hall who roared like a head.

Chu Tian smiled three steps and walked to the guard and asked harshly, "What did you say? How could she be poisoned?

"I don't know this subordinate."

Chu Tianxiao couldn't stay in this hall anymore and hurriedly ran to the wing room where Nangong Bingyu lived.

When she came to Nangong Bingyu's room, she found that her maid fell beside her, and she happened to sleep peacefully in **. Her face was quiet, but her purple-black lips made people tremble.

This discovery made Chu Tianxiao feel that his heart seemed to have been suddenly hollowed out. He couldn't imagine that he was still angry with her at the hour, but now she is dead? This gap between life and death suddenly made him unable to accept it, and more so much that his heart was so touched that he could not breathe.

"Ice Jade..."

This sound was muttered, and a tear had slipped on Chu Tian's smiling face. He is not a saint, and he admits that he likes her.

When she really liked her, it was the time when she negotiated with him to leave the palace in the imperial study. At that time, her intelligence and calmly argued with him, her jewel-like eyes made him see the confidence in her eyes and made him wonder why a female generation could be like that in front of him. Confidence?

She is not afraid of him, or she is not afraid at all in her eyes, but plain and indifferent.

But now she has closed her eyes and can't hear him anymore, because she is dead.

Once recalled with her, they returned to his mind one by one, only letting the tears in his eyes slide down uncontrollably. On this day, the guards who followed the emperor saw the emperor crying with the imperial concubine for the first time, and it was also the first time that the emperor had lost his original The majesty, the emperor's bleak sobs seemed to have lost his favorite.

Three days later, the monks of the whole Qingxin Temple were ordered by the emperor to be killed and buried with them because no one could tell the reason why the imperial concubine was poisoned.

Hearing the news of the death of the imperial concubine, Master Nangong was so anxious that his hair was all gray overnight, and his second room was rich everywhere, but she could not accumulate much, because Nangong Bingyu had already arranged a drizzle to transfer all major property to the southern barbarians.

As soon as he heard that something had happened to the lady, the drizzle directly knocked Master Nangong unconscious and directly took Master Nangong to the border of the Southern Barbarian Kingdom. She can't mess up what the young lady has arranged!

The emperor did not immediately bury the imperial concubine, but ordered the whole Qingxin Temple to be converted into her mausoleum, a coffin made of century-old ice, so that she could sleep in the ice to preserve her complete body. In addition to his heartache, he did not forget to rearrange a group of maids to guard her mausoleum.

Ten days have passed and returned to the palace. The emperor was once depressed, and more importantly, he didn't even go to the harem.

The Empress Dowager Ling Caili saw all this, and Ling Concubine also saw it, but the two of them cleverly chose not to say anything, but silently accompanied the emperor, comforting those people who could not come back to life, and let the emperor lift his spirits and deal with state affairs.

On this day, when she came out of the emperor's bedroom, the Empress Dowager and Concubine Ling strolled in the imperial garden. The two maidservants beside them sent away and looked at the bright red flowers in the distance. The Empress Dowager said lightly, "Linger, it seems that your aunt underestimated you."

Ling Linger's appreciation for the Empress Dowager's tone was just a faint smile without answering. It's over, and she doesn't have to pay attention to it anymore, does she?

"What do you want to do next?"

In response to her aunt's question, Ling Linger smiled and said, "Auntie, Linger needs to tell you one thing, that is, I'm pregnant."

"Oh? Are you pregnant?

The Empress Dowager Ling Caili was shocked. At this time, she was actually pregnant? In this way, the mother can be one of the four concubines with her son.

"Yes. This was also detected when the imperial doctor diagnosed me yesterday. Ling Linger's face was full of joy, and her hands couldn't help touching her belly.

The Empress Dowager Ling Caili smiled and said, "If you gave birth to a prince, then our Ling family can win the world!"

Ling Linger raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled at her. The smile with a knife in her smile made people tremble. The mystery in the harem was really incomprehensible and untouchable.

Here, when the bubbles of Qingfeng Building received the signal from the breeze, it was nightfall. She was dressed in red, holding the software in her hand, and was carrying out the task outside. The task was just halfway through. Qingfeng Building either did not take action or completed it. Of.

After thinking about it, it must be that Xiaoyuer has nothing to do. If you want to do something with her, you'd better finish what's in front of you first. You can see her tomorrow morning at most. There should be no problem one night later.

What Paopao didn't expect was that what was spread in the whole Jingzhou City early the next morning was that the imperial concubine died strangely in Qingxin Temple, and the emperor also ordered the monks in the whole Qingxin Temple to be buried with him one after another!

This discovery shocked her and kept going to the Qingxin Temple. She was even more suspicious. Wasn't this ghost doctor beside Xiao Yuer? How could Xiao Yuer die? Will all this be Xiao Yuer's plan?

However, if it is Xiao Yuer's plan, why would the monks in Qingxin Temple be buried by the emperor? This is so unusual! When she went to Nangong Mansion, she found that the whole Nangong Mansion had already been empty. As soon as she asked the people next to her, Master Nangong had left, and the second aunt of the Nangong family had long been rich and left with her little white face.

Sweat! What the hell is Nangong Bingyu doing? So that she can't find anyone!

I came to the original Qingxin Temple, and everywhere was so heavily guarded that even a bird could not fly in. Not to mention that she wanted to go in and see the body of Nangong Bingyu. After waiting outside the temple for three days, she didn't hear anything.

Until the emperor returned to the palace, the defense was finally slightly relaxed, and the useless bubbles could only pretend to be a maid of honor and sneak in. When I just sneaked in, I couldn't stand the news. I heard the maids of honor that the maids who accompanied Nangong Bingyu also died.

The breeze is dead?! The whole person is as dull as a wooden chicken.

Bubble stood there unsently. It took a long time to come to his senses and asked the maid, "What about the ghost doctor?"

"Ghost doctor? It is said that he left the night before the imperial concubine was poisoned, and he has not been seen until now. The emperor also ordered to find a ghost doctor!" The maid replied unsuspectingly.

After hearing the maid's reply, Bubble was angry again. The ghost dream guy was actually not there! It's really disgusting! Didn't she tell him not to leave Nangong Bingyu?

When the maid saw that Paopao was a new face, she actually commanded her to do things, "Well, are you new here?"

Bubble nodded.

"Well, let's go and clean the tomb of the noble concubine today. You have to clean it up. There can't be a trace of dust, otherwise I won't forgive you!" The maid of honor ordered with a straight face, but she was happy in her heart. She finally didn't have to face the dead man today. Although the noble concubine is beautiful, she is dead after all. Is it possible that she will not be afraid at all when she looks at a dead person?

Bubble was about to find Xiao Yuer's tomb, but she didn't expect that the maid of honor came to the door. She quickly pretended to be clever and agreed.

With the unknown maid of honor, she came to a hall. After entering the hall, the maid of honor often moved to the table, and the stone door slowly opened. "Well, you quickly go in and clean it. After beating, come out quickly. Inside is full of mausoleum made of ice, for It's better to preserve the mother's body, so you can't delay it.


Bubble nodded to show that he knew and quickly walked to the mausoleum under the ground.