shang qing tian xia

Chapter 045 The little girl

At sunset and the rising moon, Paopao and his party finally left the Qingxin Temple. It can be said that they walked without any movement, and no one could find the three of them at all.

Think about it, Qingfenglou is originally a killer. Isn't it just taking two people away? For them, it's easier than flying.

For two consecutive days, they rode thousands of miles and finally returned to Jingzhou City and the base of Qingfeng Tower.

Qingfeng Building is actually nothing, just a pub that sells alcohol.

And what kind of wine does Qingfeng Building sell? Only one! - White wine.

There is no other wine except liquor, so the business is very bleak.

However, Qingfenglou does not make a living from liquor. On the contrary, the people who come to Qingfenglou are all here to talk about business, and all of this is received by the guys of Qingfenglou one by one.

Then collect the information, show it to the shopkeeper to see the reality, and then hand it over to the killers in the Qingfeng Building to consider whether to accept it or not. If they receive it, the killers will open their own bids and start the transaction.

After they came back, Guimeng put the Nangong Bingyu behind him gently. When he was about to turn around and leave, Bubble roared, "Where do you want to go? Isn't it to save Xiao Yuer?"

"Sister! I also have to prepare a potion to cure her. Now the poison has entered the body, and she has lost consciousness and is in a coma. The only thing I can do is to steam the toxins on her body by steaming. The ghost dream shouted helplessly. This bubble really can't stand it for a moment. You have to pay attention to the method of saving people. It doesn't mean that he can save them immediately if he wants to save them. Moreover, he has not found a way to detoxify the poison of dragon leaf grass, so the most important thing is to find out the origin of dragon leaf grass first.

Otherwise, he still has nothing to do.

Although Nangong Bingyu can wake up briefly by steaming poison, the toxins in her body will continue to exist. Drugs must be used to suppress the toxins in her body to prevent her from really poisoning.

The bubble was stunned, "steamed? Do you mean to throw Xiao Yuer into the big tank to soak it?

"This is the only way, the poison of dragon leaf grass, you know better than me. At present, I don't understand it at all. I can only let her wake up first. But the toxins in her body can't disappear because of steaming. Anyway, it will still leave some sequelae! You also know a little medical skill, so you can look at her later, and I'll control the temperature of the fire and need to let her soak in the potion for half an hour.

"What?! Half an hour? Then you have to steam Xiao Yuer!" When Paopao heard this, he immediately shouted.

"Then do you still want her to live?" The ghost dream asked coldly.

"I..." Bubble was immediately choked by the ghost dream and could only say one word, and then stood there with his head down.

It is rare for a ghost dream to see bubbles like this. They shake their heads funnyly. Bubbles are still the same after all. They are happy and angry, and do things entirely based on their own hobbies. Just as he was about to go out, Su Qi blocked his way, "Ghost doctor, come and do me a favor."

"What?" Ghost dreams are puzzled.

"This noble concubine or something will be handed over to you. And I'm going to take the bubble away now.

"Ha?!" The ghost dream was shocked. Where are you going to take her?

Su Qi slightly squinted his peach eyes, his sissy face was nervous, and whispered, "If the bubble continues to stay in this city of Jingzhou, when the noble concubine wakes up, if the bubble gets the truth, no matter what the truth of the matter will be, it will be inseparable from the struggle in the palace, and the truth will make the bubble Angry. And under the rage of bubbles, our Qingfeng Tower will fight against the royal family. At that time, the world will be in chaos. For the sake of the world, you know better than me what the consequences will be.

Gemon nodded, "I know your worry, but this noble concubine is still a complete body. When she is soaked in medicine, she will definitely take off her clothes. I'm a big man, how can I look at her body?" At the thought of this question, the ghost dream's heart beat. I don't know why he was scared and his heart beat like a deer.

When Su Qi heard the words, he actually slapped him on the back of the head and scolded, "Bastard! You are saving her life! I saw it. At worst, you married her! Anyway, her name of Nangong Bingyu can't be used now! Otherwise, what should I explain if the people who taught this Jing Dynasty have heard it?


After the ghost dream obediently spit out a word, she didn't know what to say. Even if he liked her, she was not the kind of person who was willing to stay for anyone. Her heart was free. She had talked to her and knew that she was a wandering life.

Su Qi secretly glanced at the bubble on the other side and found that she was touching Qingfeng's face, with a face of love, and did not notice the conversation between them at all. Su Qi dared to secretly say to the ghost dream, "Don't say that I'm not righteous as a friend, I'll tell you a secret."

"What?" The ghost dream asked blankly.

"That noble concubine is the little girl you have been looking for for many years!"

After hearing Su Qi's words, Gui Meng's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable. How could this happen?

Looking back at Nangong Bingyu, who was in a coma, would she be the little girl who fell off the cliff?

At that time, the master went out to collect medicine, and he was told by the master that he could not carry silver needles before he left the teacher, so even if he could save her at that time, he could only watch her be taken away by that group of women.

"Well, the whereabouts of the person you have been looking for for many years, I also told you to do whatever you like. As for me, I have to leave with bubbles!" Su Qi patted Guimeng on the shoulder, "What's the matter? Contact me with the special signal of Qingfeng Tower. No matter where I am, I will come back."

Gemon's whole body is already in a state of stagnation. How can you think of anything else? He didn't listen to Su Qi's words. He looked at Nangong Bingyu in a stunned way and couldn't think in his head.

And Su Qi, who was beside him, approached the bubble and knocked the bubble so coldly. He picked up the bubble and said to the ghost dream, "I cremated the body of Qingfeng for me, and then sprinkled the ashes of Qingfeng on the back mountain of the Qingfeng Tower. Qingfeng has liked to go there most since she was a child. There are memories of her and bubbles there. I will ask you for everything.