shang qing tian xia

Chapter 072 Sunny Building [1]

When Nangong Bingyu was closing her eyes in the attic, the drizzle came in and whispered in her ear, "Miss, General Changgong of the Southern Barbarian Kingdom has reserved a place for the sunny building at night."

The room was settled for a while, and just as Guan Junjie thought she wouldn't say anything, her soft voice sounded.


Nangong Bingyu still didn't open his eyes. "Do they have any activities tonight?"

With a beautiful face, she was very happy. When she asked the young lady's question, she replied with a smile, "Miss is so smart! It's worthy of being the head of our Nangong family. I just said a soft word, and the young lady knew that there was a mystery here.

Hearing the maid's flattering compliment, Nangong Bingyu opened her eyes slightly, fixed her eyes at the drizzle, smiled at the corners of her mouth, and joked, "Oh! Why is our drizzle so sweet today? What honey have you put on? Come on, is there anything you want to do?

And the drizzling eyes picked up, but they were silent for a while and said with a smile, "Miss! You don't look down on people. I've decided!!"

What does it decide? Looking at her narrow eyes, Nangong Bingyu had a premonition that what she said next must be amazing.

Sure enough, he didn't disappoint her and said what made Guan Junjie stunned, and Nangong Bingyu raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Seeing the drizzle, she said word by word, "I'm going to the Yanyang Building--whoring!!"

For the drizzle, Nangong Bingyu just nodded, "Okay. Then go and prepare some men's clothing. Remember, be more gorgeous!"

"Okay, I'll find a matchmaker to find two sets for us immediately." As soon as the drizzle heard that the lady agreed, he was so happy that he couldn't find the north and immediately went out.

Nanggong Bingyu called her, "Wait!"

Huh? Miss, is there anything else?

"By the way, help him with one." Nangong Bingyu's eyes fell on Guan Junjie's body, and his meaning was clear.

"Good." The drizzle glanced at him and turned around and went out.


The sunset and the moonlight is the most special time of the day. There is not only the warmth of the sun, but also the tenderness of the moonlight. Unfortunately, the two are always short-lived.

Nangong Bingyu leaned against the mahogany carvings and velvet deck chairs prepared for her by the drizzle, enjoying the rare beauty.

At this time, the drizzle held a silky satin, light blue rolling golden-edged men's clothing embroidered with silver silk ripples, walked to Nangong Bingyu, unfolded it to her and asked, "Miss, is this okay?"

Miss sometimes wears men's clothing when talking about business or going out for a long trip. The last time Miss came to Jicheng, there was also men's clothing left in Jicheng. This afternoon, she finally asked the matchmaker to make this men's clothing out.

However, the young lady especially asked for a gorgeous and rich style today, which made it difficult for her. Usually, the young lady wore simple clothes. She looked through all the men's clothes brought out, and then went to the street to search around. Finally, she found this one that was barely gorgeous. Then let the matchmaker modify it. There should be no problem now.

Nangong Bingyu sat up straight, took a casual look, nodded and smiled, "Hmm."

Thinking of going to the Yanyang Building tonight, she still wanted to laugh. The girl Xiyu vowed to go to "prostitute".

In the past, she went to visit the brothel by herself. The drizzle always said that she was deviant. Anyway, she had no special feelings about where the brothel went. In the brothel, in the modern place, it was a bit similar to a modern bar.

There are all kinds of people, but it can also be said that it depends on who is more able to do it, so the news will naturally come quickly.

However, it is said that the first prize of the Yanyang Building tonight is a girl named Inviting the Moon.

In the future, Jicheng has heard that the girl who invited Yue is indeed different. It's good to see her. More importantly, the drizzle is finally a little girl, and she talks rampagely. If she accidentally offends the people who should not be offended in this Jicheng, it will be bad.

The drizzle has begun to change her clothes. Nangong Bingyu looked down at the cotton cloth wrapped by the drizzle on her chest, thought for a moment, and said to her, "Try another piece."

This cotton cloth is so tightly wrapped around the body that one piece is already out of breath, and it is not more uncomfortable to wrap another piece. Holding his clothes, the drizzle frowned slightly and said disapprovally, "Miss, it's okay to do this usually. If you want to feel uncomfortable."

It's okay at ordinary times, but not prostitutes! Nangong Bingyu smiled and stretched out her hand to smooth the frown of the drizzle and said gently, "It's okay. Bring it."

There was nothing we could do. The drizzle came into the house and took out a piece of cotton cloth and carefully wrapped it in Nangong ice jade.

Raise your hands so that the drizzle can help her tidy up her clothes, continue to put on her coat, wear a jade pendant, comb a green silk bun, and then fix it with a purple and blonde crown. After proper care, the drizzle said with satisfaction, "Miss, all right."

"Well, you take Guan Junjie to the door first and wait. I have to take someone with me."

"Okay, miss." As soon as the drizzle heard that he could start, he immediately left.

Nangong Bingyu took some more silver tickets in the house and patted his face. After everything was done, he walked out of his boudoir and walked to Master Nangong's residence. As soon as he saw the old man of her family, he asked, "Dad, have you rented a carriage?"


Master Nangong snorted and stopped answering.

Hearing his unwillingness to reply, Nangong Bingyu deliberately dragged his voice and stressed: "Be the most gorgeous!"

"It's the most gorgeous!"

Master Nangong's deep voice was obviously depressed, and his face was so angry that he didn't want to talk to her. Looking at his father's appearance, Nangong Bingyu's desire is not too obvious to be funny. After all, his father's expressionless face is much more kind and cute than when he heard that he was going to take him to prostitute.

"Since the carriages are all here, let's go."

Master Nangong raised his head and was about to teach the daughter in front of him so that she could not always do unexpected things. When she had to be a lady and be a lady, he found that the person standing in front of him was a beautiful face, tall, with no ordinary woman at all. Dressing up as a man's twist, but free and easy, coupled with the constant warm smile, he is really a lively and elegant prince.

Seeing his father looking up, Nangong Bingyu straightened his clothes, opened the jade fan in his hand with a crack, and smiled at him and said, "Let's go!"