shang qing tian xia

Chapter 097 Go to the appointment [2]

★★★★★This book is first published on the Chinese website★★★★


Nangong Bingyu wiped the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve. Although the woman did this, it was very indecent in the so-called upper society, but Nangong Bingyu didn't care. She didn't have the habit of wearing a handkerchief, and she really didn't know where to put it! Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Nangong Bingyu replied easily, "The so-called beautiful scenery should be enjoyed in a pleasant mood, so that you can feel its beauty and charming. I'll have a good rest and stroll up slowly. You go first. If she doesn't rest, I'm afraid she will faint when she goes up.

Nangong Bingyu has not calmed down and gasped. Knowing that it is difficult for her to continue, Bei Yanyue looked at Jingchen, who was the same natural school around her, and asked with a smile, "Where's Brother Wang?"

Jing Chen didn't think for a long time. He walked to the boulder beside Nangong Bingyu, sat down on the other side and smiled, "I also agree with her words." This woman is very interesting. The more she comes into contact with her, the more extraordinary she feels. She actually makes people want to know her and get close to her. Her elegance does not come from her appearance, but from its pleasant and quiet charm.

Everything about her has long made him so moved to a woman.

Bei Yanyue gently raises the corners of her lips, which is good and interesting. It seems that Wang Di really likes Nangong Bingyu. If they can really be together, it will be a happy event for the Arctic country! Since there is nothing to do with her here, now she still has to watch the sunset first. The good show here should be on the stage soon. With her eyes flowing, she nodded with a smile: "Well, excuse me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

Nangong Bingyu was speechless. She didn't expect that Jing Chen would give up the rare sunset of Longcheng Mountain and accompany her to enjoy the wind and forest?? She really doesn't want to be alone with him. It feels like he is not a simple person.

And what made her speechless most was that Bei Yanyue just threw her here and directly let her face her brother Wang.

That's all. Let's be accompanied by someone.

Nangong Bingyu hung the wind-blown hair behind his ears, sat on the boulder, put his hands on his knees, and held his cheeks. Just now, I was really tired when I came up. Now I sit down relaxed. There is a breeze blowing on my face, surrounded by green, and the low cry of birds or insects, which makes Nangong Bingyu feel a little bit thirsty. If there were no one around, who could lie on the boulder, look up at the blue sky, take the sky as the quilt, and take the stone as the collapse, it would be really an elegant thing.

Jing Chen sat on the other side of the boulder and kept observing the woman in ink, as if she was about to close her eyes, showing her leisurely. He thought that if he didn't say anything, she could completely ignore his existence and quickly enter the dream. Being so completely ignored is really a special experience for him.

Just as Nangong Bingyu's eyelids were about to be completely hit, Jingchen's clear voice sounded at the right time: "Has Miss Nangong ever been a match?"

Nangong Bingyu slowly opened her eyes and sighed in her heart. She still cleared her throat and replied with a smile, "The slave family has been married."

If it hadn't been for the appearance of Bei Yanyue and his father's injury, and the Southern Barbarian country wanted to resist, he would have married a ghost dream.

Instead of dragging it until now, let the ghost dream leave...

Jing Chen shook his head gently and said seriously, "You know that his body is both casual and quiet, and his lazy and indifferent charm makes people unconsciously want to approach and chase."

Nangong Bingyu stretched her waist without hesitation, and then slowly turned around. She was looking into Jing Chen's eyes and answered his words, "Sir, you know that the arrogant momentum on your body and the coldness in your bones make people unconsciously want to stay away from and escape."

Jing Chen raised the corners of his lips with a smile and asked in a playful tone, "So, young lady and I can't be friends?"

Nangong Bingyu does not shirk falsely. They really can't become friends.

Even if the poison god in front of him can solve the poison in his body, this is no longer the point. She didn't care whether she was poisoned at all. Nangong Bingyu tapped her head and smiled and said, "You and I just met in the pool, and it's a rare pleasure to enjoy the scenery and the wind together today. Why do you have to stick to these?"

Nangong Bingyu's straightforwardty did not anger Jing Chen. He nodded and smiled: "Miss is reasonable. Jing Chen has something else she wants to ask Miss.

Since everyone else has shown such a gentlemanly demeanor, she also simply replied calmly, "You don't have to be polite. It's okay to say it directly."

"Miss and Sister Wang are old acquaintances?" Although they often quarrel, their feelings are very good.

Nang Gong Bingyu shook her head with a smile: "That day, the sunny upstairs was only the first time I saw it, and later I became a confidant." Thinking of her first meeting with Bei Yanyue, Nangong Bingyu still couldn't help feeling funny. If it hadn't been for the girl drizzle, she wouldn't have won this "beautiful name" for a song.

No? Jing Chen said in disbelief, "Then the young lady was not visiting friends that day, but completely~~"

In the middle of what he said, she stopped. Nangong Bingyu thought funnyly, can she still go whoring? I have never seen the ancient culture of the brothel culture. Anyway, I have to look at the rumors that she can become the goddess of inspiration for some poets.

Following his words, Nangong Bingyu replied with a smile: "I heard that the women in the brothel have outstanding talents, understanding and soft words. If there is a chance, they will naturally go to see it. It is indeed a good place for people to linger."

Jing Chen really couldn't understand it and said curiously, "Miss, do you think the brothel is a good place?"

Nanggong Bingyu nodded and replied with a smile, "Yes." If it's not a good place, why do you have to go? In addition, I was drunk and dreamed of death. Isn't that also a brothel? It's just a casino and a bar.

Jing Chenlang laughed and asked with great interest, "It's really interesting to hear a woman say this for the first time. I don't know what she thinks is good?" This woman always has some special explanations.

"Anything will have a reason for its existence. Good and bad are relative. Of course, I don't agree with married men lingering in the streets and willow alleys, but as for those who are unmarried, widowed, or other people in need, the brothel is indeed a good place to relieve." The brothel of this era is still controlled by the government, which is relatively standardized.

Nangong Bingyu just doesn't understand that the brothel of this era can still be opened openly. In his own era, he will be shouted for pornography by the police every day.


Jing Chen was stunned by Nangong Bingyu's words, and then laughed and said, "Interestingly, Miss's words are really straightforward. I also heard a man say that if there are no *, profiteers and corrupt officials in the world, the world will be at peace. What do you think, Miss?"

Nangong Bingyu nodded approvingly and smiled, "This gentleman's insight is also very unique to come to such a conclusion. Just--

After a while, Nangong Bingyu thought about it and was considering whether to say it or not, but Jing Chen stared at her and waited for the following words.

After a long time, Nangong Bingyu said slowly, "If the water is clear, there will be no fish."

If there is no*, the innocence of many good women is afraid to be dangerous, and the total national tax is at least 20% less. Besides, it is normal for profiteers and businessmen to pursue profits. As long as it can drive the economy and trade, it is a great achievement.

As for corrupt officials, they are indeed hateful. However, those so-called clean officials who flaunt their sleeves, boast of being high and unable to do things for the people and only pay attention to their reputation every day are not as cute as some "corrupt officials" who will accept bribes but are ashamed and can do some practical things for the people.

"If the water is clear, there will be no fish?"

Jing Chen muttered gently and suddenly raised his head, as if he had changed his head. He smiled heroly. When the water is clear, there is no fish, and he said the unspoken rules of governing the country and family. He looked into Nangong Bingyu's eyes and became hot. Jing Chen said admiringly, "Well said, if there is a exquisite person like you around Sister Wang, I'm afraid that no one will worry about her worries."

Do you have any worries? Nangong Bingyu's heart jumped wildly at this moment. Did he--

Nangong Bingyu's slightly frown never let go, but replied faintly, "I'm afraid there are already such people around Yanyue."

It is rumored that Bei Yanyue's main room is elegant, dignified and talented. What she said just now must have been said. With such a man by her side, she should have no regrets.

Jing Chen looked into Nangong Bingyu's eyes seriously and said firmly, "They are different from you." Maybe they have different customs and talents around Sister Wang, but they don't understand Sister Wang, but she knows the woman in front of them.

She not only knows how to talk to people, but also knows what politics is and what people's livelihood is.

They? What a them.

No matter what she received those men, Beizhiyue will marry them. In any case, what she has gained from them or the concentration of power, or the support of the court, or the gentle charm, each of them is different from her. What's more ridiculous is that when she receives all this, she will finally Blame no one in the world for understanding her?!

Nangong Bingyu didn't want to talk to him any more. She didn't want to get too close to him before knowing his identity, and now she is afraid to avoid it.

There are some things that will happen in the royal family no matter in any country.

And how you look at it varies from person to person, at least you don't admit it.

When the words are not speculative, it should be over. I hope we won't see each other again from now on!

Do whatever she wanted. She jumped off the boulder and slightly straightened the corner of her skirt. Nangong Bingyu still said lightly, "Sit down slowly. I feel tired. I'll leave first. Excuse me."

After saying that, he left without looking back. It's better not to see him and her again.

Jing Chen stared at the figure who was eager to leave. She didn't even listen to his reply and walked freely and freely. How does he feel about her? Curiosity, appreciation, attachment, possession, or something? What about her?

Until Nangong Bingyu went far away, and Bei Yanyue, who had left for a long time, should have gone up the mountain to see the scenery, but she appeared beside him. She approached Jingchen and saw that her brother Wang's eyes were still glued on the figure. She said puzzledly, "Brother Wang, this woman is indeed extraordinary, and it is also Sister Wang's knowledge. If you really like her, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot.

Although Nangong Bingyu is a weak woman, she is an independent woman with her own behavior. She is by no means the kind of woman who is manipulated by others.

Bei Yanyue's voice made Jing Chen take his eyes into the distance and turn to the top of Longcheng Mountain. After a long time, she sighed with a wry smile: "Sister Wang, why did she finally flee in a hurry? Because she doesn't want to participate in anything in the palace at all.

In addition, he has never figured out whether his interest in her is temporary or he can't let go of it.

Time will answer for him.